How come no one defends the OT?
Anyone want to defend 3 foot tall bears beating up Storm Troopers? The greatest SW movie ever made less than ANH and ROTJ made less than ESB. And Darth Vaders son is Luke? How did this happen?
shareAnyone want to defend 3 foot tall bears beating up Storm Troopers? The greatest SW movie ever made less than ANH and ROTJ made less than ESB. And Darth Vaders son is Luke? How did this happen?
shareI'm not sure what you are getting at or how it applies to TLJ.
I despised the Ewoks. They could have been cool, like Little Fuzzy nastiness, but Lucas wimped out.
Again, why do you bring that up in this forum?
I believe the President is mocking other "Defend this" threads. Although you will never see anyone criticizing or making anti cheese edits of the OT.
shareWhen I was in college, I combined The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi into one edited film.
The Ewoks were basically gone. As I recall, they just showed the Rebels where the base was.
Alas, it was overwritten when my friend taped the Gulf War.
Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!! How much work would it be to redo it?
shareIt would be much easier now with digital editing tools.
I had to use two VCRs with flying erase heads to make clean edits. Getting the sound to work was as difficult as getting the graphics to edit smoothly. I should look into doing another master cut.
I thought about removing Jar Jar or re-voicing him as a prequel project, but it takes time.
I'll take Ewoks over fucking Porgs anyday.
Ewoks are kind of scary actually. They were totally about to eat Luke and Han before Luke convinced them that C-3PO was an angry god.
You know they must have eaten all the Storm troopers after the battle.
Plus, look at the scary ass animals they already killed and made hats out of.
I know, I just don't get why fans of the OT hate on the Ewoks for being cute and cuddly, even though they were going to eat our heroes, and God help the Stormtroopers that they fought.
The Ewoks are teddy bears written to act like the headhunters on Gilligan's Island.
George Lucas is so creative.
"The Ewoks are teddy bears written to act like the headhunters on Gilligan's Island."
*snort* I really did lol at that. So true.
I'd watch your edited version of the two in a heartbeat. Then I might actually like Return of the Jedi. I never rewatch it for that one reason.
No one says the OT is perfect. In any way. But they have amazing characters, amazing lore and just a fcking awesome story to begin with. Combine that with amazing music (TLJ lacked that aswell) and you just have a succes.
TLJ has non of that. TFA had good introductions to the new characters, but shat all over them in TLJ.
Musicwise it sucks aswell. Only theme I love is Rey's theme. Again, thats in TFA. TLJ had no good music that wasn't just from other movies.
Storywise? Its the same fcking thing as the OT, only worse.
I agree that Rey's Theme is great. I also loved the music at the end of TFA when Rey was approaching Luke.
shareDon't defend that POS known as TFA, it was just as SHIT as TLJ is.
Comparing the critical reaction to RoTJ and TLJ is interesting. RoTJ was actually panned critically. My favorite example being Pauline Kael's review (most influential film critic in history):
But in today's sellout media environment, TLJ, an inferior film to RoTJ in almost every measurable way, was critically lauded.
No. Teddy Bears defeating Imperial Storm Troopers with sticks, spears, and stones?? PUH-lease!!