Anyone older feeling a bit sad for the younger generation?
When I was in my twenties, this was at the height of when the internet and digital age first exploded, and I was so envious to not have come of age at that time.
Twenty years later, I now feel the opposite. The problem I'm noticing with technology now is that it's reduced life into a pathetic singularity in which everything is done through your phone or tablet, and usually using one app.
For example, back in the day, there was more than one way to discover and listen to music. You could go to the music store, watch music videos, pick up a magazine (like Rolling Stone), listen to radio shows, watch a TV show (American Bandstand/Soul Train) or go to venues. Hell, sometimes you could just walk into ANY store (bookstore, clothing, etc.) and hear something you'd never heard of before and go, "What the hell is that?"
Now, it's like, "Oh, let me just turn on my tablet/phone and see what's trending on this one app that I use for all of my music."
Ditto passing the time. If you were bored ages ago, what did you do? Maybe you completed a puzzle book or played a board game with your friends or called someone up to talk to for an hour or two or played a video game or listened to the radio or read a book or took up knitting/stamp collecting/model building. Now it's, "Let me turn on my smartphone/tablet and use the one platform I'm obsessed with (Facebook, Instagram, Candy Crush, etc.)."
Same thing with shopping. Back in the day, you'd go to stores, garage sales, flea markets or order via catalog. Now it's, "Let me open up my tablet/phone and order on Amazon or eBay."
Every single thing today seems to be based around this one gadget and boiled down to a small handful of apps. I can't imagine growing up in such a time defined by this level of singularity. There's none of the richness and variety that older generations grew up with.