MovieChat Forums > Quentin Tarantino Discussion > His future in the industry?

His future in the industry?

I read somewhere online and I am not sure if the rumor is true but apparently he is retiring from directing after making his 10th film (he actually has 10 films but apparently he views Kill Bill vol 1. & Kill Bill vol 2. as one combined film so that gives him a total of 9). Now I have to say, this is such a pretentious and moronic thing for him to come out and say.

He has been around for roughly 30 years and he’s calling it quits. He simply comes across as a whiny baby. “I’m only making 10 movies wahh wahh I think I’ve done enough wahh wahh my back hurts and I’m tired wahh wahh!.” Now imagine if Spielberg, Scorsese, or Ridley Scott had retired after 10 movies, they would have received a lot of backlash and just think of how many movies we would have not gotten because of them retiring early.

If Tarantino really does retire after his official 10th film, he will undoubtedly be looked at as one of the biggest frauds in Hollywood history.




If QT wants to retire from being a director that's fine but I think he should be in charge of something in Hollywood whether it be to promote the art of film-making, head screen writer, executive producer, promote independent films, etc. I think QT did peak awhile back but he still makes excellent films people really seemed to like OUTIH.

QT changed film-making forever I hope he makes it his lifes work to inspire and influence up and coming filmmakers.


He also writes his movies while the others you mention don't. You're better off comparing him to someone like Spike Lee who should have stopped years ago.


If you ask me, Spike Lee never should have started. He has made nothing but terrible films from the get-go.


I see no scenario where Tarantino is seen as a fraud. He's not someone like Spielberg, who cranks out blockbusters. Spielberg makes a movie a year, and sometimes two in a year. Tarantino is doing something entirely different, as evidenced by the fact that he's directed only 9 films in 30 years. Even if his final film is a terrible flop, he'll still have cemented a place for himself in cinema history. Pulp Fiction changed cinema in a way no other film ever had, and likely ever will, and his other 8 films have, with the exception of The Hateful Eight, run the gamut from solid to masterpiece. He's already a legend, and quitting while he's ahead will in no way tarnish his reputation.


If he makes an 11th, and 12th, etc., then he'll be a fraud for making such a big deal about his 10 film limit. And I expect him to do just that. The 11th will be built up as his big comeback.


I'd be very surprised if he did that, but if he finds some compelling story that he feels he must tell, I'm all for it. I don't think it will make him a fraud. We've all thought we were done with something at some point, only to return to it later, right? That's human nature, and nothing to be ashamed of.

That said, I can definitely see him focusing more on film history and preservation, and/or the nurturing of young talent, once he stops making films. He just bought a second theater in Los Angeles, one that typically shows first-run films, and has vowed only to show 35mm prints there; no digital. He already owns a repertory house where he curates a great calendar that changes daily at times. He could well become focused on finding and restoring lesser-known classics, and cult/grindhouse fare, and re-releasing them back into the public eye. I remember him doing that with Detroit 9000 back in the '90s, and would love it if he dug up some other not-quite-lost films and shared them with the world.


Then why make a point of saying he's capped at 10? No reason to say that if the possibility you mention always exists. It seems like he made it a thing without anyone ever asking about it. If he does, he has integrity, and he's not a fraud at all. If another idea pops in his head, just like the ones that started off the prior 10 films, and he makes an 11th, just like he made all the others, you can playfully call him a fraud for making his "I'm done after 10" a thing all these years. I say the same about Sean Penn who has retired from or quit acting more times than I can remember at this point.
