manofaction's Replies

He doesn't bother me, but then again, orange is my favorite color. Yep, I saw that. It's an uphill battle for Putin right now, no doubt about it. But I do wonder why this is so much different than previous times he's pulled this kind of thing. I mean, why is world opinion so skewed this time? I doubt most people even know about the other invasions he's done but now, everyone knows about this. Probably 50/50. Which would not be easy to live with if you're Putin. lol... However, he's done similar things before and gotten away with it, so the Russian people and their leaders might not care about it that much. I think for the most part, Putin is somewhat popular among the people, he is well liked by most. But after this move, who knows, they've got a lot going against them. World opinion is heavily in Ukraine's favor. Putin and his PR team have done a rather shitty job in this conflict. Also, word is that a lot of people in Russia don't even know they're at war right now. Pretty crazy stuff... Peter - It was another reason but certainly not the main reason for this conflict. However, it would be like a foreign military group attacking American citizens that are living abroad. Would that be okay with you? Most would consider that an act of war. Personally, I think Russia could have avoided this whole thing but I also think they have a few legit reasons for this conflict. This isn't just "big bad Russia attacks peaceful and innocent Ukraine". It's much more complex than this. In fact, this thing has been mounting for several years now. After weeks and weeks of talks, no one was able to come to an agreement, so Russia decided to use military force. Bean - Depends on what you consider as a position of power. The Azov Battalion is considered a rather powerful group. So, there you go, I just proved you wrong. asom, From what I've seen so far, it doesn't look like Russia is deliberately targeting civilians. The thing is, there is a pretty big population of Russian supporters in the Ukraine right now. So, they've already got a certain number of people that would swing their way if they can establish a stronghold in Ukraine. And it looks like Belarus is going to support Russia. Not sure how much of a difference this is going to make but at this point, Russia could use any support they can get. There is no way using a swastika in Europe could mean anything other than you hold some Nazi views. But I do agree, nothing officially has been said by Asov but surely they know the history of that symbol. Same thing with the wolfsangel. Ohh by the way, it looks like Facebook has reversed it's decision to ban positive messages towards the Azov Battalion. So, I guess they're not "right wing" anymore. lol... Here's an article on it... I am starting to feel this way too. Unless Russia has something up their sleeve that we just don't know about, I am not so sure that military action is going to solve anything for Russia. Seems almost like a pointless operation. However, as some might say, if you have big weapons but never use them, then what's the point of having them? To some degree, I feel this way about the US invasion of Iraq. They just wanted to test their weapons on real targets. As messed up as that sounds, I could see a government doing it to keep their military industry useful. And yes, western Ukraine is not sympathetic to Putin but I do think some of the old soviet blocks could be swayed in Russia's favor. I think there are still plenty of commie ideals that are embraced by many in eastern Europe. We'll see how this plays out, especially now that it looks like Germany and the Netherlands are basically going to get involved in this militarily. Rorikon, Once you tell anyone in the US that someone is backed by "far-right" or "neo-nazi's", people will change their minds about this war. It doesn't even have to be true because US citizens are now paranoid in regards to anything that could possibly be nationalistic and "white". Putin could start to be seen as some kind of commie/progressive hero. I remember it wasn't that long ago when a few US political figures, like Bernie Sander and a few others, hailed commie dictators like Fidel Castro and Mao Zedong as "good guys" that are just misunderstood. Now, I'm not saying Bernie would support this war against Ukraine but who knows, some of his supporters might. It's also gaining ground among progressives to call this another "war for oil" and that somehow the big bad rich capitalists are behind it. Although, there is also a general consensus that the ones with the biggest weapons are automatically the bad guys no matter what. Take note on the Jew/Pal situation, All Israel has to do is defend themselves against rocket attacks and people point their finger at them and call them the bad guys. So, Russia might still fail in regards to getting people to think Azov is a nazi group. Either way, this thing is starting to look really messed up. This could end up being one of the biggest military blunders in the history of warfare. Or it could be that Russia takes Ukraine but loses out on the world stage in which they will be seen as pariahs by most western nations. But it appears to be a risk that Russia is willing to take. It's a big gamble and I don't think it's going to pay off. When the US invades countries they at least gain support of the UN before doing it. lol... Putin failed to learn this vital lesson. Apparently what Putin was referring to is a group called Azov. They're a right-wing socialist paramilitary group in Ukraine. Now, whether or not this is propaganda is hard to say. I think it might hold some weight and to some degree this gave Russia a legit reason to want to gain control of the Ukrainian government. This, along with not wanting Ukraine to become a member of nato is what led to this engagement. There's a wiki link on this Azov organization. Of course, wiki is hard to verify but it looks like it could be legit. There could be a few old soviet blocks that might join Russia in this fight but for the most part, it looks like Russia is on it's own. However, those neo-nazi's in Ukraine gave Putin a good reason to want to go after them after they murdered Russian separatists.