If you could make a law, what would it be?
Tax all Churches/mosques and whatever other religious institutions
--Michael D. Clarke
Tax all Churches/mosques and whatever other religious institutions
--Michael D. Clarke
Mine is a minor one. More if an inconvenience one. Mostly towards walkers
Like, if you're a slow walker, let people pass, please.
OR, if you're walking in groups of 3 & above, don't take up the whole Fucking path. It literally just happened (again) on my lunch break right now. Three idiots, walking horizontally, chatting & taking up the whole Fucking street.
Can we bring back the guillotine, pleeeease! 😆
A successful conviction for cruelty to animals must result in a minimum length of incarceration
share1. Not to walk on all fours. That would be the law!
2. Not to eat flesh. That would be the law!
3. Not to shed blood. That would be the law!
Are we not men?
Hold elections for Judges. If they turn activist, they lose their job and a new election is held.
sharepreachers can only make $50,000 a year max. let's see how many would stay at spreading the lord's word.
shareBan all meetings at work.
shareMake it illegal to put a toilet roll on the holder with the paper facing the wall.
shareBan Smartphones