MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Scariest horror movie you've ever seen??

Scariest horror movie you've ever seen??

I've seen a lot of horror movies over the years and i don't find them scary but I'm a fan of the genre.

The only one that has ever scared me is The Entity (1982),the funny thing about it is you don't even see anything,the music gave me the chills and it's the only movie i don't like watching alone.

What's yours?


"War of the Worlds" (2005)

Only movie that ever truly scared me.


Oh yeah little Dakota Fanning had me covering my ears. That piercing shriek and it just went on and on and on.........


The only film that terrified me on a primal level was The Omen (76), and that's because I saw it when I was far too young. My neighbour was babysitting my siblings and I and she let me watch it with her. I was afraid to go to sleep for at least a week and to this day I can't look at a church steeple and not imagine it impaling someone.

Hereditary is the most recent film that I found really scary.

Most of what passes for horror these days (found footage, torture porn, made for Netflix garbage, etc.) just bores me.


There's some moments in the Japanese Pulse (Kairo) that really get to me


It was a TV show called 'Trilogy of Terror' from 1975 with Karen Black. The story was about a little doll she had just brought back to her apartment from Africa. Scary as fuck.


That was a loud screaming doll!


Makes a guttural jabbering noise while stabbing the air with a knife followed by the rapid pitter patter of little wooden feet...


Then the horrible ending!


Well according to Clint Eastwood "We've all got it coming..."


The Exorcist came out when I was a kid. Took me years to watch it all the way thru lol!
It still occupies a special place when it comes to scary movies. I still don't like horror much. If I want to be scared, I'll watch the news.


I like Horror movies so rarely consider them based on scariest but one I did get shook up with was Prophesy (1979). I was only 12 at the time but my two friends reacted even more. One (the tough guy) left after one particular scene where he thought he was going to get sick Armand Assante's death scene. We found him outside the theater pale as a sheet. My other friend actually had nightmares about the movie.


I’m a big fan of this one.



• Ju-On, because the ghost scenes were scary as hell
• Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the one with Donald Sutherland, because of the dreadful ending that let no room for hope.
