"Classic Movies" You Don't Like?
Don't worry how popular a movie is. There are no movies you're "supposed" to like, and I will never question any answer, so just speak freely.
-Dr. Zhivago
-Lawrence of Arabia
Don't worry how popular a movie is. There are no movies you're "supposed" to like, and I will never question any answer, so just speak freely.
-Dr. Zhivago
-Lawrence of Arabia
Gotta be the Rocky movies for me. I just simply don't have any interest at all in boxing. I don't get the joy of punching each other with gloves until someone passes out.
shareyeah but that (boxing) is just the "setting"
you've still got the whole "underdog fights universe and trys to win dumpy pet shop girl " thing
I don’t like boxing as a sport either, but I love the Rocky franchise. Stallone created a film legend for the ages with that character.
shareAny film that is constantly raved about and doesn't live up to the hype. There are many:
• The Star Wars franchise. I remember when the first one was released and people were ecstatic. "Wow, man, I've seen Star Wars, like, twelve times!" I saw it about six months after its premiere and while I liked the film, I didn't see what all the hoopla was about.
• Citizen Kane. I finally saw the complete film on TCM after years of hearing about what a classic it was. I can understand why at the time of its release it was considered groundbreaking because of the direction and photography. Maybe it was because these techniques have become commonplace in filmmaking since then; had I been around in 1941 I probably would have been impressed, but not today.
• Forrest Gump. A charming story, yes, but I wouldn't sit through it a second time. Way overrated.
• Who Framed Roger Rabbit? One of the most BORING movies I've ever endured. Technically impressive, but the gimmick quickly lost its luster because the story was dull. Unlike the other films I listed above, this one gets a definite dislike. I would consider it torture to have to sit through this again.
Fight Club. I thought it started well, but the ending got pretty stupid. Everyone else in the theater seemed to be like, "mind blown". https://c.tenor.com/tvFWFDXRrmMAAAAd/blow-mind-mind-blown.gif
Lawrence of Arabia I can't get into either. I think I'm a pretty patient viewer. I like a lot of movies that aren't just constant action, or don't have any action or violence at all.
I actually fell asleep watching "Fight Club" and woke up at the very end, so I "got it"
I, too, and pretty patient, but there were way too many scenes that were long for no reason, like walking ALL across the desert. Use a dissolve!
Probably a fair few if I racked my brain. But my brain stubbornly refuses to be racked, so the main one leaping to mind is The Exorcist.
I find The Exorcist fairly risible. But it evidently still works its magic on the vast majority of people who watch it, so what do I know?
shareA Clockwork Orange for me. I just found it to be too boring, but it has its rightly deserved place in the history of cinema.
shareLawrence of Arabia (great cinematography and 5k extras does not equal great movie)
Casablanca (epilogue, the movie)
Platoon (the war movie for non war movie fans)
Scarface (one scene does not a movie make, Mr DePalma)
The Shining (an elevator full of blood and murder spelled backwards, sigh)