MovieChat Forums > Robert De Niro Discussion > Just had a meltdown at a press conferenc...

Just had a meltdown at a press conference

When confronted by Trump supporters



He’s just repeating the same talking points as the 24 hour news networks. I’m not sure why celebrities think we need to hear their political opinions when they aren’t offering a unique perspective


Confirming his 3rd degree belt in the lemming arts.

Reeeeeee orange meteor that killed the dinosaurs!


"News" Networks. It has been some time since there has been news on them, to be sure.


He’s just repeating the same talking points as the 24 hour news networks.

Not exactly. He's cursing up a storm while ranting about Trump, as if it's supposed to convince us of his sincerity. De Niro has turned into a major douchebag. It's getting increasingly difficult to separate De Niro's pathetic current incarnation from the great actor he was 30+ years ago.


He did not "curse up a storm" in his speech---you magaheads love to lie about everything and constantly make up s***, just like your dear psycho lamebrain cult leader trumpsy daisy. You can't even get your lies straight, lol.


His family and friends need to have him committed. He's seriously ill. Not a joke.


Why does he have a podium to speak ? He's an actor.


"He will never leave!"

Uhm, didn't he leave before?


That's the part that leaves me on the floor. And it's a popular belief amongst Democrats. They honestly believe that Trump will become a dictator and that he will never leave. They have nothing to back it up. But idiots on The View, and MSNBC keep repeating it, so the Dems believe it.


In our local paper, a letter to the editor genius was saying that if Trump gets reelected, he'll install himself as a dictator and change the Constitution...

DTS is real folks.



How did all these Chicken Littles survive when he was president for four years?


And Democrats are seriously thinking that THIS assertion is what's going to get them a win in November. But, like James Carville said, "It's the economy, stupid." People will be voting on their pocketbooks. Not on some idea that "democracy is at stake."


That's because if you actually bother to watch his recent interviews and clips from his rallies, these are things he has actually said--these words actually came out of his own mouth. Nobody is making that s*** up---you just don't want to believe it, for whatever stupid reason. Which you could hear for yourself on youtube if you actually bothered to look them up---it would only take a couple of seconds. It's amazing how you magaheads act like nobody is supposed to criticize your crazy criminal nutcase cult leader who can't even be bothered to stay awake during his own trial. Keep being in denial about how insane in the membrane trump's old, tired, worn out, stupid a** is, and keep your heads stuck up his a** simply because you don't want to face reality and stay delusional, like the orange-faced idiot does.


Oh, he said it. But he meant it like Biden's first day, when he undid all of Trump's EO's in one dictatorial swoop.

You guys are like the folks who think Obama really thought there were 57 states. "He said it! The words actually came out of his mouth! Nobody is making that s*** up -- you just don't want to believe it! Blah, blah, blah!" Except he was joking. His point was that he'd been everywhere and then some.

So Trump wants to be a dictator on the first day like Biden. It's okay with you guys when you watch Biden do it. But Trump? Oh, noes! 🙄


They're Hypocrites is why


No way he is, or ever was, 5'10". Everyone surrounding him just towered over him.


You usually loose at least few inches in old age.


Or in DeNiro's case, a foot.


he was about 5'9 peak


They all overstate their height. He was never 5' 9".


There are a number of men in the business who lie about their height. The keep up the illusion on film because the casting director gets nothing but a lot of runts to be in the scenes with them.


I've heard that short men frame better with women in shots, so a lot of male actors tend to be shorter.


Sally Field, when she first started out, was a miserable actress. But practice makes perfect, and she had LOTS of opportunity to practice, since she's like five-foot nuthin'. She makes the short men who just happen to be the rule in Hollywood look like they're six feet tall. She made Robin Williams look six feet tall!

For some reason shorter men seem to be attracted to acting. And if they have enough talent, they'll do well. But it explains why gals like Sally Field or Meryl Streep -- both runts -- wind up playing opposite them.

I have no idea how tall Bruce Willis really is, but he was once in a movie with Jean Smart, who's sincerely about six foot tall. I don't think they had her stand up even once. He does a scene with her sitting in a plane and one on barstools. Smart is as good an actress as Meryl Streep, but she'll never have as many opportunities to play big roles against high-powered male actors. There aren't that many that are tall enough to play against her without looking like midgets.


why is he so hellbent on stopping trump.... is he nervous about something or what.

he must have lost it somewhere along the way.

TDS is real folks and Robert is gone!!


Which list is he worried about Trump releasing?


Nah, Trump is a loose cannon, if he had any dirt on the dirt, he'd release it.

Now, if you're suggesting that some folks high placed in the Democratic party are extorting him, well..


Ah, yes, another possibility.

Shameful what's become of Bobby D...


haha, thats what happens when you have Level 10 TDS.


There is no such thing as TDS. That's some delusional bull**** you trumpers made up to justify keeping your heads up his old, sagging ancient a**, and believing whatever ignorant bull*** falls out of his mouth on any given day. He just got booed off the stage at that Libertarian party event a couple of days ago, because finally, some people can see what a pathological liar he is, and they're not falling for his bull**** any more. There's a clip of that---it was such a wonderful thing to hear. Nice to know that some people somewhere are getting tired of hearing him and whatever bull*** he likes to spew all the damn time.

There ain't jack wrong with what Bobby D said or how he said it, because everything he said about trump the dump is the damn truth. I saw that entire clip---he did not have any so-called "meltdown" like the troll claimed. He simply disagreed with the trumper and moved on. He has every right to comment on trump's BS because as a New Yorker, he knows, along with many other New Yorkers, just what a piece of regurgitated s*** trump is and has always been. In fact, when trump last ran, he got the least votes from New York, and he's from there. That alone tells you that people can't stand his a**, and haven't for decades now. And after Bobby D gave his speech, he introduced the two now ex-capital officers who were attacked by those fckg crazy trump-supporting thugs at the capital building, calling them heroes---which they are. Funny how none of you magaheads mentioned that.

You just love to whine, moan, b****, and have a fckg meltdown every time someone says that they don't love your psycho-ass cult leader trump. Another thing---funny how your trump trolls think left-wing celebrities should not ever have one single damn thing to say about politics, but it's perfectly all right for any right-wing celebrity to run their mouth about politics, as long as they have their heads up the orange idiot's a** like you do. Talk about double standards.


you just went to Level 11 TDS. and 10 is the highest you can go.


Deniro is a jamoke and so are you.


Oi nufsaid16, I'm sure it's your bedtime, toddle off now, and Bob will be up shortly to tuck you in.


And if he plays his cards right, Bobby D will let you suck his fingers like Juliette Lewis did in CAPE FEAR


Wow, you claim TDS doesn't exist and your post here suggest otherwise 🤔
