Anyone else tired of Hollywood using…
The Lord’s name in vain?
Good God no.
shareGod fucking damn, no!
shareGet used to it or don't watch it.
Christians do NOT run Hollyweird.
And they are NOT in charge.
PS. Not bashing you, OP, just informing.
it doesn't bother me
shareThere is a lot of confusion about what constitutes "using the Lord's name in vain."
If someone told you that AnubisRaydeen said that Rocky Horror Picture Show is the greatest movie ever then they would be taking my name in vain. If you know me you know I would never say that and thus my name is being used in a way not in keeping with who I am. Thus my name was used in vain. That is what "Thou shalt not take The Lord's name in vain" is about ... not mere blasphemy. That is an extrapolation by the goddamn religious power brokers of history.
So nah, Not tired of it. I'll drop a "Sweet Jesus!" in the face of shock or scandal.