MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do people really want America to be more...

Do people really want America to be more like Europe?

For America to be more like Europe, we would have to make some drastic changes that I think would be very surprising to liberals. For example:

-Reduce military spending, but also reduce education and health care spending
-Ban guns, but also ban speech, circumcision, and water fluoridation
-Raise taxes on labor and also on food and gas, while eliminating others
-Reduce self employment and small businesses.
-Reduce car and home ownership
-Increase bicycle lanes, but also increase speed limits
-Increase spending on police state surveillance.
-Reduce multiculturalism
-Create entire political parties dedicated to stopping immigration
-Require Voter ID

I think China is China because it's populated by Chinese, and America is America because it's populated by Americans. It works for them and it works for us. Mexico and Liberia copied the American Constitution. But they didn't become America. That's not how things work. If we want America to look more like Sweden, we are going to run out of Swedish people.


Europe really went down hill since I was a kiddo. Places like Poland and Eastern Europe are still nice but Western Europe really when down the toilet. They need to legalize guns maybe then I will feel safer in Europe
