MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you have any phobias?

Do you have any phobias?

I admit I'm a bit claustrophobic. I go a bit crazy when I can't get rubber gloves off my hands after doing dishes or working in the garden. Is this a form of claustrophobia? I also have an irrational fear of driving under bridges, especially railroad bridges.


Medical stuff


Same. My BP and heart rate always go up like crazy at doctors appointments. They called it "white coat syndrome" lol.


Oh, I don't go to doctors - I just deal with it..




Dentists. Couple of times they've had to remind me to breathe at checkups 😌

Being confined by something and not being able to move at all. Like if I was lying in bed and my covers turned to concrete.

Spiders/insects getting into my over ear headphones and climbing into my ear when I start listening to music-ophobe.


Vans and buses from the 1960s


Vans and Buses from the 60's?
Specific DB! What's the deal?


They just give me the creeps Dazed, I've no idea why. maybe something from a past life scarred me. Take that bus from The Italian Job (1969) for instance. To me its a scary as the Child catcher from Chitty Bang Bang. And Heartbeat on ITV would be torture.


Strange some of the things we are phobic about. I think they are probably from childhood traumas like you said.
When I worked in a boarding school, one of the kids couldn't stand the little stickers that come on pieces of fruit. For another it was peanut butter, not the taste but the actual jar. One wonders what the poor little things had been subjected to.😷


I remember those stickers, Strange one about the jar there.


Claustrophobia. I don't like to be in tightly enclosed spaces. Also, I have a fear of heights, and I don't especially like to drive in the dark.


OMG ! Heights is the number one, spiders next, roaches, centipedes and millipedes.


Heights, even if I'm completely away from a ledge.


I remember taking one of my children to a castle with one of those narrow windy stone staircases which led to the top. Having refused to go up there myself they went up with their father and seeing them at the top gave me a horrible tickly feeling in my knees, and a feeling of faintness!


I get that same weird tickley feeling in my knees about heights! Never knew anyone else did. I wonder what it's about.


Public restrooms are vile,evil places...hate them...I suppose that is a phobia. I also can't stand heights, getting on a small ladder is an issue.

