Growing up I was TERRIFIED of anything remotely scary, creepy or weird in movies. It's actually to that that I attribute my total fascination with horror and the bizarre as an adult.
I remember as a kid seeing the cover of Hellraiser at the video store and thinking that surely anyone who watched this movie would literally DIE it was so terrifying. I could not even handle Beetlejuice at that point.
As a young teenager I started deliberately exposing myself to everything purported to be the scariest, creepiest and weirdest, and over time came to love all of it. So most of my scariest horror movie experiences were things like seeing The Shining and Texas Chainsaw at a much too young age.
I'm mostly desensitized to movie induced fear now, but there are certain things that in the right situation can stimulate my hyperactive imagination and get me paranoid. For example, stuff about aliens can for some reason be touchy, The Shining can still get me legitimately creeped if I'm alone, interestingly enough A Nightmare on Elm Street, one of my all time fave movies, in spite of being relatively goofy and fantastical, really gets me in a vulnerable place. I saw a documentary on sleep paralysis a few years back called something like The Nightmare that I found very scary, and even moreso due to how it could connect to ANoES.