Democrats = high taxes, high gas prices, no border security, riots in cities, a distabilized middle east...
Please, feel free to add...
sharePlease, feel free to add...
sharefascism, indoctrination, censorship, attempts at unconstitutional bans, “big brother” laws, hypocrisy…
shareRepublicans = all of that + crushing debt.
shareBoth US parties are out of control, NOT just Republicans.
shareIf that make you feel better.
I know I'm going to get batshit crazy spending when I vote for Democrats - it's what they promise.
I just can't stomach voting for "fiscal restraint" Republicans and then ending up with the same crap result as the Democrats. And I think there are fewer Jareds on the left, guys who grab a sheckle at every stage of the process.
Those are lies and you know it or you have Foxitis. Here are some true things:
Republicans are making it harder for minority communities to vote.
Republicans want to make abortion illegal.
Republicans do not support making corporations and ultra-wealthy pay their fair share in taxes as proposed by democratic lawmakers and Biden.
Republicans rioted in D.C. on Jan.6 in the first attack on our nation's capitol since 1812.
NO Republicans voted for the Biden's covid relief package.
70% of republicans do not believe that Biden won the election, even after the former guy's AG said there was no major fraud and some 60 court cases challenging vote counts have been thrown out. In Arizona they are carrying out a "fraudit" after two legitimate audits did not satisfy the local republicans and it is a true circus (examining ballots by UV light, looking for traces of bamboo!).
The former guy had his own immigration plan--build a useless, expensive (who did he say would pay for it?), environmentally destructive wall while locking up migrating children in cages and separating them from their parents, some of whom to this day have not been re-united.
Republicans did nothing to stabilize the middle east. Pulling out of the Iran accord and moving Israel's capital to Jerusalem were in fact major destabilizing forces.
Republicans care for no constituency other than their fat-cat donors. They all opposed at the time Social Security, Medicare, ACA, civil rights legislation, voting rights legislation (currently stalled in senate), minimum wage hike, and the rights of workers to form unions.
Republicans oppose Biden's infrastructure plan simply because they oppose whatever democrats do (the turtle said so).
Republicans declined to support impeaching the former guy even with video proof of his trying to blackmail a foreign leader.
Republicans (except one) declined to support impeaching the former guy after he told people to get mad and march to the capitol on Jan. 6.
Republicans rebuke their own for telling the above truth.
Republicans thus have squandered a good opportunity to cast off the disgraced, twice-impeached, two-time loser (lost popular votes by 3 million then by 7 million) which is leading to headlines like this: "Why thousands of republicans are leaving the party."
The scary thing is you actually believe your lies.
shareSure, I'll add...
High taxes, yet still lower than the god of conservatism Ronald Reagan's.
High gas prices when demand is returning after no demand for a year due to a pandemic.
No border security when it's the same system as it was the last four years, but people actually want to move here now.
Riots that are fewer than the ones last year, and no lack of security that allows an insurrection to ransack the capitol.
A Middle East that wasn't a problem for eight years under Obama, but is destabilized two years after Kushner's lipstick-on-a-pig peace deal that made every MAGAtard think the problem was over.
Only thing I want to push back on is the same system when it clearly isn't. All time low under Trump then shot way up under Biden. By low I meant allowed entry. Move here as in skip the line or are you referring to legal migrants?
Still a riot... I find it weird how people are comparing a one time event at the capital to months on end of riots from the other side. I guess if its the elites in fear it's all the talk but the rest of the violence elsewhere are just ignored by the media besides op-eds that write a summer of violence up ahead. If you watch enough Congress you can see the hypocrisy on both sides while they ignore the obvious to get their agendas across.
Trump's low numbers are similar to Obama's low numbers. Trump had to equal Obama's low numbers by locking kids in cages. The kids are still in cages, aren't they? Sounds like the same system to me, or did Biden fix that problem?
The riots last year were a combination of civil unrest due to police killings and economic turmoil from a pandemic. There's nothing either party could really do about it, and there's nothing the media could've said to make it end quicker. It's kinda up to society as a whole, but during a pandemic, society isn't really up to the task.
The insurrection happened because of Trump's lie. Newsmax and OANN chose to spread the lie instead of doing their jobs as news outlets, and the Trump admin was more interested in the prospect of the insurrection somehow keeping them in power, and less interested in securing the place. The republican party and right-wing media could've prevented it by being truthful about the election... but they chose not to.
On the positive side they are ensuring a Trump victory in 2024.
shareHe's been in two elections and lost the popular vote by wide margins both times. The GOP is run by nutjobs like Marjorie Karen Greene and scumbags like Matt Gaetz. At this point, they still don't have a platform beyond fighting culture wars. How does any of this make you optimistic for a 2024 Trump run?
Short memory, I like that. It's good. Republicans will end up taking at least one house next year and win 2024.
I actually hope Trump runs again. Sure he drives out the lunatic MAGA crowd to go vote, but he also motivates people who despise him in equal measure. 80 million people weren't voting for Biden. Most of us are lukewarm at best towards the guy. We were voting against that pig of a man and his awful family!
shareBLM have shot themselves in the foot. They have kept rioting which I am sure a lot of people thought would have stopped if Trump was gone. It has proven that Trump was not the problem after all.
shareWho the hell was dumb enough to think the PROTESTING was going to stop because Trump was gone? The issues important to BLM concern the state of policing in this country. As long as cops keep shooting unarmed people and are mostly held unaccountable, expect more of the same.
shareNot American but yeah it is a stupid theory have. Honestly, I can see why cops in America are so keen to go for their guns.
shareThe riots will ensure a Trump victory in 2020.
Trump's handling of Covid will ensure a Trump victory in 2020.
Biden's campaign from a basement will ensure a Trump victory in 2020.
Here's a little secret. The dems want him to run in 2024 because it's a fact he cannot win.
On the positive side, I can assure you Trump will claim victory in 2024 when Biden is re-elected. That's all the copium MAGA needs.
Short memory, I like that. It's good. Republicans will end up taking at least one house next year and win 2024.
Someone save this post as I fear it may not age well. Bookmark it. Take screenshots.
With all the stuff the Republicans are pulling with the voting laws, etc. I fear it won't end well first come 2022 before 2024 even hits.
It's not going to matter because Trump isn't going to run in 2024. The GOP politicians aren't devoted to him because they think he'll win, they are devoted to him because they fear the wrath of his base. It'll dissipate over time, especially with all the legal battles against Trump that will not stop. After a couple years the base will be accepting of someone else, possibly Tucker.
If it is Tucker, then I'll upgrade my 'no way' to a 'ehhhh... maybe.'
You can screenshot this one too.
The fact is that when you total up all taxes, the average American worker pays MORE taxes and fees that citizens of the so-called social democracies and gets shit for it. Maybe "woke" is not such a bad thing because Americans need to wake the hell up!
shareHere's another way to look at it:
Norway's National Debt is about 40% of GDP
South Korea 42%
Switzerland 42%
United States 106% (before covid)
On the other hand, Japan is over 200%.
I think I'm missing your point?
shareI think I'm agreeing with you... and bolstering your argument...
shareWell then, thanks!
shareThere's also this:
In 1980, Debt as Percentage of GDP was 32%
This is what we get after 40 years of hacking away at the New Deal... but that took 48 years 1933-1980... Maybe in another 8 years we can back to that 32%...
Actually there is a revolution of sorts in modeling the economy. Part of it is in this MMT, Modern Monetary Theory, but I think most of comes from the recognition of just how skewed and corrupt the economy and financial system is, supported the the Legislative branch legislating for dollars and kickbacks.
That system has been hollowing out the riches of this country to a plutocratic class that eventually will have so much money they can buy the whole rest of the country. That means to me that MONEY must be declared void at some point, which leaves the question of what do we do at that point?
When we realize the whole economy is just as corrupt to all of us as our original country was to the Native Americans or African Slaves, and that post-Civil War, some people were indeed freed but a lot more became virtual wage slaves as the number of farm and owners of the land became more by banks and corporations.
Modern economics seems to *depend* on sustained growth.
Threfore , by definition, its an unsustainable ponzi scheme
"Modern Monetary Theory"
Einstein said that you yourself never really understand something until you can make your grandmother understand it...
Nothing changed in the last 100,000 years.
I've got apple trees. You have orange trees. I want some oranges, you want some apples. We trade, maybe 2 apples for every orange.
Then I decide I really like oranges, so I say to you, give me ALL your oranges this year and I'll give you all my apples this year AND NEXT YEAR ALSO.
So year 2 I have no apples and no oranges. So I die.
Trade is not capitalism. That is a very superficial understanding of economics. Capitalism is the union of trade and politics, and armies and money evolved from wars not because someone with figs wanted to get in the middle of your apple and orange trade.
shareThere's an old quote by some French guy that when goods do not cross borders, soldiers will. But we're digressing....
The point I was trying to make with the apples and the oranges is that, that is the economy: what we can pull out of the ground we stand on (I'm assuming the oceans are dead from overfishing and pollution) and consuming tomorrow's production today is devastating.
That's a good point, but it was not really relevant to the main topic. Through our stupidity and playing God human beings have managed to destroy some vast percentage of what nature has built up since the time it evolved on our planet ... and we still don't see it.
shareThe Middle East was stable before January of this year?! Bahahahahahahahaha!
The riots - both last summer's and the one in January - happened while Trump was President.
Hey thats a good point.
The entire BLM thing spawned on Trumps watch.
We can only assume he's responsible for it due to bad handling of various incidents