MovieChat Forums > Politics > Democrats = high taxes, high gas prices,...

Democrats = high taxes, high gas prices, no border security, riots in cities, a distabilized middle east...

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That's enough. I don't want anymore.


Republicans = Pretend Trump won the election so they can use that lie to engage in voter suppression so that maybe they can win in the future because they fear it's the only way their fucked-up party can win.

Democrats = May be a little too leftist for the moderates, but they got where they are by playing by the rules and paying attention to their constituents instead of resorting to the nasty tricks of the repugs to win elections.

Hugo Chavez voting machines and Chinese bamboo ballots indeed.


Inflation across the board.

I bet we will see $8 or higher gas before they are ousted in 4 yrs.

I predict Biden will be gone (dead) within a year and the Pres. Crazy Bitch will sink the economy even faster.


Who the hell cares about the budget?

The freewheeling comments offer remarkable insights into the president's approach on federal spending and the debt, which barreled past $23 trillion late last year.
Trump campaigned in 2016 on eliminating the federal debt in eight years and reining in the deficit, a key concern of Republicans throughout President Obama's two terms in office. They often accused Democrats of being excessive spenders, which racked up the deficit.
However, Trump veered the opposite direction as president, and Republicans tempered their previous criticism.
The 2017 tax cuts blew up the federal deficit, which neared $1 trillion in fiscal year 2019 - a 26% jump from the year before as it steadily increased every year in office.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will cost $1.9 trillion over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Trump also signed a $1.4 trillion budget in December that boosted defense spending.
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a nonpartisan budget watchdog, estimated earlier this month that Trump's spending priorities will pile an additional $4.7 trillion onto the debt through 2029.
