Is it sexist to open a door for a woman ?
Is this something only a pig would do? In the past this was deemed acceptable.
shareIs this something only a pig would do? In the past this was deemed acceptable.
sharei only hold the door for men i think might be able to beat me up.
shareNo I don't.
shareOnly an idiot looking to be offended by anything could seriously consider holding a door for a woman offensive. Unfortunately, there are plenty of idiots out there.
shareReal men open doors. And pull out her chair in a restaurant, stand when she leaves and returns to the table, and NEVER wear a fucking hat indoors. Women can wear a hat indoors. Men who know a damned thing check the hat at the entrance.
Courtesy is not sexism.
> Courtesy is not sexism.
Amen to all that, with one exception.
> Women can wear a hat indoors.
Not in movie theaters. D. W. Griffith made the point, 112 years ago --
Griffith, like me, was a native Kentuckian. There's a tradition here associated with the Kentucky Derby, that women wear hats on Derby day. Some wear hats which are elegant, but many choose hats which are awful, large, garish monstrosities, affronts to good taste and decency which would make even the most flamboyantly dressed pimp retch with disgust. I really wish our state would enact a law requiring everyone (male or female) who wears a hat on that day to also wear it on at least ten other days in the year as they go about their business. I think the Derby day hats would become much more sane if that happened. I wonder if Griffith felt the same way.
Where do you go where you can check your hat at the entrance? I'm in Los Angeles and I don't think I've ever witnesses this.
shareIt's just common courtesy to hold the door for someone isn't it ?
Really annoying when they don't thank you though!
Yes, it is a courtesy
The polite 'thank you' is always nice from a stranger
Most people seem to have very good manners which is a happy, positive way to behave
Common courtesy is going the way of the Dodo bird. More and more, people are becoming self absorbed, socially unaware zombies.