If you could make a law, what would it be?
Tax all Churches/mosques and whatever other religious institutions
--Michael D. Clarke
Tax all Churches/mosques and whatever other religious institutions
--Michael D. Clarke
shareNew immigrants cannot move to cities where housing costs are among the highest.
shareNo slow driving in the passing lane.
shareHow about no passing in the slow driving lane?
shareThat is acceptable
shareSince there are people who truly get their feathers ruffled by this sort of behavior, just know that on the 4-5 lane freeways of L.A., it is most common that the passing lane, i.e. the fast lane or technically the #1 lane (closest to center/oncoming traffic), is usually in actuality/practice the slowest moving lane, while the "slow lane" on the far right side, is oftentimes wide open for stretches of miles! It boggles the mind.
For example: Myself and two other cars are merging on to the I-405 freeway one after another. The other two think "must get to fast lane" and merge over as soon as possible, while little old me sees a wide open lane in front of me without doing a thing! So I give it a little gas, nothing aggressive, but soon enough, those guys who were "in a hurry" are a mile behind me.
It's all just so weird.
I wasn't being serious. I agree with Mrmojo.
shareDammit, I originally started that post with an "I'm sure you're joking but..." and dropped it in favor of making a general statement about "some people" (present company excepted).
NBD, in L.A., talking about traffic and routes/shortcuts is an actual acceptable topic of conversation at any gathering, so I was on a roll anyway.
I hear there's barely any public transportation.
shareWorse. There is a ton of it, but most trains go from nowhere useful to nowhere else useful. Except if you are in Hollywood and want to go to the Staples Center, pretty much. Otherwise the trains are desolate. And there are also a ton of busses but it's rare that you don't have to transfer at least once, and they don't run all that often, so they'll take two to three times as long to get anywhere compared to driving. This is all hearsay from a guy who rides his bike as much as possible and drives his car as little as possible. $6-7/gal. gas/petrol my arse!
It's all par for the course for California. We've sunk over $5 BILLION in to a high speed rail from L.A. to San Francisco, and it's become a joke far exceeding its budget and nowhere near completion, let alone on schedule. Politicians grifting with developers, car/oil lobbyists greasing the wheels on all the trains to nowhere. Shame, as it is such a naturally beautiful state.
You would think a state with such a high population that there would be stops at the end of every street. I keep hearing that it's better to just own a car or get used to biking everywhere.
shareAll easily explained when you have one single party with almost no opposition in control of everything, and they are in the pocket of auto/oil lobbyists.
On a positive note, I'm in the best shape I've been in years and a good five+ mile ride puts me in a much better mood than if I had been driving in miserable traffic. At my destination I just have to explain I'm sweaty not because I'm kicking heroin, I just rode my bike.
Came here to type this. To clarify: the passing lane, not the "fast lane," is to be used for *active passing* of vehicles only. We can settle on a ___ second grace period, while you make sure you're safe and accelerating under control, but I'd love a vehicle code that basically says you have thirty-ish seconds to enter the passing lane, pass a car, and move back over, or continue to actively pass additional cars as needed, then move back over. No dilly-dallying.
This of course would not apply to city streets, just higher speed highways/motorways.
Imagine the benefit to the flow of traffic if the passing lane was ostensibly "open for business" most of the time?
Death penalty for parking tickets...
Gold star to anyone who knows the source of that joke!
A 'life sentence' should mean just that.
You walk into prison under your own power and you get carried out inert, cold and shriveled on a stretcher decades later.
POTTER'S FIELD FOR YOU...even the next of kin won't want to claim the husk in many cases.
A guy kidnaps, murders, rapes or commits arson on an occupied dwelling and he gets time off for good behavior!?!
WTH IS THAT..? We're all supposed to behave.
Violent creeps should languish in agony and suffer, No cable TV, nothing. Let them rot.
AND NO more weight piles for these serious criminals, they are inside becoming invincible super villains by benching 200 pounds all day long and then we unleash them on the world again? Let these assholes finger-paint, fuck them.
We should also speed up the death penalty process in cut and dried cases. I realize the care we must take before executing a guy but how does a maniac like Gacy or Bundy take seemingly forever to be gotten rid of?
If a politician makes a promise, gets elected and doesn't follow through, they lose their job, including their pension, all their property (and that of their spouse and children) is seized by the state and they are subject to some form of physical abuse, such as a whipping.
Election campaigns would be very interesting.