Why Republicans support Donald Trump
Democrats literally hate Republicans. They despise them, especially white, heterosexual Christian Republicans. Democrats view these people as a disease, as archaic monsters standing in the way of the Liberal version of progress.
The goal of Democrats is to totally erase the traditional way of life of White Republicans from existence. They do this by indoctrinating white children to be ashamed to be white, to hate their ancestors and dismiss their achievements as arrogant relics of colonialism. They want any positive feelings about being a white American to be the moral equivalent to embracing Nazism.
They want to influence American youth to embrace and indulge in alternate sexualities, and to become dependent on recreational drugs. They aim to erode the image of the traditional two-parent heterosexual family by portraying fathers as evil, dangerous or simply moronic and ineffectual. They want to eliminate Christianity. They constantly bombard the American people with all this propaganda through the Liberal-controlled media and educational facilities and have done so for decades.
They want to remove Republicans' means of earning a living by branding them racists for ridiculous trivialities, even for just being born with 'white privilege', and 'exposing' them as racists on social media. They want the accepted image of the white male to be that of an abuser, an oppressor, a murderer.
They want to take away Republicans' Constitutionally approved means of self-defense, while at the same time weakening law enforcement and empowering criminals to rob and kill without fear of serious consequences. They want to do away with international borders and tax Republicans to support many thousands of indigent aliens from 3rd world countries who will irrevocably alter the social and political structure of America to one resembling the countries they are fleeing.
Democrats want the American economy crippled with countless ridiculous environmental laws while far worse polluters in Asia, Africa, Latin America etc. act with impunity. They want to 'level the global playing field' and bring the USA down to parity with the primitive nations of the earth.
For a very long time, supposed Republican leaders went along with this. They kow-towed to Liberal Democrats, issuing apologies and making concessions whenever their actions were deemed offensive by the Liberal elites.
Trump doesn't do that. Trump does what Trump wants without fear. He's no Mitt Romney or John McCain, claiming to be conservative patriots, but groveling to their Liberal masters.
Republicans see Trump as the last hope left before the country is overrun by the collective hive-mind of Progressive Liberalism. Trump is the last politician left who will protect people who identify with the Republican ethos from being eliminated to make way for the Democrats' socialist dystopia. They see him as their defender against Leftist masses who hate them, fear them and wish to destroy them.