MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do people really want America to be more...

Do people really want America to be more like Europe?

For America to be more like Europe, we would have to make some drastic changes that I think would be very surprising to liberals. For example:

-Reduce military spending, but also reduce education and health care spending
-Ban guns, but also ban speech, circumcision, and water fluoridation
-Raise taxes on labor and also on food and gas, while eliminating others
-Reduce self employment and small businesses.
-Reduce car and home ownership
-Increase bicycle lanes, but also increase speed limits
-Increase spending on police state surveillance.
-Reduce multiculturalism
-Create entire political parties dedicated to stopping immigration
-Require Voter ID

I think China is China because it's populated by Chinese, and America is America because it's populated by Americans. It works for them and it works for us. Mexico and Liberia copied the American Constitution. But they didn't become America. That's not how things work. If we want America to look more like Sweden, we are going to run out of Swedish people.


I do.. I've been to Europe 5 times, including once for 5 months..

Instead of K-12, we'd have K-16.. Nothing revolutionary. Young and old are covered, now those in the middle should be helped, too. But of course, we could require students to attend 60%, or to receive passing grades.. People have to understand we live in a global world, and many countries have free college, so its very difficult to compete with the many people with medical degrees when the average young adult leave school with at least $50,000 in debt, and with jobs that pay so little. $7.25/hr is the minimum wage, and that isn't counting our war/wallstreet taxes, gas, child care (other countries have it for free), health care... Europe has great public transportation, and to an extent, Australia.

There's no reason to have 50 million in poverty, millions who are homeless. 3 million veterans/pawns are homeless, but are only used to pass an agenda for the top 1%. There's no reason why the richest country in the history of man can poison the water, and who knows what other cities have problems. Pollution doesn't avoid someone because they voted against a carbon tax.. What's the point of a country? We should co-operate more, instead of having a race to the bottom where even the rat in the race is still a rat.

I'm flexible. I'm not just "left".. I don't like guns, but I don't spend any time with that topic. Same with immigration. I can't stand censorship and political-correctness (the ultimate racism - establishment telling minorities what they can or cannot handle).. If it was my way, the necessities would be automatically covered, under a Republican or Democrat - no concern. Housing, Food, Health Care, Education. With this, you could get rid of the minimum wage. Because our manufacturing is overseas, there might be jobs that pay very little, but asks for very little.

We need to get out of all these wars. Trump duped many of you when he vetoed the genocide of Yemen. One of the few bi-partisan things that actually passed both the House and Senate, because we're looking like murdering thugs. "That's how we'll pay for it" - get the money out of the wars, prison, pharmaceutical subsidies - but I also like freedom of choice, and so let them sell Hydrocodone over the counter, but enough of the BILLIONS of corporate welfare.. Even when we spend on a ton on research and development, it goes to help them. And if we're going to bail anyone out, it shouldn't be Wall Street, or banks in general.. Bail out the people. We could have spent a fraction buying up bad mortgages.

A majority of Americans cannot afford a $400 EMERGENCY..


I forgot we would also have to get rid of the minimum wage, get rid of preschool, and also severely reduce scientific research funding.

I agree about things being a mixed bag and that's my point. I think a lot of people view Europe as being more left, but it isn't. It's a whole different progression. I think the worst things are often what we have in common. Free health care shouldn't even be on the radar when we don't even have free food and housing yet. It's like nobody even notices.

Free child care is a horrible thing. It takes children out of the care of relatives and other low cost arrangements in the community and puts them into a corporate warehousing system, artificially inflating the price. If the government gets ahold of your kids you can be sure of one thing. They will be put on antidepressants. The people who want these programs know if we just gave people the money and let them choose how to spend it, they wouldn't spend it on this.

Why on earth is anyone calling for less competition and more cooperation at a time when the former is at its lowest and the latter is at its highest? Cooperation is fascism. "Competition is a sin", said Rockefeller as he called for fascism.


I also think parents or other family taking care is better, but its not the reality. I thought about all the people I know, poor and non-poor, and there's always some babysitter. Grandparents have to work.

I don't know where the hell you equate co-operation with fascism.


“If it was my way, the necessities would be automatically covered, under a Republican or Democrat - no concern. Housing, Food, Health Care, Education.”

Well, my goodness, why work? Why try to achieve! Why try to excel? Just get up every morning with your hand outstretched for the freebies. You don’t need to go to college or learn a trade because everything you need is provided by the government (taxpayers). Have a baby just turn it over to childcare funded by the government. But, wait you aren’t working so guess what? You have to learn to be a parent which has been an unknown concept. Odd thing though with no one working there are no taxes to be collected. No taxes means no freebies. Nothing is free in life...even those necessities you speak of. Those necessities are paid for by taking from one group and giving to another. As I asked “Why bother to achieve in life if all is taken.” In other words...just turn us into a bunch of lemmings. George Orwell’s utopia 1984 has arrived...a bit late, but it takes time to convince folks they need the government more than the government needs them. Except to plunder wealth.

Your ideas have been tried and failed. Look at the problems in France. France decided to confiscate more of the wealth from achievers in order to have this utopia you want. The wealthy started to leave the country and in so doing not enough funds were available to continue the freebies. But, hey, that ain’t right. The people were used to the freebies so the government had no right to cut back on them. Out of this failure the yellow vests have appeared.


If it went down that far into the crapper, I'd have to move to another planet. I'd rather die than live in Europe Jr.


Sounds like a good plan.👍


It shouldn't be a case of wanting the US to be more like Europe. Honestly, I want each country to do its own thing and retain its unique identity. I don't want to live in a boringly homogenous world.

Still, every country should seek to make its people as prosperous, as equal, as fairly treated, as safe, as healthy and as free as possible, and as far as I'm concerned, social-democracy is by-and-large the best system for accomplishing and balancing all those, occasionally competing, needs.


I loved your last concert


The only people who would want America to be more like Europe come from these 3 categories:

1.) Globalist assholes who are greedy and want to take over the world in a soft coup and form a 1-world government (which will never happen) and feel the need to take America down to the same level as Europe both financially, demographically, and politically, so that they won't have anyone fight back when their boots go down on the peasants' necks. (That won't happen either).

2.) Arrogant, America-hating jerks who LIVE in America, are [sometimes] native-born, and don't know how good they actually have it, and have been brainwashed into thinking Europe does everything better.

3.) Idiots who CAME from Europe, who think America would be better off if it were like the craphole they came from. Believe me, most European immigrants are happier in America BECAUSE we're not like the countries they came from.



I couldn’t have said it better!👏🏻👏🏻 You were succinct and hit those “wanna be like Europe” knuckleheads smack dab in the face with truths!

Regarding your last point, my home state is Florida. I can’t begin to tell you how many people moved to Florida to escape high taxes, liberal government, etc. The next thing you know these same folks start complaining about how backwards we were (pre-Disney), why don’t we have this or that (which of course would mean higher taxes, duh), “This isn’t how we did things up north...things need to change.”, etc, etc. Slowly, but surely Florida became a Microcosm of the remaining 49 states. Culture was changed. Crime soared! Same for Germany which is forever changed due to the vacuous Merkel’s open door!

I was in high school when the first murder occurred in my hometown. Yep! We sure were backwards! After all only backward people leave their doors unlocked, only backward people walk the streets to the lakefront at night without fear, only backward people walk a mile at night to buy an ice cream sundae...I’ve made my point.

That Somalian refugee who is now a congresswoman should be grateful she’s in this country. She should be kissing the free ground she walks on instead of being the anti-Jewish b***h she is. We lost 18 soldiers in Somalia when we assisted the U.N. in delivering food during the U.N.’s Operation Provide Relief. “Due to U.N. inability to deliver food and secure delivery routes into Somalia, President George Bush responded to U.N. request for assistance by proposing U.S. combat troops lead security force.” Which then became “Operation Restore Hope”. Everyone needs to watch the movie “Black Hawk Down”.

And people want us to be more like Europe?

To sum it up for those “wanna be like Europe” ignorant masses....Sometimes you just can’t fix stupid!


I'm guessing you haven't lived anywhere else.... And by your responses, you don't know jack shit about the world and/or politics.


Neither do you.


You don’t know me so I will refute your statement about me not knowing “jack shit about the world and/or politics.” Actually I’m fairly astute when it comes to the world and politics. We’ll leave it at that.

What I don’t understand is why you and others who share the belief Europe is better haven’t packed and moved there. Instead of attempting to change the U.S. into a European form of Socialism...take your leave. The U.S. form of government, a federal republic (not a democracy) has served us well for almost 250 years!


I wasn't talking to you, but I do wonder if any of you have lived anywhere.. Its easy to talk without experience.


Sorry, I jumped into your conversation with AmeriGirl. I thought your reply was to me. I was in a hurry and this format isn’t the easiest to follow.

But, since you threw out a question to answer would be no to anyplace outside the U.S. I have eyes and ears (actually one good one). I listen to news, read about places, talk to people who have visited/lived in other parts of the globe. The people who bought my house are so happy to be back in the states after living abroad for over 15 years! Another couple who are missionaries have traveled and lived world wide, he being retired military, would not live permanently anywhere but the U.S.

My question to you....why don’t you choose a place in Europe and move there? If you are so disillusioned with the U.S. then set sail to that place. Now that I think about it, isn’t it odd thousands upon thousands of illegals are crossing our borders. I wonder why?🤔 Could it be it’s due to them receiving all those “necessities” you speak of...for free at our expense? Asylum, my foot! The normal course of action is to ask for asylum in the next country. They are coming here because they are aware of all that is given to them. Drop babies abound!


You think you're better than us, don't you.


Are you drunk again? You sent me a PM with the same question calling me the c-word. Your excuse for the nasty name was you were drunk. Why do you keep attacking me with the same question? You are actually becoming a stalker and someone to fear if in person. You never did answer my question...why me?

Take notice Mods!


It's not just you, it's others on this site as well. Politics sends me crazy.


Thanks for clueing me in as to why you are stalking me. But, your replies to me have nothing to do with politics. They are illogical! To ensure that you can control yourself stay away from politics! And, further more....cease and desist replying to me when I have not engaged you in conversation. It’s creepy!


I do not
We do our thing here in The States, let the various Euro countries do their own thing
Our relations are friendly enough, let's not push a marriage...we snore and like our guns over here lol!


But us Europeans are so awesome. Why wouldn't you want to be more like us?!?


I would look terrible in a beret


What many Americans don't seem to be aware of or understand, though, is that "Europe" isn't actually all one culture in anything.

I know that's confusing (and I don't mean that with sarcasm). Europe is not only a continent but also has "The EU" - so it's easy to believe that it's all kind of just one country and every aspect of life, culture, law, government must be the same all over "Europe."

It's not.

Despite the relatively Johnny-come-lately political entity named "The EU" and its attempts at over-arching all encompassing laws and standards, "Europe" still actually consists of different countries who design their own laws, regulations, domestic policies on many things, and more to the point each has their own extremely distinct culture, social mores, lifestyles....

It astounds me every time an American does not even seem to realize this. It's not an actual "united states of Europe" like the US has separate states but basically the same general lifestyle. It's more akin to Canada, the US and Mexico all actually being "America" but everyone knows each of those countries live quite differently from the next and would never dream of conflating them together when talking about the list of issues you name.

Visit for example the UK then visit Italy. Or Sweden. You will find that even the people act completely differently let alone all the other issues official and otherwise.

Almost everything you state in your OP is something that actually VARIES from country to country -- doesn't exist in some, exists in others.


Fortunately HushPuppy is just a robot-like account that flatulates out divisive "political" rubbish. Click on the account name and check out the topic selection it posted... lol
