Ever been to a gay bar
What was it like?
They do play the best music! I've only been to one in Manchester. It was brilliant. I remember seeing a drag queen there who looked like Billy Zane (who was in the country at the time). I'm still half convinced it was him 😄. Got chatted up by a young lady from Scotland, there was no issue when I told her I'm straight and we danced together for the next few hours. It was a good night, great people and the best music.
Best of all, there were no creepy blokes trying it on.
Don't quote me but I believe it is like this
Terrible house music playing. Crazy drag show where crossdressers were lip-syncing to Donna Summer songs. Got hit on by a guy who looked like Emmit Smith. But had the best grasshopper I ever drank...
shareI’ve been to gay clubs more times than I could possibly count. Great music.
share Wow this reminds me of something I haven't thought of in years! Many years ago I had a boyfriend who worked on Fire Island, off Long Island. I went out there to visit him for the weekend. He was working so I went into a local bar to wait for him.
I got to thinking, "Gee, none of these guys are asking me to dance!" Then I realized that they only wanted to dance with each other.
Lotta good music though and everyone was friendly.
“Lotta good music though and everyone was friendly”
That’s my experience also. The one I went to most often was a techno club in the mid 90s. Lots of laser beams, great music and fog machines.
Yes several times. There's one here that has great shows.
shareNo. I would feel as if I'm entering "their zone." The dudes there want to hang out with other gay dudes, they don't want a straight guy like me there. It would be like a man hanging out during Ladies Night as the bar.
sharea couple of times in niagara falls. not a big deal.
shareCan't say that I have, I prefer a nice quiet pub over a bar anyway.