MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What book have you read lately ?

What book have you read lately ?

Mine - When a Pet Dies

I've lost seven pets in the last 5 years. I am an avid animal advocate. It is terribly heartbreaking.


I read Marian Keyes-The Break Up.


about a love affair?


Sort of.
The husband has a breakdown and decides to have a six month break from the marriage.
Actually I think it's just called The Break!





What are these 'book' objects you speak of..?


These have I heard of, yes, yes, in the ancient texts, mmmm, mmmm.



You know, im starting to picture Yoda whenever your handle pops up lol


Yes, yes, interesting that is, mmm, mmm!





Sadly nothing...
I leaf through A Song of Ice and Fire every now and then...but i have not read anything in ages
Damn you internet!
Id like to read Watership Down again soon...maybe with my kids


sounds like a plan Yonkers! Do it soon.


Good advice from a fellow pet owner
You are a doggie i guess
Im a bunny (have 6 now)
The neighborhood chitlins love them
Thank you lennonforever


I used to foster doggies, adopted two. They have since passed over the Bridge. I have 5 adored cats.


Im very sorry about your dogs
Sucks to lose a pet...awful
I lost two bunnies this past year (old age...) and i still think about those goofy little critters!
Oh well...we find new ones to love and spoil i guess but its still a gut punch


Yes, we trudge on, fall in love with them , and give them our love. There is no other way for me, despite the eventual sorrow.


Kind and wise words
Lets keep our current furry crops healthy and spoiled...pets beat people most days for me lol
Thank you lennon


Yonkers, my exact sentiments 😊


I read some Jip & Janneke stories with the holidays. So nostalgic, it always puts me in the right mood.


Who are these ?


These are characters from a Dutch series of children's books containing short stories. They are very popular icons here in Holland.


Oh how cute.


They are. And they're funny stories as well.


Are they Christmas related?


There are many different kinds of stories, but the ones I read this time were Christmas themed. There were also a couple of New Year's stories. They're really nostalgic. They remind me of my mother reading them to me.


Just finished Hail to the chin:the further confessions of a b movie actor By Bruce Campbell a few days ago.


I should look into this one
Campbell is too cool!


Ah "Ash" - he's so damn cool. I am an "all things horror" fan and saw him a a horror convention a few years back. He is amazing and so funny. Back in the 80's I watched a very young Bruce on a fantastic sci fi western called "Briscoe County". It was such fun.

Then when X Files aired originally , he played a great demon in an episode.


I keep hearing about this Briscoe show
Ill watch Campbell shop for groceries
I gotta seek it out


It is an amazing show!!!! Western, sci fi, aliens awesomeness.


Right in my wheelhouse
Obliged lennon:)




It was actually a 90s show and i agree it was a great show.Deserved more seasons.I bought the DVD set a year ago and enjoyed rewatching it.


90's really? I could have sworn it was late 80's. I just looked it up, yep, 93 and 94 . Remember Billy Drago? I always contend that Brisco and Lord Boler made it out of their um final predicament because the Prof (John Astin) fashioned [spoiler]for them to wear bullet proof vests[/spoiler] . What do you think? No spoilers please without blackening them.


There was a final episode after that where they explain how they survived that pedicament.I don't want to give it away if you haven't seen it.I have no idea how to do those black bars to cover up spoilers.


OMG!! Really? I must not have seen it if I can only remember that iconic last scene of that episode??!! Wow, I gonna find it and watch all over again.


if you want to do spoiler bars do type it this way [spoiler] then [/spoiler].


darn - this type a left bracket left [ and then type the word spoiler then type a right bracket ]. then type what you want to not spoil , then type a left bracket again [ this time with a slash as so [/ ,type the word spoiler , then type a right bracket ]
it's the same if you want to bold [b] or italicize [i]


Currently reading: Your presidential fantasy dream team by Daniel O’brien

Recently finished:

Norse Mythology by Neil Gaimon

But what if we’re wrong? By Chuck Klosterman

Call of the weird by Louis Theroux

Also just re-read Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut.


You mean Gaiman the horror author? I've read a few of his.


The horror/fantasy/comic book
author, yes.
He released his interpretation of the classic Norse myths last year. It’s an entertaining read.


I'm reading Trainspotting at the moment. Once you get used to the Scottish lingo it's a great read. I'm finding myself thinking in Scottish lol!


Ive done that with certain books too :)
The novel Shogun had me thinking like a white man lost on strange shores for a week!


I've always planned to watch that flick and now T2, but never seem to find the time.


My favorite Irvine Welsh novel is "Filth". Great book, lousy movie.


I just received My Absolute Darling, by Gabriel Tallent.
I asked for it for Christmas. The reviews are good. I also watched an interview with the author on the PBS News Hour a month ago. I plan to start it this weekend. Can't wait!


What's that about Ms C?


"What's that about Ms C?"

lennonforever, I just got this notification to me. You may have tried replying to someone else, but this is something that I received.
Could you pleases explain what "Ms C?" means?
I'm at a loss.
Granted, I posted three days ago, but after reading a few posts up, I'm still a bit confused by your reply.


I shortened your name Ms C


LOL! Talk about confused! I get you now!
Here's a little info on the story. I copied and pasted this..... I am just getting into the book. I can already HIGHLY RECOMMEND it!

Turtle Alveston is a survivor. At fourteen, she roams the woods along the northern California coast. The creeks, tide pools, and rocky islands are her haunts and her hiding grounds, and she is known to wander for miles. But while her physical world is expansive, her personal one is small and treacherous: Turtle has grown up isolated since the death of her mother, in the thrall of her tortured and charismatic father, Martin. Her social existence is confined to the middle school (where she fends off the interest of anyone, student or teacher, who might penetrate her shell) and to her life with her father.

Then Turtle meets Jacob, a high-school boy who tells jokes, lives in a big clean house, and looks at Turtle as if she is the sunrise. And for the first time, the larger world begins to come into focus: her life with Martin is neither safe nor sustainable. Motivated by her first experience with real friendship and a teenage crush, Turtle starts to imagine escape, using the very survival skills her father devoted himself to teaching her. The reader tracks Turtle's escalating acts of physical and emotional courage, and watches, heart in throat, as she struggles to become her own hero--and in the process, becomes ours as well.


Sounds good! Thank you for taking the time to post this. Is this ,then, a coming of age novel?


You're most welcome.
Yes. From what I gather, it is a coming of age novel.
