MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What problem or situation...😨

What problem or situation...😨

...did TV or movies make you think might be common, but when you grew up you found out it wasn’t?

I sometimes worried about quicksand. Has anyone here even seen quicksand??


Never seen a ghost or an alien, and believe me I've looked.

And where the fuck is my Knight in Shining Armor!?


AMEN! Where IS that knight??


That pesky dragon gobbled up all of the Knights...He is a pretty hot dragon so you know, give it a go wink-wink😉😉


I have expected an alien abduction for decades!
Never happened...though I suppose I should be thankful (the whole probing bit sounds awkward😵)


Yes! I stepped into quicksand a looooong time ago. It was scary! I was told not to try and step out of it, but to lie outside the sand pit and pull myself out. It worked. The really scary part was that the sand pit didn't look any different than the sand surrounding it.


Where were you when it happened? I mean, what kind of geography was it? River bed, swamp, lake, the jungle? I'm curious.


I was in No. California, the river bed of the Rogue River.


Sounds like a pretty innocent place. Who knew it could happen there?? Wow. It would freak me out. I can only hope that I never have to experience it. I'm not so sure I'd have my wits about me enough to remember that advice.


Luckily I wasn't alone! It did freak me out, but I tried to remain calm.


Back alleys always seemed scary

Turns out there's just mice and homeless guys peeing back there


I'm still going to avoid dark alleys.


Good idea👍


Juke Boxes do not automatically play your favorite song when you punch them...Maybe a cool leather jacket is required🤨


And the proper thump to the jukebox.


Working on it!


I just saw Happy Death Day 2U and it reminded me that college movies and TV shows made me think that when I went to college I'd be interacting with the Dean of students on a regular basis (mostly so he could try to bust me for a variety of hijinx). Alas I never once met the Dean of students during my 5 years of college (yes I said 5, get off my back).


Good one. Now that you mention it, I never met the dean of my college, either. I understand that these days a significant percentage of students are unable to complete a 4-year degree in 4 years. I get it. No shame there.


Turns out that 4 bed/3 bath 2500 square foot apartments in the city are prohibitively expensive

'Friends' was lying to us the whole time!


Housewives wear nice dresses, high heels, and pearls when they do the housework.


I was so pissed when I figured this one out
Sweat pants and hoodies with slippers turned out to be the wife uniform around the house:/

I should probably shut up...a hunting coat and grungy jeans aint much better😉


I have never been nor had occasion to blackmail anybody
Blackmail was rampant on TV...WTH?


And often that was due to someone's foolhardy notion that they could succeed at blackmailing a murderer.


Movie blackmails always seemed to end in murder
Not a fan of murderers but I get it👍


I have never found a cursed idol
Those Brady Bunch episodes were pure fiction!


growing up, me and my brother were forever searching for lost pirate treasure.
Never found any.
