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WINNING! T-rump beams at crowd chanting "Lock him up!" before he realizes what they're saying at World Series

Some moments will be part of history forever...

Like tonight, when T-rump and the First Third Lady took their seats at the World Series Game 5, and he beamed as the announcer told the crowd they were there (along with other Republican lawmakers).

T-rump was smiling ear to ear, happy and clapping at what he thought was an enthusiastic welcome, but his face turned to anger when he realized the crowd was booing him and chanting "Lock him up! Lock him up!" instead.

All captured on the jumbotron for the world to see....


Melania even appears to be clapping and smiling her approval, like she wished she had some pom poms to get in on the action too but is too afraid:


What a great moment. Can't agree with the crowd more.


Lol!!! She was enjoying this moment.



Remember when Trumpers chanted this about Hillary? Yeah, they don't seeing their idea flipped back to them. LOL!


It wasn't just Democrats who booed at Trump. I think it's time for Trump supporters to accept the fact that most Americans hate Trump and he will lose in 2020.


Someone suggested this morning on TV that he mistakenly thought the red ball caps in the crowd were his own 'MAGA' hats. No doubt, he did...


It really begs the question why Trump refuses to honor longtime tradition by throwing out the first pitch. Clinton did it, Bush did it, Obama did it ... and we know how much he tries to measure himself to Obama.

So why won't he do it?

If he were to throw out the first pitch, watching the spectacle of what would be thrown out onto the field alone would be worth the price of admission.


Maybe he's afraid of snipers? We know how much he's afraid of White House staff poisoning him, meaning he must be aware of how hated he is to SOME degree.

Notice he always blankets himself with large crowds.


Maybe he's afraid of snipers?

That explains why Melania took out another expensive life insurance policy on him yesterday morning, and she's the sole beneficiary. He was thinking of throwing out the first pitch Saturday night - and she couldn't stop clapping.


I know a lot of people are always saying "I hope he's assassinated" but I wholeheartedly disagree. If he's assassinated, he'll receive the labels: "Hero" and "Martyr". That rotten, evil SOB doesn't deserve either title. The only titles he deserves are "Disgraced ex-president" and "Inmate #456093254".


I wouldn't wish murder / death on anyone. I hope he has a long, long, life in a prison - where he belongs.


Unfortunately, Donald will likely never see the inside of a jail cell no matter how this all turns out and we all know that. He richly deserves it, of course, but it will never happen for a multitude of reasons.

It sucks, but it's true. At most, he might get house arrest or something along those lines.

What he WILL get (thankfully) is something much worse than prison for a narcissist like him: disgrace, damage to his reputation and most of all: PERMANENT DAMAGE TO HIS LEGACY. NO narcissist could abide such a fate. Hell, prison would seem like vacation to Trump in comparison to losing his legacy.


Yes fear 100%, many people dislike him but he has A LOT of protection. He is just a coward!


Pure, sheer coward to his very core.


Lawsuits of sexual harassment would litter the field. LOL


Many want to know why he didn't take Barron to the game, but instead his posse of sycophants. I mean really - what President wouldn't want to bond with his wife's son at the World Series Game?


Since he's so IMAGE CONSCIOUS and spends a HUGE amount of time WATCHING HIMSELF on the TV SCREEN, I'm thinking the REAL REASON he didn't want to THROW out the FIRST PITCH is because he's GOTTEN SO FAT that the BALL wouldn't have been able to go very far and he didn't want to look like the USELESS BLOB that he's now become.

As for the TROPHY WIFE (who previously also posed for those PORNO PHOTOS), what one saw was her SMILE then looking over to the SIDE where the SMILE DISAPPEARS, and then she SMILES again (as if putting on an ACT), before she looks over to the SIDE again as the SMILE DISAPPEARS again.

In other words, it also looks like she may have been looking at a MONITOR because she was AWARE of how the SCAM MAN was being BOOED?????

And she also looks like she's FRIGHTENED by what was going on???

But she still goes right back to putting on that SMILE again as if she too PRETENDS as if EVERYTHING is FINE (even when she also knows that it IS NOT)????

Anyhow, with that ENORMOUS GUT that he's got from CONSUMING so much JUNK FOOD, my guess is any attempt to PITCH a BASEBALL would have also made him look pretty SILLY because he's probably also GOTTEN TOO FAT now to throw the BALL ???


Did you see the banners of “ Veterans for Impeachment” in every camera shot?????


OMG right behind home plate on every pitch! Hysterical!


I mean, talk about embarrassing! If I were T-rump I would have left the game. I would never had stayed and be humiliated like that.


I'm a US Army veteran and seeing those signs tickled me. Trump absolutely disgusts me and most every veteran I know feels the same way.


If I were Trump, I wouldn't care. Too busy reaping the tax payer reward system and pocketing their cash while assigning more cronies into high positions of power to keep the status quo going to line them dolla dolla dash going.


You mean if you were MELANIA T-rump, you wouldn't care. That's why she was beaming as well (I've never seen her look so happy in the past three years!) .

T-rump, however, has such a fragile ego - he can't tolerate "Lock him up"


Its gotta burn him bad on the day he announced how he personally chased down and strangled Al Baghdadi himself and then threw his wrecked corpse onto a roaring fire of driftwood that Americans would chant to lock him up.


EXACTLY! The "Lock Him Up" chant really stole his thunder. That's all they talked about yesterday and last night - really stole the spotlight on him.


Today's human centipede in full swing!! Eat up, ladies.
