MovieChat Forums > Redyetti
Redyetti (142)
Any fans of the comics?
Best one season shows.
Worth a watch?
Crocodile, strong build up, terrible twist. (Spoiler)
Liked this film more than I'd expected.
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In all honesty, it’s probably half the reason I voted Liberal in the last federal election.
Even though I knew full well that Trudeau would be kind of embarrassing as a figurehead.
Agreed... but I thought all that was pretty obvious.
No. I know several Canadians with both a cannabis prescription and a firearms license.
The authorities have all but completely stopped enforcing personal possession.
As hownos said, it’ll be recreationaly legal nation wide by July.
We do have common sense gun control, you need to be licensed and complete a safety course, and there is a fairly thorough background check, but as long as you’re not a criminal or mentally unstable, it’s not that hard to legally own guns here.
It’s already ridiculously easy to get a medical prescription.
I get mine completely legally through the mail.
Ewoks are kind of scary actually. They were totally about to eat Luke and Han before Luke convinced them that C-3PO was an angry god.
You know they must have eaten all the Storm troopers after the battle.
Plus, look at the scary ass animals they already killed and made hats out of.
City on fire (1987)
Although Quentin didn’t acknowledge it at first.
Do you base all your opinions on IMDb rankings?
I thought it fantastic.
The opening scene with Christoph Waltz and the French dairy farmer is possibly Tarantino’s best directed scene.
Waltz was amazing throughout and absolutely deserved the Oscar he won for the performance.
What part of Alberta? I’m in Calgary.
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