Have you ever mentioned someone well known and the person you're talking to hasn't got a clue who they are?
I once met someone who had no idea who Charles Darwin was.
shareI once met someone who had no idea who Charles Darwin was.
shareI have friends in other countries, so that's typical for me. I always have to explain who this character or who that character is from some movie or tv show I watched in the past before they understand.
sharetwo of the women in our office had never heard of bob dylan. i wouldn't be surprised if they didn't know any of his songs, didn't know any specifics of him, but i was pretty surprised that they weren't at least a little aware of his ...cultural imprint, i guess you'd call it. particularly since they weren't kids - they're both in their early 30s.
shareobliviousness is next to dumbliness --- ben franklin 1753
shareOh Mercy.
shareYeah, a good friend didn't know who John Mayer was for years. We're the same age, grew up together in the same neighbourhood and watched and listened to a lot of similar television, movies and music. So it was odd to hear it from someone who is my age.
sharethis should probably be on a different topic but it has some similarity
i once, years ago, was sometimes hanging out with this guy who i thought had a clue about things, until the day he shared with me that he believed vampires existed.
he was also an atheist (which i have no problem with). but i thought vampires depended upon religious freaks to keep their population under control.
the bottom line was i was shocked i hadn't picked up on what an idiot the guy was beforehand. which has happened a few other times along the way.
I guess you are not an atheist then.
The probability of the existence of vampires is bigger than the probability of the existence of one or many gods.
At least, vampires where once human beings. We know human beings exist.
But there is ZERO evidence for any of the many gods people believed in through time.
Just saying 🤪
i don't believe in deities, unicorns, vampires, wherewolves or therewolves. ymmv.
Very glad to read that 🤝
sharedont know why you should be surprised ;) i never implied i was a religious wacko
but its kind of strange believing in dracula, but not believing in dr. van helsing and his handy crucifix & holy water, etc.
Totally true.
I was just trying to make a point why vampires are still more probable than a god because they at least originated from humans.
Maybe some of the mythology is wrong though and holy water as an example has nothing to do with them 😄
Of course I don't believe in vampires! But I like some of the movies and series about them 👹
i'm not so sure about that.
immortal beings are immortal beings. they shake the foundation of materialism. we understand -all- life is based upon survival of intricately constructed & regulated organisms subject to relatively simple laws of material flow - gases, water, food-stuffs of all sorts.
if you showed me a non-living breathing (?) vampire, i'd have to do a comprehensive re-evaluation of everything I knew, including the possibility of divinities or at least other incorporate entities.
I guess what I'm saying is that if you tear at the fabric of reality, you tear at all reality. ;)
nice discussion, matey !
I just remembered, one of my wife’s friends didn’t know who Adele was (and this was at the time when she was basically selling more records than the rest of the planet put together, lol).
Yeah, my Mom only knows celebrities up until the late ‘90s. We were sitting in a dentist office and she was flipping through a People magazine saying “who are all these people?” I confess I didn’t know some of them either. Who cares. Most will be forgotten in a few years but the true talents will stick around.