I hate that he's anti-Semitic.
I like the guy in movies, but I hate that being a fan of his means that I also have to acknowledge his Jew hate.
shareI like the guy in movies, but I hate that being a fan of his means that I also have to acknowledge his Jew hate.
shareHe offered sincere contrition to both the Jewish people as well as their faith.
Mel didn’t make excuses, and he didn’t cop out with his upbringing, he owned his actions and apologized directly to the people he gravely hurt as well as offended.
People can change in this life and are deserving of forgiveness, especially when they own their shit and demonstrate remorse for their actions.
What more do you want from the guy?
See his apology here.
I don't want anything from the guy. That completely killed any desire I had to see any of his work ever again, and I'm not even among the people he's bigoted against. Here's a hint: It's FAR better not to do stupid, unconscionable things that NEED forgiveness than to have to seek it. He's an adult and should have known better. End of story ... and the end of Gibson fandom for me and many others.
shareHe's offered NO sincere apology.
I saw an interview with him where the interviewer (who later revealed that he was Jewish) was given a hard time by Gibson ("Do you have a dog in this fight?" Yeah, probably, if he's Jewish, and who an blame him?!? 😠), for asking about his anti-Semitic tirade.
That he's apparently now doing a documentary to expose 'Hollywood's child trafficking scandal' goes to show that he still has a bee in his bonnet about the JOOS, because, let's be 100% honest here; when anyone talks about exposing the elites as child abusers (blood libel and all that) what they're implicitly saying is "Look at those evil JOOS. Let's get back at them for killing Jesus" (and Gibson clearly has a Jesus complex, and feels he's been persecuted by the 'evil' JOOS of Hollywood).
Well, I'm so glad you're here to read minds and tell us what is "sincere" and what isn't. He's apologized multiple times, but it's never enough for the people like you who enjoy watching others fall.
shareI'm not the one talking about making a documentary 'exposing Hollywood' as Gibson is.
*That's* the behaviour of someone who seems to thrive on watching others fall.
FWIW, I'm willing to forgive anyone who is sincere in their contrition.
It's strange, you almost seem to be conflating the severity of Gibson's drunken rant to someone being a literal pedo. This is concerning.
The documentary is largely an unknown at the moment, but if it exposes sex trafficking then I'm not seeing what the problem is.
If Gibson genuinely knew about Hollywood sex trafficking, why didn't he come out with this info earlier?
My guess is that he doesn't know any more than any other clueless alt-right conspiracy-cultist with an axe to grind against the 'evil' libs and Joos, and is simply trying to muddy the waters by throwing dirt at the industry that supposedly 'cancelled' him.
We don't know what Mel's exact motivations are, but if this info is true then he wants the Epstein's of the world to be exposed, which certainly cannot be a bad thing.
Your motivations however are strange indeed, as you're apparently much more interested in Mel failing because he made a drunken rant 17 years ago and you apparently can read his mind to gauge the insincerity of his multiple apologies thereafter.
It was simple for me. After that drunken tirade of his, I simply never watched him in anything again, nor rewatched his previous stuff I liked. Too many good choices in spending my time to bother with assholes like Gibson.
shareI'll still watch his stuff, but now I just watch them with disappointment. If I was a Hollywood producer, I wouldn't want him in anything.
shareHe was my No.1 go-to guy for action movies back in the day. The Lethal Weapon Series was my first exposure to him and I've been a fan ever since. He went off about The Jews in a drunk-fueled rant almost 20 years ago and as far as I know, he hasn't had any issues since. It's going to take more than one isolated incident for me to write the guy off
shareWhat's so special about jews?
shareWhat's so special about anyone then?
shareNothing. So what's special about Jews? Why do you worship them?
shareWho said I worship them? I treat them the same as any other religion.
shareYou, and many others, make a big deal out of Jews. Apparently, we HAVE to love them or keep our mouths shut. “To learn who rules over you simply look to those you cannot criticize.” That definitely makes them special, according to some. If he criticized Muslims or Scientology, would that get the same response as criticizing Jews? I don't know any Jews, didn't grow up in a place where Jews lived, and have no feelings about Jews one way or the other but I know they are one of the most hated groups in history and that does make me wonder if there is a good reason. No doubt that makes me antisemitic too, daring to speak of them in other than hushed tones or reverence.
share"You, and many others, make a big deal out of Jews. Apparently, we HAVE to love them or keep our mouths shut. “To learn who rules over you simply look to those you cannot criticize.” That definitely makes them special, according to some. If he criticized Muslims or Scientology, would that get the same response as criticizing Jews? I don't know any Jews, didn't grow up in a place where Jews lived, and have no feelings about Jews one way or the other but I know they are one of the most hated groups in history and that does make me wonder if there is a good reason. No doubt that makes me antisemitic too, daring to speak of them in other than hushed tones or reverence."
You have no feelings about Jews?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Everything you say here says that you have A LOT of feelings about Jews. Maybe if you weren't ignorant about us you would feel differently. It's interesting that you don't know any Jews and never have. Very interesting.
Your problem is that you lump ALL Jews together, especially when you don't even know any of us. You probably lump other groups together as well and count how many work in this field or that field. Really ill. I feel sorry for people like you. And in answer to your question, some Jews are special, some are not. Some Christians are special, some are not, etc., etc., etc. But once you say "the Jews", you're making a whole other statement and showing exactly who you are!
I was remarking on how others, that view Jews as special for some inexplicable reason, react to people who don't treat jews as special, or dislike them for whatever reason. This thread is all about that if you didn't notice. And I'm not the one lumping jews together, that would be the jew worshippers. And no, I doubt you feel sorry for me or anyone but yourself, wallowing in self pity the way you do. But let's be honest about something ... jews have been hated for a very long time by many ethnic groups, it does make one wonder.
shareSelf pity? Jew worshippers? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You're a hoot! Between your ignorance and your ASSumptions, you've given me the best laugh so far today. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Get out more, broaden your horizons and maybe you'll learn something and stop believing such BS. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What a hoot!
shareJust so we're clear ... your position is that jews are not special in any way and shouldn't be treated differently than any other ethnic or religious group? If so, we are in agreement.
shareFolks like you make up ridiculous rumors about "Jew worhsippers", that people have to "keep their mouths shut" and not criticize, or that people have to LOVE THEM - ALL your words. Utterly laughable and yet very anti-Semitic yet you seem to believe it, without ever even having met a Jewish person. Sorry but that's not normal and it's hateful.
Again, the problem with people like you is that you do not point out the bad behavior of certain individuals that might be Jewish - you say "the Jews" - BIG F_____G DIFFERENCE and it's unacceptable. It is anti-Semitic. When I hear about pedophile Priests, do you think I should be of the opinion that every Priest is a pedophile and Nuns are hateful women who like to beat children? Or that every Irish person is an alcoholic?? Or that every Christian is a bible toting hypocrite? Or that all Poles are stupid?? Are all Italians involved in and worship the Mafia?? Are ALL non-Aboriginal Australians descended from criminals?? And those Scots - could they get any cheaper??
Getting my point?????
As a Jew, I certainly think we're special, with certain exceptions, as I'm sure you think your people are special, with certain exceptions. Everyone should be proud of what they are. I see no reason to get into this conversation any deeper. I do think, however, that you need to get out more and stop listening to and perpetuating such trash. And I have to say, unless you've lived in Podunk all your life and have never left, I'm sure you've met Jewish people. We come in all sizes, shapes and colors.
If you've never left the big city you might be shocked to learn that jews are kinda scarce around America. I had a Jewish "buddy," that I never met in real life but we played online games together for years. But I'm not going to have a fit because this actor or that doesn't like Jews any more than if they didn't like Scientologists.
shareWhat you say does make sense.
You must realize, however, that Jews are running the US - check Biden's cabinet, for example.
They are also very overrepresented in the US billionaire class - with around 30 percent of US billionaires being Jewish.
Having said that, I do not lump all Jews together - because this is akin to the 'white privilege' bit - you have a few whites with a crapload of white privilege due to extreme wealth, and then you have a crapload of whites with no privilege at all living on the streets. So, 'white privilege' is absolute nonsense when you look at the facts.
What is true, however, is that you have a segment of psychotic ultra-rich Jews/whites running the show and giving their people a bad name. Will you agree with that statement?
Sorry, but I have nothing else to say and won't entertain your compulsive desire to talk about us. I was quite clear in my comment. If you have some sort of compulsion that makes you obsessed with Jewish people, you might want to see a therapist. Or, if you feel life's been unfair to you and so you resent Jewish people who are rich - even though there are tons of Christian billionaires - a therapist should still be able to help you. Good luck to you.
"What is true, however, is that you have a segment of psychotic ultra-rich Jews/whites running the show and giving their people a bad name."
Yeah, that about sums up society right there. We (whites and Jews) get lumped in with the aforementioned group and as a result ignorant people (who aren't bright enough to realize they are actually racists) judge us all based on that small percentage that are rich and control society.
curiously enough, 'white privilege' term originated from this lady https://thecritic.co.uk/issues/december-2019/no-need-to-plead-guilty/
She was indeed very privileged, coming from a wealthy family. Rather than placing blame on wealth disparity, which I'd have agreed with, she opted to place blame on all white people, even though the majority of whites do not have the privileges she describes. She's lived in a wealthy bubble for all of her life and figured everyone else must be enjoying the same lifestyle as well (or so the story goes - I suspect that's BS - no way she's that ignorant).
Class warfare is very dangerous for the elites - after all, if it takes off, they'll be the targets of the 90 percent of the population (the poor). But turning class warfare into a race war - now that's something the elites (gov. and corporations) could get behind. After all, that takes away attention from the real problem (skyrocketing wealth disparity) and turns into a racial divide - where the minorities (with enough indoctrination) will attack the majority (75 percent of the US is white - the minorities have no chance of winning in that battle) - which not only removes the focus from the cause of wealth disparity, but also protects the real crime syndicate - the 1-5 percent of the uber rich.
Point being - white privilege BS is not incidental. And people who you call racists have actually been indoctrinated into believing that BS - that lady was later placed in a position where she was allowed to spread the concept of white privilege to all schools.
Have you ever wondered why USA has all sorts of annual reminders of injustice by whites against the blacks? Black history month, Martin Luther King Jr. day, etc. The racial divide and distrust must remain at any cost. None of this is incidental.
Some Jews and some non-Jews are special.
shareWhat does that have to do with my question?
shareOh shut up you little fairy. What if he said those exact words about Arabs? Would you still have the same hesitation to be his fan? I very much doubt it. Also, 'anti-semitic' is a non-sensical term in the way it's used, Arabs are also semites.
shareYes I would.
shareNo you wouldn't. You're just a brainwashed dweeb giving special reactions and rights to Jews.
shareTo me it just sounds like you want people to hate Jews.
shareLOL such a typical brainwashed by media response. You're a puppet buddy and you're too stupid to know it.
shareYou're arguing with yourself here. I would say the same thing to any religion or race. I don't know why you're trying to convince me otherwise.
shareThen go ahead. Do you criticize Netanyahu and the Israeli government officials for saying extremely unambiguously racist and genocidal comments towards Palestinians? I somehow doubt it.
shareBoth Palestine and Israel have done terrible things to each other. I definitely criticize Netanyahu for some of his comments. But Palestine voted for Hamas which is a terrorist organization which is why I can't support them. Also, Israel existed centuries before Palestine and the Roman Empire took the land away from Israel. Between Hamas, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, the PLO, Hezbollah and Boko Haram, I can't take any of their accusation against the only Jewish majority country in the Middle East and the world seriously.
shareLol what a completely intellectually dishonest argument that Israel existed centuries before Palestine to justify stealing land. Why don't you give up your land to previous owners from centuries ago? Let their descendants come and claim the house you live in. The Jews that currently live in Israel came from Europe and America, they had no claim to that land whatsoever. And they continue to build illegal settlements i.e. continuing to steal land from Palestinians to this day. The Israeli regime are slimy thieving genocidal maniacs, and it's no surprise someone like you supports them. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Also Hamas came into power in 2006 and there has been no election since. Half the people in Palestine weren't even born when they were elected. But of course you have no appropriate sympathy for the thousands of children continually being murdered. Disgusting. I hope you don't believe in a God because you will have no leg to stand on if there is ever a judgement day.
what a completely intellectually dishonest argument that Israel existed centuries before Palestine to justify stealing land. Why don't you give up your land to previous owners from centuries ago?
he Jews that currently live in Israel came from Europe and America, they had no claim to that land whatsoever.
The Israeli regime are slimy thieving genocidal maniacs, and it's no surprise someone like you supports them
There is no dialogue to be had here if you are trying to justify stealing land and murdering children. I'd like you to try and justify the Nakba in 1948 which started this entire conflict to begin with - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba
Let's start there and see if you have an intellectually honest bone in your body. Do you justify what happened and why.
There are 22 Muslim majority countries in the World. (24% of the World's population) There is only 1 majority Jewish country in the World (0.2% of the World's population).
Lol what a pathetic justification for stealing land that doesn't belong to you
I'd like you to try and justify the Nakba in 1948 which started this entire conflict to begin with
New Sam Harris "Making Sense" podcast - a truly brilliant piece of writing.
5 Myths About Israel And The War In Gaza
8:46 - Myth 1: Israel is guilty of genocide in Gaza
22:31 - Myth 2: International humanitarian law requires that Israel's response to Palestinian aggression be "proportional"
29:56 - Myth 3: The Jews are colonizers, and the Palestinians are indigenous people
33:19 - Myth 4: The atrocities committed by Hamas – along with over 1000 Palestinian civilians – on October 7th were a legitimate response to oppression
35:41 - Myth 5: The two sides in this conflict are equally civilized, equally entitled to respect, and equally worth protecting
Also Hamas came into power in 2006 and there has been no election since.
But of course you have no appropriate sympathy for the thousands of children continually being murdered.
Children in Palestine are not children.
As Arafat said decades ago, Palestinians will outbreed the Jews.
They don't care about their children.
There are a lot of videos where Palestinian mothers talk about having as many children as they can to give to Allah - meaning in death attacking Israel.
You are repeating Hamas/Palestinian/Arafat talking points without understand what they mean.
> The Israeli regime are slimy thieving genocidal maniacs
Hamas/Palestinians are the only ones to openly admit they want genocide against the Jews, and they regularly attempt it.
Sympathy for Palestinian children doesn't help them or anything. If Hamas is allowed to survive, there will just be millions more Palestinian children who grow up as child soldiers, suicide bombers, or protective shields for Hamas leaders.
Someone who doesn't express reason and logic is someone who doesn't care about it or think it matters weighed against their hatred.
You're just repeating the same old Zionist propaganda, unfortunately the world isn't buying it anymore. No one is buying your nonsense so save your breath. Israel has been thoroughly exposed for their genocidal behaviour.
Hamas/Palestinians are the only ones to openly admit they want genocide against the Jews, and they regularly attempt it.
He should seriously repent, change, and be forgiven by everybody.
Murderers can do that. So should racists.
People today will be labeled anti-Semitic for objecting to Israel's bombing of Gaza. What Gibson said in a drunken rage you'll hear regularly from racists in BLM and on college campuses about white people in general, yet those remarks aren't universally condemned as racist. As an example, look up Brittany Cooper from Rutgers University. It's only when the remarks are specifically directed at Jews does the thunder of the elite rain down on the perps, as witnessed recently in the anti-genocide protests at Harvard, Penn, and MIT. Until everyone irrespective of skin color is judged on these matters in the same way, I refuse to tag Gibson with the anti-Semitic label.
share"Fucking Jews… The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,” before asking Mee, “Are you a Jew?”
Mee was a Jewish cop who pulled him over.