His future in the industry?
I read somewhere online and I am not sure if the rumor is true but apparently he is retiring from directing after making his 10th film (he actually has 10 films but apparently he views Kill Bill vol 1. & Kill Bill vol 2. as one combined film so that gives him a total of 9). Now I have to say, this is such a pretentious and moronic thing for him to come out and say.
He has been around for roughly 30 years and he’s calling it quits. He simply comes across as a whiny baby. “I’m only making 10 movies wahh wahh I think I’ve done enough wahh wahh my back hurts and I’m tired wahh wahh!.” Now imagine if Spielberg, Scorsese, or Ridley Scott had retired after 10 movies, they would have received a lot of backlash and just think of how many movies we would have not gotten because of them retiring early.
If Tarantino really does retire after his official 10th film, he will undoubtedly be looked at as one of the biggest frauds in Hollywood history.