MovieChat Forums > Spuds > Replies

Spuds's Replies

Woke folk are disturbing and this was a movie pandering to them so what did you expect? I would have respected Disney's casting if they had had the balls to rename the movie Sandy Brown. At least then they could have done their woke remake and been honest about it. Surely you are just a troll, because no one could be so stupid as to misunderstand what was writing plain as day. I know public school educations in the US are shitty, but even moron from that system should be able to comprehend what was written. Bullshit. If you are gay you know it, if you marry a woman then you are at the very least denying reality and usually you can add on a liar that is conning the woman. I've know lots of gays and lesbians and while some of them weren't sure when they were in school, they all knew they were attracted to the same sex by the time they left high school... a gay doesn't just wake up one day and say damn the pool boy sure is hot, I think I'm gay... If you believe that then you probably believe a woman can get pregnant from a toilet seat. I think it is because Gatactus is one of those Bud Light trannies that has a thing against men. Not saying it didn't have cartoon moments. Lots of shows have cartoon moments, the whole knight that never died bullshit was one thing... however it is more like the crystal aliens or the ark in the first one. It throws out a supernatural thing which is fine. You know it's some supernatural mumbo jumbo like dracula... but where Skull said fuck you audience was the god damn atomic bomb bullshit. Having him survive that was akin to saying Indy was now Superman and couldn't be killed by something that everyone beyond elementary school would know is going to kill your ass. The problem is Ford was simply too old. If you took your glasses off the de-aged Ford part of Indy was passable. But when you got to the old fart Ford the movie just didn't work. You can blame the ugly chick and trying to go woke with her... but if you are honest even if that part had been played by a man the movie would have still sucked ass because Ford was just too damned old to be taken seriously. Skull pretty much proved that Indy shouldn't have continued and not because of the alien shit but because the parts of the movie prior to the alien horse shit just didn't have the same magic of the previous films. It wasn't just Ford being too old back then it was more of the writers weren't trying to make a semi serious movie, they were making it an over the top cartoon... hiding in a refrigerator and surviving a nuke pretty much told you they thought the audience was just a bunch of 10 year olds. You clearly have no clue. The conviction record you are pointing to is based on the cases that go to trial, it doesn't include the ones that never make it to trial and I can assure you that many cases never get to trial because the DOJ backs off. I worked in a law firm that only did white collar crime in DC and I only remember 1 client that ever got convicted. Most cases didn't even go to trial and certainly didn't end with out clients pleading guilty even though they were in general guilty as hell. This was before the DOJ became a political weapon used to attack people based on their party affiliation... but the reality is the government still has to present evidence to support a case against Trump... and while they certainly have some evidence related to the top secret documents, I'm sure his lawyers will make using that evidence very difficult. There are numerous things the defense can do to make this trial difficult for the prosecution. The other cases are much more problematic because they become First Amendment cases at some level which even judges with agenda will be unlikely to side with. No judge wants to see a case they presided over get over turned because they were idiots. Too many assistant directors is usually a sign a movie will be bloated. I think it come back to a movie with too large of a budget ends up getting a bloated crew and once you have too many ADs you end up with too much film and then they seem to get into a with have it so lets use it mentality that ends up with a bloated film. You'll find the latest Mission Impossible movie is also bloated. Indy would have been a better film if it had been cut by at least 30 minutes to ditch the chase scenes that got boring. I understand having a lot of ADs when you are trying to churn out a movie quickly and need them, but too often today movies get so damned many it results in bloated movies. Bingo. The movie used feminism the way Black Panther used racism. Neither movie is at the very core that good, certainly not worthy of the ticket sales Panther got or Barbie will get... but if you push a movie in a way that forces critics to fawn over it or be accused of going against a liberal cause then you pretty much guarantee high praise. It will however be more likely to see a sequel go the way of Wonder Woman 1984... while the studio may be foolish enough to think it will be more like the Panther sequel, though that one had the benefit of a pity audience from the original actor's death. Otherwise it would have probably tanked like Wonder Woman's sequel. Lazy people at FX is the answer. They had two options, come up with a new idea or rehash one that was popular in the past. They picked the rehash and even worse just assumed that everyone would watch it that watched the first one so they spent less on the writing of it which shows in spades. The court room scene looks like it was written by a jr high kid that has no clue how courts actually operate. This. That people don't realize is that all the bad things Chapek was blamed for were just things that Iger had already signed off on and where just going into the actual implementation phase. I find it funny that so many Iger fans thought that Chapek was able to do some of the woke things they blame him for pretty much as soon as he took over. Nothing happens in a big corporation instantly it always go through months of meeting and in house analysis before anything at the customer level ever sees the light of day. The Genie+ that so many people complained about didn't happen overnight it would have taken years to develop and all started under Iger. Fat Man and Little Boy already did the Manhattan project back in 1989.... I'm not sure why they are doing it again it isn't as if they came up with something new that no one was aware of back then. This is really just another Hollywood reboot. True... but given I've only watched 2 episodes I'm not sure just how they going to use her as the teen cliche, although at this point the odds are pretty high she is going to be very stupid, and ignore everything she is told just to move the story along. It also suffers from poor casting. Raylan's daughter just looks too old and then you realize why an actress that is too old for the role got it... she is Olyphant's real life daughter. So nepo casting is to blame for that mistake. You will get no answers to who he was beyond what you already got in season 8. From interviews with writers of the show the Red was a trans of Liz's mom was actually what they intended to do all along... which is complete shit given they cast a lith woman as Liz's mom and we are supposed to believe that in addition to getting a add-on pen is she grew 4 inches taller and her bone structure magically got larger. It would have been one thing if they had gotten an actress that was taller and looked like a young James Spader to play Liz's mom... but they didn't and that really just seems like they said the audience are a bunch of idiots Funny, but after I had covid I lost weight thanks to losing my ability to taste anything. So covid chicks should be thinner, hard to over eat when food has zero taste. The same reason Victoria Secret uses fat chicks instead of thin attractive ones. Only problem was the forced woke bits put into it. Not talking about the female lead, that wasn't a problem. But having the lead FBI guy be gay and throwing in the dinner with his partner had nothing to do with the story so it just stuck out as woke virtue signally, you can also add to that the extensive slaughter house scene which seemed to be intended to be a way of putting down the eating of meat. I mean was there really a reason to linger on the process of butchering and skinning a cow when it had nothing to do with the story?