MovieChat Forums > Tam87 > Replies
Tam87's Replies
No. Every character in this film was pretty much repulsive.
<blockquote>That said it conveys the emotions of what the people were going through far better.</blockquote>
That's because James Cameron wrote his Titanic for teenage girls. Its script is trite & juvenile, with some gratuitous tits thrown in to please the guys.
Always thought this movie was just too goofy. Reitman's Ghostbusters worked because it had an eerie undercurrent to it, an edge, while this was like a spoof especially with stifler in there.
Pretty much every other line of dialogue in this film is the worst you'll ever hear.
Lucas thought he could write and direct these movies on a whim, and fix everything in the editing room and post production, but it doesn't work.
Yeah, I'm guessing they cast her because she had good chemistry with MJF during auditions, but it didn't really translate on screen. Her character didn't work, hence why the film itself was a bit flat, but that might be because the script was kinda average.
Spielberg films are generally cheesy & melodramatic but they at least have a bit of heart and warmth to them as well a lot of action & adventure themes.
Scorsese films are just cold and brutal.
Because Clooney lacked the edge the play Wayne. It was just too goofy.
Nah. There should be different leading girl in each movie, like the Bond films. Basinger = B89. Even if it's just a cameo, she shouldn't be in it.
Sharon Stone should've been in this movie instead of Pfeiffer.
The second one was a piece of shit, and went the horseshit PC route of trying to say that Santa Claus was turkish, which is an anti-white myth.
Lesson here is don't put non-white people in key leadership positions within your society.
They can't run their own countries, what makes people think they can run anyone else's?
<blockquote>Of course there are other reasons for immigration</blockquote>
There is only one reason for mass 3rd world migration, and that is because non-whites lack the IQ and work ethic to build prosperous societies for themselves.
Your tired list of excuses is why we're forced to accept our homelands being swamped by these hostile invaders, as if we owe them something. Everyone's just shit scared of telling them that they're too dumb and lazy, and ruin everything they touch.
Her looks aren't really in question, but her character was always far too cold.
She at least was very convincing in the action acenes.
He was too awful to be considered the next big thing. Audiences took one look at him and knew he was someone with no talent.
I can assure you it's not just african chicken farmers heading to Europe.
More bullshit excuses for handing over your country to the third world.
No problem.
<blockquote>The answer is that Jews have a history of expulsion and of being ostracized in countries that are strong and homogeneous. Thus you will find tons of Jewish leadership in the most Social and Liberal movements that have helped break down Americas white Christian majority.</blockquote>
It's ironic that Jews push multiculturism considering there's been a shitstorm of anti-semitism all across the west since the October 7th attacks, with muslim immigrants in particular targeting jewish communities and businesses. It seems that they weren't careful what they wished for, as they are not safe either in their diverse societies.
Hollywood is just getting a bit giddy now with partnering an attractive white woman with a non-white man (and yes Kristen Stewart was beautiful at least before she came out as a strap-on user). They weren't allowed to do this in the past for obvious reasons, but now we're in the woke age they're going ape shit.
Everytime you see a white woman with an ugly poc dude in the media, just make sure to remind the people pushing this that they're basically admitting that poc women are undesirable compared to white ones and thus proving white supremacy is a reality.
Wow didn't know JPIII was such a bomb compared to the first two. It wasn't that bad.
It's not that kind of movie, it's one of those feminist empowering movies ie "I'm so strong and free spirited for sleeping with multiple guys". No one ever gets naked, plus it's her other daughter that stars in it, not the hot one (Zoey).