What book have you read lately ?
Mine - When a Pet Dies
I've lost seven pets in the last 5 years. I am an avid animal advocate. It is terribly heartbreaking.
Mine - When a Pet Dies
I've lost seven pets in the last 5 years. I am an avid animal advocate. It is terribly heartbreaking.
Oswald's Tale by Norman Mailer - a book about Lee Harvey Oswald and the JFK assassination.
shareThis sounds interesting. I remember I was in my elementary classroom when JFK was assassinated. Terrible terrible day. Then watched LIVE on TV when Ruby shot Oswald. Crazy ass stuff.
shareMailer went looking for a conspiracy but didn't find one.
shareSame here. Returned to school after lunch to an ominous, grim silence. After being seated in my classroom, the news came on over the PA system.
The Day Kennedy Was Shot by Jim Bishop is also good. Read it as a teenager.
I was in 7th grade. My teacher was called out into the hall. When he came back , he was sobbing. I will NEVER forget it.
shareI won't either. It was my first real wake-up call to something being wrong in this country. I still watch documentaries about it from time to time.
shareOne of my classmates had a birthday that day. HE never forgets either, poor guy.
shareYeah, memory works through association, so that's an indelible link.
This is one of my most recent : https://moviechat.org/tt1777621/The-Kennedy-Detail
I read my cookbook today!
shareCrackers! You got that right! I only read it, I certainly didn't cook!
shareBeen reading the Richard Sharpe Series. Finished Sharpe's Trafalgar today. Its a 21 book series based on a mans progress in the British Army during the Napoleonic Wars.
shareI am sorry for your losses. That's extremely difficult.
I have 4 dogs and completely feel for you.
I used to home senior dogs that nobody wanted to adopt.
It was terribly hard to get attached and then lose them in such a short period of time.
Thank you godeway. It is a terrible thing to lose them, I commend you for your wondrous ability to home 4 dogs, and that you gave homes to furbabies nobody wished to adopt. I, too, use to foster dogs and adopted two. They have since passed. I have 5 cats now. They are my world, though, I do have 4 grandchildren hahaha.
shareCats and grandchildren there's always enough love to go around right?
I did it for several years. It got to be too much for me. It got the point that I was feeling more sadness
than happiness. At least I was able to give several dogs some years of a good thing. I do miss it though.
They all got spoiled rotten.
I always say they live better then me.
Everybody wants a young dog but the older ones always get forgotten.
It really is sad, all they want is a home and to be loved.
I also volunteer at the pet shelters so that always helps.
I'm glad to hear from a fellow animal lover. 🐶🐱
My eight-year-old granddaughter was pining for a puppy the other day.
They're SO cute!
I asked her if she was ready to train one.
Train them?
Yes, you have to train them to pee and poop outside.
Her response?
Uh, I think I'll get a dog.
That belongs in Reader's Digest !
sharegood choice, older dogs need homes for sure.
That is absolutely adorable.
She's also very wise for her age.
What a sweetie.
Good for her!!!!
7 Pets in 5 years is horrible! We lost our 3 rabbits in 6 years. I really would like a pet again, but I just wouldn't be able to do it. Not even a fish!
shareMy recent reads:
The Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Coast by Douglas Brinkley
Katrina, After the Flood by Gary Rivlin
Glass House: the 1% economy and the shattering of the all-American town by Brian Alexander
The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, New Foundland by Jim DeFede
Evicted: poverty and profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond
Careful: A User's Guide to Our Injury-Prone Minds by Steve Casner
Currently reading:
The Nurses - Alexandra Robbins
The Low Road - Valerie Miner
Wow, you are a super reader! I used to be before this confounded computer! Now I read books on the computer from free sites.
shareI LOVE to read - it shows, I guess. I usually have two books going at a time. It helps to have a great library within walking distance as I prefer to read actual books (I don't need anymore screen time). No TV or cable either, so I get nearly all my entertainment from the library, although I do watch a few things on YouTube. I get a lot of suggestions for movies and TV shows from here, but it's fun to peruse the library shelves. To me, it's like Christmas - I never know what gems I'll find.
shareI guess you are not a sports fan.
shareIt's a little harder to stay involved in sports when I never get to see games. I listen to baseball and football games on radio. I have the Chiefs-Titans game on right now.
sharehow many stations do you get without cable ?? the only reason I keep cable is because of the sports.
shareI don't have over-the-air TV. The nearest big city is 65 miles away so I'd have to have a strong antenna installed to get a signal. It would probably have to have a special mast, etc. for it to work.
I know a lot of people who would cut the cable cord in an instant if there was a reasonable way to get their sports.
Beautiful ! Reminds me of myself as a kid. The local library was my favorite hangout. I used to feel guilty spending so much time reading in my bedroom during summer while my peers were out playing.
shareI did that too, but in summer I moved my bed next to the window. I was inside, but with the window wide open it felt like I was outside. My mom didn't seem to mind; she never really pushed me to go outside. As long as I was reading, she was fine with it.
shareI was extremely saddened when artist Christine Grimmie was gunned down by a deranged fan. She was such a vibrant, talented, passionate young voice for that cause.
shareWas this the singer in Seattle?
shareI think she was from somewhere in the Northeast but the shooting occurred in Orlando, Florida.