off the top of my head answer:
woke = a belief that everything has to be seen through the scope of group identity, that race and gender and sex preferences override all, and that these are the most critical things that inform everyone's life and the things we should care the most about.
& that modern society & the u.s. in particular is an irredeemably evil entity that is cancerous to everyone except white men, who all glide through life taking advantage of their never-ending privilege, and are therefore to always be painted as an enemy, a monster who only can be shown as a contemptuous figure.
& of course capitalism is evil. the prosperity we have is a sham, a lie imposed on us. it only benefits the rich. even though they were poorer and worse off in every way, people in the past, whether it was 100 years ago or 50 years ago or some ill-defined time, were better off. we're all dying because of our abhorrent addiction to capitalism, and that's killing us and killing everything. even though we're all actually much better off and there's never been so many people living better and longer. that's still somehow awful and we need to demolish free markets and free trade.
it is only when you recognize this veil of evil that hangs over all of western society that you are awake & now see the rotten evil at our core.
this is the standard, almost dominant message of all culture and media today.
of course, these people talk more than anything about diversity. this is critical, because when you push back against this messaging, they'll just say 'you're racist. you hate the gays. you just hate and want there to be only white men.'
but they are the anti-diversity people. because while they do everything they can to make sure every color and sexual preference is in every story, they will not tolerate diversity of thought. you cannot have anyone making the case for western culture. you cannot have anyone making the case for the greatness of free markets and free trade. you cannot have anyone talking about evolutionary psychology and the biological roots of gender norms or why there are racial disparities. diversity of thought can't be allowed.
only the kinds of diversity approved by the woke are allowed. skin tones. lesbians. rejection of male heterosexuality. that is the diversity to be applauded.
but you can have no variation of thought. wrong-think has to be abolished.
that is woke-ism to me.