MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why Republicans support Donald Trump

Why Republicans support Donald Trump

Democrats literally hate Republicans. They despise them, especially white, heterosexual Christian Republicans. Democrats view these people as a disease, as archaic monsters standing in the way of the Liberal version of progress.

The goal of Democrats is to totally erase the traditional way of life of White Republicans from existence. They do this by indoctrinating white children to be ashamed to be white, to hate their ancestors and dismiss their achievements as arrogant relics of colonialism. They want any positive feelings about being a white American to be the moral equivalent to embracing Nazism.

They want to influence American youth to embrace and indulge in alternate sexualities, and to become dependent on recreational drugs. They aim to erode the image of the traditional two-parent heterosexual family by portraying fathers as evil, dangerous or simply moronic and ineffectual. They want to eliminate Christianity. They constantly bombard the American people with all this propaganda through the Liberal-controlled media and educational facilities and have done so for decades.

They want to remove Republicans' means of earning a living by branding them racists for ridiculous trivialities, even for just being born with 'white privilege', and 'exposing' them as racists on social media. They want the accepted image of the white male to be that of an abuser, an oppressor, a murderer.

They want to take away Republicans' Constitutionally approved means of self-defense, while at the same time weakening law enforcement and empowering criminals to rob and kill without fear of serious consequences. They want to do away with international borders and tax Republicans to support many thousands of indigent aliens from 3rd world countries who will irrevocably alter the social and political structure of America to one resembling the countries they are fleeing.

Democrats want the American economy crippled with countless ridiculous environmental laws while far worse polluters in Asia, Africa, Latin America etc. act with impunity. They want to 'level the global playing field' and bring the USA down to parity with the primitive nations of the earth.

For a very long time, supposed Republican leaders went along with this. They kow-towed to Liberal Democrats, issuing apologies and making concessions whenever their actions were deemed offensive by the Liberal elites.

Trump doesn't do that. Trump does what Trump wants without fear. He's no Mitt Romney or John McCain, claiming to be conservative patriots, but groveling to their Liberal masters.

Republicans see Trump as the last hope left before the country is overrun by the collective hive-mind of Progressive Liberalism. Trump is the last politician left who will protect people who identify with the Republican ethos from being eliminated to make way for the Democrats' socialist dystopia. They see him as their defender against Leftist masses who hate them, fear them and wish to destroy them.


U.S.A.: Eating Tomorrow's Apples Today

That should be on the back of our currency.

No one runs for reelection promising to bring less pork to his district.

Democrats suck slightly less than Republicans.


I don't get how the Trumpistas support Donald Trump! He is despicable. I read that the Evangelicals no longer support him.


Your reading comprehension sucks.


Yeah. ONE Left-leaning evangelical magazine publishes an anti-Trump rant and the Left thinks it's some massive 'awakening' of Evangelicals to the Leftist cause... Wow. Guess they missed the follow-up articles where Evangelical leaders announce their support of him.


No we don't hate thoughtful pubs ... but we, after this long and hateful screed, do hate you. Well done, soldier.
I am hopeful the rest of moderate and compassionate Americans want nothing to do with you and your un-kind. Get thee hence !


If you see yourself as moderate and compassionate and also consider yourself a progressive Liberal, you must be one of those 'useful idiots' who advance the Leftist cause for their leadership without truly understanding the long-term ramifications of it.


I hate it when people try to start shit like this, it's the last thing we need, more hatred and anger for each other. You are just another person trying to stir the pot when what we need most is to come together. I consider my self a democrat and I support democracy, a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. That means that we all have equal say as to how our country will be run. Can't we please just stop fighting each other and fight for our common goals?


The only way it will end is to make republicans, racists, misogynists and homophobes as unacceptable as they used to be and get back to a fair society and economy.


@brux Are you advocating re-education camps for Republicans and the other groups you conveniently lump together? Bring them around to the 'Correct' way of thinking? Chemical therapy, physical negative reinforcement?

@Jinx 'Common goals' to you means Democrat goals, right? Republicans are just too dumb to see it, huh?


> Are you advocating re-education camps for Republicans

Before one gets re-educated, one must be educated, and for most of Trump's supporters that never happened. Listen to them sometime.


Common goals like raising education and job rates, Improving the quality of life for elderly, ending childhood hunger, advancing medicine . . . Is it really so hard for you to think of things that we all agree on?


When did we have a fair society and economy?


Never, but America and the West has been moving towards it since WWI when people began to realize a little of how things worked unfairly. The point is that that progression towards a fair society and economy has been halted, and you make sarcastic points.

I heard a funny saying the other day, "The Republican Party consists of millionaires and morons, so if you are a Republican, check your bank account to find out which you are".


A fair society would be for democrats and republicans to stop attacking each other and try to come to some common ground, some compromise where we both feel heard and validated. It’s never going to be a utopia like that but we should try to stop the hatred. I feel like that’s something we can accomplish. It’s easy and feels good to tear people we disagree with down and so much harder to hear what they have to say and value them as fellow humans even if we think their opinions are uneducated or faulty. Take the higher road if you dare.


> A fair society would be for democrats and republicans to stop attacking each other

Today a fair society would not even have Republicans in it.


[–] brux (4895)
"Today a fair society would not even have Republicans in it."

Says the "tolerant" left. 🙄


You seem to imply that tolerant means tolerant of sickness and evil. But then maybe you actually believe that since you probably tolerate Trump, or Hitler ... good people on all sides, eh? Within the set of civilized, human, people in the world, I am very tolerant of their differences, but that doesn't mean I am tolerant of people who want to make Putin, Xi Jing Pin, or Duterte some kind of hero.


"You seem to imply that tolerant means tolerant of sickness and evil. But then maybe you actually believe that since you probably tolerate Trump, or Hitler"

I'm not implying any such thing. You directly said that a "fair society wouldn't even have Republicans in it!!" The left is always preaching about tolerance but they are not tolerant at all of anything conservative or Republican.

How can you even lump Trump in with the likes of Hitler?! 🙄 Utter nonsense.


> You directly said that a "fair society wouldn't even have Republicans in it!!"

And I stand by it.

The rest of your annoying nonsense is just that. A fair society would not have Republicans preventing people from having housing, health care, education to give money to the rich. A decent leader in our country would not be trying to prevent people from voting by secretly removing their names from the voting rolls.

I could go on and on about things Republicans do all the time that are specifically aimed to preserve and protect, not our union, but their elite supporters.


Here is another funny saying, speaking on how naive and ideological youth is.

‘If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.’


I heard this quote once on CNN but I don't know who it's attributed too? Could you tell me who said it?


It's likely ageless, ancient, first spoken by the Sumerians...

But this guy traces it to some French dude at the time of the French Revolution:


Hey, thanks for looking into that for me.


blah, blah, blah ... Republicans under Newt Gingrich started a war on America by hoodwinking religious idiots and stupid midwesterners with a bunch of nonsense on AM radio and Rush Limbaugh. No Democrat before that ever called Conservatism a mental disorder, but because the Republican base are stupid thugs at heart Republican focus groups and social scientists were able to whip then into a frenzy and amp them up to a fever pitch and above. it has taken about 20-30 year for Democrats to get sick and tired of it and start fighting fire with fire, and no Republicans whine and complain.


Ah... Fascinating... Republicans are 'religious idiots', 'stupid midwesterners' and 'stupid thugs' who are easily 'whipped into frenzies' at a 'fever pitch'. I see...

The enlightened, tolerant Democrats are just trying to 'understand it all'. No hate or bigotry there... None at all.


It was NOT bigotry when Democrats waited 20 years to respond to all the Republican hate rhetoric.

It WAS bigotry when AM radio, Limbaugh and then eventually internet trolls started attacking and calling Democrats sick in the head, commies, and disloyal from the 1990's onward.


No, leftists have been attacking people like that for several decades, long before Limbaugh, Trump, the internet, or even Buckley came onto the scene. They don't like that conservatives are fighting back.


That's just what you want to believe. It's called revisionist history, and Trump and hard core conservatives do it ALL the time. Although it's just a fancy term for lying. But go ahead and lie to yourself and the rest of us. We know what's going on, (i.e., heavy handed propaganda that plays well to the rubes).


Actually false revisionist history is a leftist thing. You're practicing it right now. George Orwell's leftist regime in 1984 was heavily modeled on what the Soviet Union was doing in real life, including the airbrushing of historical photos as "politically correct" facts changed. Leftists keep repeating Big Lies until new generations rise up who don't know they're BS. That's why people wrongly believe that "McCarthyism" and anti-communists were a bigger problem in mid 20th Century America than the very real massive infiltration by communists, communist ideology being every bit as despicably evil as Nazism and ultimately proving even more dangerous.

"Hands up don't shoot!": it's "open season" on blacks because allegedly white supremacist cops are going around slaughtering them, a ludicrous stacked layer of easily debunked lies.

Conservatives are somehow the "selfish" ones unlike "good" liberals who "give a shit", despite studies showing conservatives giving and volunteering way more than liberals do.

Obama "saved" us with his trillion dollar porkulus boondoggle from a recession that ended before his policy even went into effect.

Republicans are the party of slavery, the KKK, and racial discrimination, 180 degrees opposite of the truth.

Republicans are stupid "rubes" when in actuality they read more, think more, debate circles around, and are smarter than Democrats.

One of the clearest recent examples:

James Comey is a hero who refused to indict Hillary Clinton. Comey is a villain whose announcement cost Clinton the election. Comey is a noble public servant who was sacrificed to Trump's obstruction of justice. Comey can be discarded after the damning IG report because he's of no further use.

Your lies go on and on.


You are a sick person who needs to have a serious self-evaluation. Everything you spout is a distortion of what really goes on, and you are advocating an autocratic state where decisions are made from the top and the rest of us suffer.
You say I lie, and you continue to lie. This is like talking with with a child -- meaningless. I won't engage with your anonymous account any longer.


Trump supporters really do live in a different reality than most other Americans.


Note how I cited specific examples backing up my claim while your retort was nothing but vague BS assertions followed by a craven and truly childish announcement that you're leaving the discussion, illustrating some of the behavior I just described.


This is how the left debates. Facts come secondary to emotions. Childish and irrational is how they see the world.


FACT: Government consumers more and more of our production under Trump and prior conservative regimes.

Tax Freedom Day 2019: May 8

Tax Freedom Day 1979: April 22


No, but it's a fact your own source link says this:

"This year, Tax Freedom Day falls on April 16, or 105 days into the year...

Tax Freedom Day in 2018 and 2019 was five days earlier than it was in 2017, in large part due to the recent federal tax law, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act."


There will not be another Benghazi and American will not be bullied or threatened by terrorists. Thats why America loves Trump


FACT: If we ceased ALL tax collections, and maintained current levels of government spending, Tax Freedom Day would NOT be January 1.



Actually according to your source it would, but I was just correcting your misleading claim by directly quoting that source. That's a fact, moron. Now if you want to argue that the debt is a long term problem I'll agree with you, though for the record state and local governments wouldn't be allowed to end all tax collection (which is counted in "Tax Freedom Day") while maintaining government spending.


It is not a misleading claim. The Tax Foundation publishes BOTH dates for taxes actually COLLECTED and for WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN COLLECTED ("Deficit Inclusive.")

But you know this.

And you also know that every American is working 16 more days to pay for their government today than they were paying before Ronald Reagan.


Of course I know they mention both dates. I already explained it in detail the last thread you pulled that same stunt.

Your claim is misleading because...

1. You ignore their topline date, the actual Tax Freedom Day, which is coming earlier than under Obama, a fact your own source attributes to Trump's tax cut, and only mention the alternative deficit inclusive measure, calling that "Tax Freedom Day".

2. You're cherry-picking date comparisons in a way that obscures the intervening terrain, for example failing to mention that the deficit inclusive date was May 17 in 2010, 9 days later than this year and almost matching the WW2 record.

3. You keep citing Reagan and on the earlier thread even ludicrously attacked an alleged "40 years of conservative government", the existence of which would be a surprise to conservatives and the folks at the Tax Foundation. You ignore 16 years of Democrat presidency and many years of Democrat congressional control, including during the Reagan era and for much of the time national debt was doubling under Obama. Not to mention the fact that the debt inclusive day had dropped to May 6 in Trump’s first two years, climbing back to May 8 this year with Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats seizing control of the House and getting much of the spending they wanted.

4. While keeping track of deficit spending is laudable it's a mistake to equate taxes and spending. They're different actions with different impacts on economic activities. That's why the TF doesn't count deficit spending in its main "Tax Freedom Day", but in a separate, alternate measure.

It's also unclear if you understand the dynamics driving spending like the fluctuations to mandatory annual deficit interest payments simply caused by the Fed adjusting rates, or the automatic, fast growth in entitlement programs like SS and Medicare that leftist sentiment has made reform to impossible so far. Then there’s the fact that the “Tax Freedom Day” metric accounts for the state and local levels too, and isn’t just about DC.

If your point was just that government spending is a problem the US still hasn't solved, conservatives would agree with you.

But a presentation that blames that primarily, let alone only, on conservatives or Republicans is wrong.


"to mandatory annual deficit interest payments simply caused by the Fed adjusting rates"

What the hell are you talking about?

"the automatic, fast growth in entitlement programs like SS and Medicare that leftist sentiment has made reform to impossible so far."

Look, clearly 1932 to 1980 the conservatives were in the wilderness. Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford were not the Great White Buffalo. Democrats controlled Capitol Hill for all but 4(?) years out of 48 years.

I'll even give you a pass on Reagan and Bush I.

But it's been 24+ years since 1994. There is no Great White Buffalo.

Grover Norquist:

"we sort of try and check each other to make sure that we haven't gone native, that you come to Washington thinking it's a cesspool, you don't want to end up thinking it's really a hot tub and getting used to it."

yeah. too late

Perhaps your argument is that a "conservative" government is a better steward of the people's money than are the people themselves...


What the hell are you talking about?

See? Here are a couple of primers:

"By 2025, the mere interest payments on the national debt are set to eclipse defense spending."

"Meanwhile, mandatory and entitlement programs are accelerating on auto-pilot, on course to consume the entirety of government revenue in just over 20 years."

The debt problem is an accumulation over many decades, and interest rate changes alone can cause the annual interest payment to shrink or blow up significantly.

Some other facts:

Percent of Federal Spending

Social Programs - 21%
Defense - 53%

Social Programs - 62%
Defense - 18%

So we agree that the debt is a problem, but it's unclear what the point of the rest of your post is. While the Reagan revolution and subsequent gradual political realignment has led to positive changes in fits and starts, no conservative has claimed that they've gotten anywhere close to everything they want. Far from it on a variety of crucial issues, including abortion, education, immigration, tort reform, and spending/entitlement reform. Heck, we just had 8 years of the most left wing government since FDR, and currently have a centrist populist president, liberal Democrat House, and RINO-led Senate, none of which are interested in entitlement reform or fighting hard for spending cuts. We certainly have not had "40 years of conservative government".

If your point is that government hasn't been conservative enough, I agree. If you're claiming that failure to rein in spending somehow means we'd be better off jacking up tax rates and spending as much as politicians want, I strongly disagree.


Stay focused: April 22 in 1979; May 8 in 2019.

Why are you showing me numbers from 1960?

1932 to 1979, FDR New Deal policies, Republican presidents comfortable with those, Democrats owned Capitol Hill.

1981 to 2019, all Republicans want to get government off our backs, top tax rate on dividends drops from 70% in 1980 to 24% in 2010. Just one example.

You said:

"alleged "40 years of conservative government", You ignore 16 years of Democrat presidency and many years of Democrat congressional control, including during the Reagan era and for much of the time national debt was doubling under Obama."

1981 to 2019 GOP had majority in Senate 20/38 years; House 20/38 years.

1995 to 2019 GOP had majority in Senate 14/24 years; House 20/24 years.

When can we expect to get government to back to its size in 1979?


Why are you showing me numbers from 1960?

To clearly show what's driving federal spending, which is more useful than staying confined in your contrived little box.
1932 to 1979, FDR New Deal policies, Republican presidents comfortable with those, Democrats owned Capitol Hill.

1981 to 2019, all Republicans want to get government off our backs, top tax rate on dividends drops from 70% in 1980 to 24% in 2010. Just one example.

Not even close to accurate, but again, what's your point? That government hasn't been conservative enough?


What here is inaccurate?

"1932 to 1979, FDR New Deal policies, Republican presidents comfortable with those, Democrats owned Capitol Hill.

1981 to 2019, all Republicans want to get government off our backs, top tax rate on dividends drops from 70% in 1980 to 24% in 2010. Just one example."

You think 40 years is a "contrived little box?"

You said:
"Then there’s the fact that the “Tax Freedom Day” metric accounts for the state and local levels too, and isn’t just about DC."

State and Local Taxes consumed 34.2 days in 1979 and 33.8 days in 2019. Therefore, Federal consumed 77 days in 1979 and 93 days in 2019, more than 20%.

"what's your point? That government hasn't been conservative enough?"

I'd say working 77 days to pay for government is more conservative than working 93 days.


When you clearly answer my chief question about what your point is and what you're calling for I'll indulge you by outlining your other inaccuracies.


That's why I call this guy "the real deal". I don't think he's a troll--I think he genuinely believes this bullshit he's slinging.


Piss off, dimwit. You have nothing to contribute.


And what have you contributed, krl97a? I've seen nothing from you of value. NOTHING. Every single word, letter, syllable you type is 110% manufactured to twist, spin and distort all reality. You come off more as some sort of an android that was programmed to spew FOX/Breitbart/all other far right-wing media propaganda and nothing else. Almost nothing about you feels like a genuine human being. You're some sort of a strange FOX/Breitbart propaganda distortionist savant.

I find you fascinating, sad and sick all at once.

I'd pity you if not for the fact that there are actual contributors to society deserving of far more pity and compassion than you.

Get help, kid. Seriously.


See? Not a single fact or specific example in your moronic reply, dteam6. You're just sore and embarrassed over having your butt repeatedly kicked up and down this board by me and others and these vague blasts of BS you pop into threads to spew at posters you're holding grudges against are apparently the best "payback" you can conjure. Sad.


Nah, I think I have you pretty much figured out. It shows in your screwball replies to myself and others. :)


To wit, I ask you a specific, very substantive question here and you run away from answering it.

That helps anyone reading this figure you out, sugar britches.


No, you absolute psycho. I didn't run away from anything. You asked me a question I had already answer TO YOU and another psycho poster several months ago. You're bringing this up as a way of trying to "out" me to a poster unfamiliar with me.

Why don't you go find that post from several months ago and post it here? Hm? Why don't you? It's buried on this board for anyone to seek out. My posting history is here for anyone to read.

You love to reference it but never link to it.

I answered this question already and you and I both know why you're referencing this without linking back to it.

Proving my point yet again: you're a distortionist savant who twists, spins, distorts and deflects. Everyone was here when I said what I said and clarified what I meant.

Now you link it since you like to mention it so much. I can wait. :)


“No Democrat before that ever called Conservatism a mental disorder...”

Maybe not, but anyone who supports Trump have been called “Racist”. If they didn’t agree with Obama they were deemed “Racists”. They have been called “homophobes” if they don’t acquiesce to alternate lifestyles. Trump supporters have been referred to as people (working glass) who “Cling to their guns and religion”. But, then what do I know? After all I’m a member of the “basket of deplorables”! 😬


Your post is a great reminder to everyone that your hero John Solomon has been named “ Misinformer of the Year”!

Don’t you feel like an idiot now?


Who named him that? Oh yeah... The same Liberal media who name all Republicans as sister-wife-beating inbred toothless rednecks, all Christian churchgoers as 'Carrie's Mom' style wild-eyed fanatics and all white males as hapless morons or violent abusers... Sounds like a great, non-biased group.


Call'em as we see'em.


I support because I only have so much money.I want to retire someday and paying overcost will keep me from it.


Very well said.
