MovieChat Forums > Mel Gibson Discussion > I hate that he's anti-Semitic.

I hate that he's anti-Semitic.

I like the guy in movies, but I hate that being a fan of his means that I also have to acknowledge his Jew hate.


It’s pretty simple. He believes in the idea of Jewish power. The most powerful people in the world probably come from different backgrounds, and a disproportionate number of them might be Jews (eg figures like George Soros). I don’t know the exact figures because we don’t seem to know who they all are.

Where Gibson went wrong was in sliming all Jews as evildoers - claiming they started all of the wars, and pointing the finger at ‘sugar tits’ - the Jewish cop who pulled him over. He was drunk and irate, but clearly these thoughts run through his head.

That said, Gibson has worked in Hollywood for a long time and clearly has positive relationships with Jews like Richard Donner, who directed all the Lethal Weapon films, or Andrew Garfield who he directed in Hacksaw Ridge. So I suspect that if you’re a Jew who deals with Gibson sober then he doesn’t harbour any hatred for you.

Similarly, in his drunk phone message to his wife he yelled ‘You walk around with your skirt so high your pussy’s hanging out! I’m surprised you don’t get raped by a pack of niggers!’ Does Gibson hate all blacks? Ask co-workers like Danny Glover and Whoopie Goldberg and they’ll say ‘no’.

Like many people, he’s probably a bit prejudiced, but get to know him one-on-one and he’s a nice guy. He deserved a slap on the wrist but I don’t think he’s an evil man and he doesn’t need to be banished from Hollywood.

I’m actually surprised he’s still making films at all given how many people have been cancelled for far less. There must be some good-will towards him in Hollywood. Now that the Left have turned up their antisemitism as a response to Israel daring to defend itself against Hamas, we could be seeing a lot more of Gibson…


I think there's something deeper with him than Jew hate and racism. I think he has an aggression problem stemming from some sort of personal trauma. A lot of the time in interviews it looks like he's going to snap. Alcohol is definitely an issue too.


I hear that. One saw him in an interview with Stephen Colbert when he was just getting started on his comeback trail - probably around 2016 - 2017 - in that area. ANyway, you can tell how difficult it is for Mel Gibson to maintain decent comportment. It's like he is in a constant battle just to maintain, at the very least, a presentable exterior. I think the guy has very deep-seated problems that go beyond being anti-Semitic. I give him credit though, here we are in 2024. He's made a real nice comeback. Kept himself in check. He hasn't been in any trouble that I know of so good for him.


He looks so fidgety. The guy needs some medication to calm himself down because it looks like he's preparing for the aliens to take him away.


Right exactly. It's a battle for him just to maintain some kind of normalcy. I don't know his full story but I've heard he's an alcoholic. But even that doesn't explain his rage on those tapes from years ago (one with a girl friend, the other with Joe Eszterhas). He sounds like a complete lunatic in those tapes. ANyway, the interview with Colbert was the last time I saw him in person. You'd have to think he won the battle with himself cuz he's been working steadily - with no trouble that I know of.
