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Why Republicans support Donald Trump

Democrats literally hate Republicans. They despise them, especially white, heterosexual Christian Republicans. Democrats view these people as a disease, as archaic monsters standing in the way of the Liberal version of progress.

The goal of Democrats is to totally erase the traditional way of life of White Republicans from existence. They do this by indoctrinating white children to be ashamed to be white, to hate their ancestors and dismiss their achievements as arrogant relics of colonialism. They want any positive feelings about being a white American to be the moral equivalent to embracing Nazism.

They want to influence American youth to embrace and indulge in alternate sexualities, and to become dependent on recreational drugs. They aim to erode the image of the traditional two-parent heterosexual family by portraying fathers as evil, dangerous or simply moronic and ineffectual. They want to eliminate Christianity. They constantly bombard the American people with all this propaganda through the Liberal-controlled media and educational facilities and have done so for decades.

They want to remove Republicans' means of earning a living by branding them racists for ridiculous trivialities, even for just being born with 'white privilege', and 'exposing' them as racists on social media. They want the accepted image of the white male to be that of an abuser, an oppressor, a murderer.

They want to take away Republicans' Constitutionally approved means of self-defense, while at the same time weakening law enforcement and empowering criminals to rob and kill without fear of serious consequences. They want to do away with international borders and tax Republicans to support many thousands of indigent aliens from 3rd world countries who will irrevocably alter the social and political structure of America to one resembling the countries they are fleeing.

Democrats want the American economy crippled with countless ridiculous environmental laws while far worse polluters in Asia, Africa, Latin America etc. act with impunity. They want to 'level the global playing field' and bring the USA down to parity with the primitive nations of the earth.

For a very long time, supposed Republican leaders went along with this. They kow-towed to Liberal Democrats, issuing apologies and making concessions whenever their actions were deemed offensive by the Liberal elites.

Trump doesn't do that. Trump does what Trump wants without fear. He's no Mitt Romney or John McCain, claiming to be conservative patriots, but groveling to their Liberal masters.

Republicans see Trump as the last hope left before the country is overrun by the collective hive-mind of Progressive Liberalism. Trump is the last politician left who will protect people who identify with the Republican ethos from being eliminated to make way for the Democrats' socialist dystopia. They see him as their defender against Leftist masses who hate them, fear them and wish to destroy them.


Great post.


You hit the nail on the head :)


I consider myself an independent and I don't hate Republicans but I can't stand Trump!


Same here. What this OP wrote is poison. There are people with agendas in BOTH parties but not everyone thinks the same in both parties.


Anyone supporting Democrats who does not think the way I outlined is very naive and does not comprehend the real Democrat agenda, which is to eradicate the Conservative mindset. The casual supporters of the Democrats are what is known as 'useful idiots' who further the ends of the party without truly understanding what the desired outcome is.


As I stated--and will state again--not every member of EITHER party conforms to the "status quo" of their party. Your insistence on proving otherwise is not only utter nonsense but rather insane.


Just a bullion base of bad behaviour


Red State Republicans are the world's biggest welfare queens.

When's Mitch McConnell going to have a vote raising Social Security eligibility to age 68?

When's he going to have a vote raising Medicare eligibility to age 66?


Not only are Republicans completely behind President Trump, democrats are starting to jump ship and come over to the side of sanity. Socialist libtard demomorons are defeating themselves with everything they do and say on a daily basis!


For my reply, I just have one word...well...maybe three words: Ditto, Ditto, Ditto! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


What an absolute mountain of bullshit. I'd also question your mental stability after reading this.

Literally everything--EVERYTHING--you wrote are aspects that apply to SOME--but not ALL--democrats.

What you wrote is the equivalent of me stating: "All republicans are Trumpers", "All republicans are racist", "All republicans are homophobic," "All republicans are Christians", "All republicans are White Supremacists and Neo Nazis" and "All republicans want America to be white, Christian and no immigrants or brown-skinned people". Would those be accurate traits of all republicans? No. Of course not. That's absurd. That's as absurd as everything you just said about the dems.

See, people like you are a constant reminder of WHY I chose never to conform to either party in this country. People JUST like you. I know a LOT of Trump supporters are crazy and racist but not everyone. Many are good people who have their own reasons for supporting him. I know some in real life--some of them are family. They don't ALL hold the skewed ideology of that orange madman.

There is truth in what you wrote to many degrees. What's fundamentally wrong in your post is how you make it sound as if this is the entire democratic ideology--as if this is all stuff they believe in as a whole. That is incorrect--as incorrect as the republican examples who wrote.

What you wrote is trash and meant to stir the pot and blanket label an entire party as something it isn't.

Your last post is 100% truth in a sense, though: everything you wrote in that paragraph is precisely what is festering in the minds of MANY Trump supporters and precisely what THEY believe. Not all of them think that way but many do. And it's so skewed. So muddled. So psychotic. So untrue.

You want truth? Both parties have elements in them (like you) who want to eat the other party. You guys are both at war. And it's disgusting, embarrassing and reminds me of why the world is laughing its ass off at us.

I agree with others--you sound scared, paranoid and angry as hell. Everything you wrote sounds like partisan indoctrination.

I question everything you wrote but some highlights are:

-Christianity: Many people who support Trump claim to be Christian. I've seen almost none who claim it behave as a Christian.

-You incorrectly trivialize the concept of Christianity as a republican-only, white-only, American-only concept. You sound like a bigot.

-You say: "Trump does what he wants without fear" with a point of pride--as if that's a trait to admire. It's not. It's a foolish and dangerous trait for any leader to have. It's also decidedly false. Donald reeks of fear. Every word. Every action. So much paranoia. You're delusional if you think that man has no fear.

Dems do this as well--just the opposite of what you're doing. This is the only time I will quote that orange cretin: between repubs and dems, there truly ARE "good people on both sides"...and add my own: many MANY bad people on both sides. You are one of the bad ones. Your post is abhorrent. Your words are meant to mislead. You're feeding right into Trump's hand happily.

Fck this two-party system. It's nonsense. Pure nonsense. Our country won't last at this rate.


Obvious Liberal Democrat pretending to be an unbiased non-partisan observer, but revealing their Progressive allegiances in their post.

Go to any forum, read any news article from any Liberal outlet, which is most of them. ALL of them are drumming the same anti-Republican screed. Painting Republicans as ignorant hill-billies, mass-shooters, neo-Nazis. Democrat Leaders use language like "Deplorables" to describe Republicans. Any movie made by Hollywood on the subject shows white Southerners as drooling meth-head racist monsters, Christians as rabid evil fanatics.

Ignoring this evil anti-Republican propaganda is like sticking your head in the sand. What they are doing is much like the anti-Jewish propaganda of the Nazis.


What's funny is that he reveals it in virtually every post. "Absolute mountain of bullshit" would be a fitting title for that post and dteam6's posting generally. The dishonest "I'm above partisanship, pox on both their houses........but Republicans are really bad..." sthick is a painfully unoriginal posture/preen branding tactic that was rarely effective in the past and has no traction today because it completely misses the legitimate anger and populist dynamics in the Zeitgeist. dteam6 is too stupid to realize that Trump is more "above partisanship" than he is, and his rise represents people actually turning against their old party establishments, Democrat or Republican, to try to save this country before it vanishes down the toilet.

dteam6 is just some emotional kid with weak scruples who didn't examine the far left propaganda he consumed with a critical eye and let himself be jerked into a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. His admitted ignorance of politics before Trump came along and ratcheted up the excitement of the leftist bubble's vitriol shows through in his posting, and may be why he desperately clings to that lame posturing tactic.

He doesn't realize it just makes people roll their eyes and has made him a joke.


Well, of course you're going to say that--it goes against your idiotic narrative of shoving everyone into one group.

There is no point in arguing this further with you as we both know this is going one way and one way you intended when you started this BS.



Speaking of psychotic idiocy, dteam6, do you still support the government branding the NRA a "terrorist group" and killing or imprisoning its leaders or have you reconsidered that position?


I explained what I meant in regards to that many times, spin queen. Now go spin somewhere else, you absolute psychopath. :)


It was always clear what you meant. You said the NRA should be labeled a "terrorist" group and shut down by the government. Not much wiggle room if you're a "terrorist" organization.

I was asking if you've reconsidered that truly psychotic position.


Link the conversation, you distortionist sociopath. I explained and clarified what I meant about that months ago and you're incorrectly paraphrasing what exactly happened. Now, you link that conversation or I'll report you to the mods for libel. You're making a good case for it here.


I explained and clarified what I meant about that

You want me to spend time finding an old exchange that you just admitted happened, and that you acknowledged the need to clarify, or else you'll report me for "libel", despite countless posts of you spewing lies about me like "distortionist sociopath" (😄 sometimes insults reveal more about their user than target)? That's rich.

Instead, since we've established the initial exchange occurred, why don't you link to this alleged "clarification"? Maybe I missed it. Everything I've said about you is accurate. I'm not falsely accusing you of something or trying to be punitive. I've been open minded and hopeful that you would retract or "clarify" your comments. I've given you every opportunity to do so and I've only seen you try to dodge like you are here.

Links aside, how about now? Do you support branding the NRA as a "terrorist" group or not?

All that said, while I have to leave for a while I'll be happy to dig up the old conversations later when I get a chance.


krl97a: "You recently endorsed San Francisco's move to label the National Rifle Association a "domestic terrorist group", you preening fraud...

There's nothing sane, rational, or American about that.

dteam6: "the NRA seems to have a political voice in how our government is run when it SHOULDN'T... You're damn right I endorse the labeling of the NRA as a domestic terrorist group and I'm not ashamed of it."

dteam6: "you jumped all over me for agreeing with the notion of the NRA being a domestic terrorist organization."

That was all shortly after your initial endorsement of the San Francisco government's radical move of officially labeling the NRA a "terrorist" group.

dteam6: "I don't blame them one iota for calling the NRA domestic terrorists."

So much for your "libel" case. Whatever you feel libel means, it's not quoting someone's deranged, politically extreme words right back at him. That's called being honest and holding you accountable.


I notice you conveniently avoided posting my clarification on the subject even though you linked to the thread where I said it:

First of all, no I do not have a learning disability. Now, I have a question for you: are you able to think abstractly? Like at all? It's a fair question. See, I ask that question because of the way you jumped all over me for agreeing with the notion of the NRA being a domestic terrorist organization.

Now, let's break it all down. This is where you outed yourself: you just outed yourself as a person who has a very narrow-limited view of the world. You view things in narrow, pure black and white view and nothing else. You believe in blanket judgments about entire groups. That's the impression I'm getting from you. Why? The very fact you would even THINK the things you just said to me.

So, let me break it down for you: just because I agreed with that assessment of the NRA doesn't mean I am thinking all card-carrying members are terrorists. Really, you couldn't figure this out? You don't look at groups in terms like this? For example, I think all man-made religions are corrupt, indoctrinating money-making machines full of phonies and fake members. That does NOT mean I think every single person involved in these religions is like that. I've known fake-Christians and I've known true-blue Christians.

I think the pharmacy companies are soulless and greedy, using our sicknesses to profit. That doesn't mean I think all pharmacists are soulless and greedy. It's the ORGANIZATION. The EXISTENCE of it. The top people behind it.

You actually sat there, thinking I was walking around, thinking all NRA members are terrorists? That's sad. It's sad you have such a narrow, limited view of the world and groups in general.

Classic hallmark of most Trumpers on this board: you guys make blanket claims: we're all "liberals" just because we hate Trump or we all voted for Hillary, etc. You guys approach every political argument with a black and white blanket accusation attitude...except when it concerns defending trump. Then you guys dip into every gray area you can find.

When I say: "Trumpers are racist" I'm obviously not meaning they're ALL racist. I know people who are Trump supporters. I'm RELATED to people who are Trump supporters. Not racist.

See, that's the ability to think in a complex way. You're outed yourself as someone incapable of that.

But who am I kidding? This is a troll job set up by you. You grabbed my argument and spun and strawmanned the entire thing into some sort of tangled web of accusations and assumptions. If that's not a troll job then what it IS is a sign that you have a very narrow view of the world.

Donald is the same way. He labels all illegals as "criminals" and "murderers" and you guys believe him. He labels the free press as the enemy and you guys follow suit.

Thanks for doing the grunt work for me, by the way. I knew you would. I was just too lazy to look that thread up. I knew you'd be crazy enough to take all that time to research it. :)

Thanks for clearing it up!

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is krl97a in a nutshell (heavy emphasis on the "nut" part). He gives spin and half-truths. He attacks me weekly with this NRA thread nonsense but refuses to acknowledge that I already clarified what I meant.

And, in his insanity, he literally posts the very link that proves he was spinning/twisting things around.

Kid needs help. Many years of therapy. For a START.


How does that clarify anything? You just threw a bunch of mostly off topic straw men in the air, a cloud of verbal diarrhea you apparently hoped would cover your retreat.

dteam6: "You're damn right I endorse the labeling of the NRA as a domestic terrorist group and I'm not ashamed of it."



I'm not sure what's more amazing, that he posted all that after having the gall to accuse me of "libel", or that he's constantly talking about other people's mental health. Posters should refer back to this next time dteam6 does the spiel boasting about his "credibility".


You wanting to equate pubs with persecuted Jews is a new low in victimhood claiming. You check all the boxes for what makes the pub base indeed deplorable, and then say it's wrong to call them out on it.
Apparently any forums, news articles and Hollywood movies all find the pub base to be lacking in character. What does that tell you? It tells me that base is disliked by the majority of moderate and compassionate people. If pubs want to be respected by society at large, they should clean up their rhetoric and put out positive reasons why they should be supported, and not hauling out a bunch of phantom boogey men to rile up the less educated, which is how they want the US population to be. Reagan, W and especially Trump have done nothing for the average American worker while claiming to represent their interests. It's a con, sounds good to the rubes but in the end everyone loses, other than the wealthy elite. At least Democrats support teachers and unions and women and poor people. Pubs can't claim that ground.
