MovieChat Forums > deothor > Replies
deothor's Replies
When show fails it's not because of racism, sexism, or other -ism, or -phobia. It's because it's garbage.
Using that argument only shows you come with bad faith... Just like you did.
If that's "watchable" than all you are saying you have as low standards as they can get.
Story is as big of a problem as everything else. We are in 3 episodes and the show already contradicted itself so hard it created a plot hole. A levitating dude (which is the only white actor Hmmm) apologized to his killer for... the killer burning down the temple? He literally died for no reason. There's few more of idiotic moments and i don't even mean campfire in space or flammable stone fortress.
This show is a mess. An expensive mess that shouldn't have been ever greenlit, or at very least not in this state.
Finally, last thing: it is woke. You might not mind, but i sure do. I dislike when hollywood tries to push its agenda as it isn't aligned with my upbringing. It's opposite in fact. I will however say it that beyond white man apologizing and killing himself, other man being a butt of the joke, or just generally ignored and few other tidbits, the show is still only "mildly woke"... They will jump the shark at some point. They always do.
kowalski.. just stfu man.
i've caught imdb greenlighting bot-spam 10/10s, while go full ballistic censorship on human-made sub 3/10 reviews.
imdb also got caught at altering scores of amazon show, rings of power.
Rotten Tomatoes is pretty much the same.
no matter how good, strong, or constructive your comment might be, the moment you go with ad persona attacks, or just throwing slurs you end up looking like a mentally handicaped potato.
new trilogy with rey started out good, but TLJ literally, no joke - no exaggeration, killed any joy/hopes for future star wars projects under disney... Not like they are trying to make a good product anyways. That 1 movie turned happy quiet fan to... franchise hater i suppose.
antman in last antman movie had less than 20 minutes of screen time and he was supposedly a main character lol.
Yeah i am exaggerating. he had 21 minutes.
looks like you really try not to understand what the guy wrote and instead twist the issue. Just like usual woke people tbh. Hmm
"refugees from other more strict sites who are outraged whenever they see a woman or black man on the screen - or indeed a white man who is not being the hero."
Come on.. You just try to besmear others. By saying that you try to tag me as part of the group. That's lame.
Also, trying to joke about movies having agendas, propagandas and are woke just makes you look like CNN NPC.
calling someone "repulicunts" after Biden is like admitting you buy your shoes by the size of your IQ.