Anyone else tired of Hollywood using…
The Lord’s name in vain?
They're just using dialog on how many people realistically talk, especially in casual situations. As such, they're not literally attributing those words to a patriarchal religious figure, it's just an expression.
In any case, the US is not a theocracy.
another new troll.... fuck your load
shareBook em Dano
shareIt doesn’t bother me personally but I respect your religious views and can understand how it would upset or offend you. I definitely think you shouldn’t be ridiculed for your beliefs 🙂
shareI don't agree with it, but sadly it's a realistic depiction of how people talk. I've worked in several fields and the language you hear in the movies is no different from what is heard in the workplace. Or the schools.
shareThey've been doing it for nearly 40 years. How do you plan on stopping them?