MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is with all these millennial "men" ...

What is with all these millennial "men" who have their mom do everything for them?

Especially if they're in their mid-to-late 20's. For example, phoning for their son's doctor's appointments, buy clothes for them, and cook&clean for them.

I work at a small dental office, and we had some lady over the phone book an appointment for her 25 year old son. When he came to his appointment, he was perfectly functional and normal with no disability. No reason he couldn't have made the appointment himself. Tsk, tsk, tsk.....


Ah, it’s the old trash the millennials canard. Too easy, try harder. I’m not sure we’re justified in expecting subsequent generations to grow up when we ourselves never bothered to.


That type of pampering where the mother would do everything for their sons didn't start with the millennial era; self-entitlement is what's common about millennials, which is somewhat different.


They're snowflakes and pussies!



There is nothing that would make me run as fast as I can from a potential relationship than finding out he is a mummy's boy!
It's the most unattractive thing I can think of😖
Loving your mum is great .... having her control your life And being happy about it is not.




I once dated a forty year old man whose mom still cooked most of his meals. She lived across town from him and he would say, "Mom sent over a roast chicken, mom sent over pork chops,etc..."

I used to jokingly ask him how she "sent it". Fed Ex? UPS?

No, she used to drive over and bring his meals while he was at work.On Sunday he would stop by her house with his big insulated food bags and fill them with Sunday dinner. If he ran out of food, he microwaved something.

She also used to buy him gift cards for a nearby pizza place. She did a lot of his laundry.

When his washer broke, he used to bring his laundry to my house. Like an idiot i actually did it for him a few times. He also expected me to cook.

I must've been out of my mind. It's one thing to take care of a husband if he works and you are the housewife. But this guy started treating me like his wife (and he wasn't paying MY billls! lol)


Wow, reminds me of my cousin who is in his mid-20s... He has to go to court, and has his mom call. His mom is on the phone and tells her son, "You need to talk to them to give them permission, for me to talk, since you are an adult" - and he spends the next few minutes giving permission when he could have talked for another minute and finished it all, but also UNDERSTAND what's happening to HIS life.

It actually happened a few years ago, but those guys drive me crazy, and I barely see them!
