MovieChat Forums > Scorpeus > Replies
Scorpeus's Replies
BR 2049 deserves that hate..
ryan guzzling deserves it...
But not DUNE.
I was so moved by it, I cannot even begin to comprehend how someone might NOT like it...
Because it sets a precedent. A dangerous one. And fools like you are too engrossed in the RACE bull shit of it, that you're ignoring the legal and very real issue, which is more important.
But whateves! That's what people want, and that's what they will get!
I understand now how an empire like ROME could go down as it did... i get it... I wish the morons would get it too... maybe have a future... instead of the dystopia they are angling for, but don't completely understand.
I disagree!
I really liked Inglorious, but maybe that had more to do with watching nazi, racist pigs get what they deserve...
Django was stupid! Like QT was high on himself and put that BS together!
And Once Upon...FUCK BRAD PITT! Seriously!
QT is full of himself... now, I know he's good, but that ego ruins everything! So frak him!
Another thing: QT will NEVER, EVER BE Stanley Kubrick... EVER!!!!!
You feel me?!
SOME AMERICANS... not all of us... trump LOST that election (8 million votes, bitches!), no matter how they cry about it now, they know it too, but are using their PRIVILEGE to "cry" and garner sympathy from everyone else.
To think, we had to put up with four years of "HA-HA!!!" from these scum bags, and now, they aren't strong enough to take what they dished... what a surprise that a privileged, coddled, bunch of fucking fat morons are unable to physically defend themselves... they need them guns!!!!
The rest of US have probably contributed tax-wise, or by serving in our US Military, have saved your fucking country's ass once or twice, so I'd stfu if I were you, OP!
Anytime you find yourself amped up... make sure you're not one of them "dumb shits" you accuse US of being.
Little pig will be protected...
But george zimmerman ain't... and no one is bothering that tub of shit! So my anticipation that kyle will have to endure ANY kind of suffering is at a low.
I bet there's high positioned Aryans who are "dating" kyle's pig mom!
You know how they do.
They left us wanting more!
i hope they live up to it. i went in cold... and loved it.
IMDB had it down, but they lost a handle on the forums... especially when it came to that chump... you know the one...
I digress...
When they stopped, it was not a good time in there.... clicks who'd mass report posters for their opinions, and folks who did not understand the difference between a joke and an outright insult! And it felt like, to me at least, that imdb just got tired of it and shut it down...
I thank whoever is behind this place because they are trying... but the posts... it's like gibberish... i never saw imdb like that. But that's the trade-off, i guess. At least we have a place to yap, huh?!
No doggie....!
Where's John John?????!!!!
Buncha' rubes!!!!!! LMAO!
-if i understand you correctly; you were fuming hate years back when comes to 1984 DUNE movie;
Well, are we not in a forum for talking about this stuff?! Back then, I was a child... still, yes, but more so then... LINKING the "hate" with a certain.... IMMATURITY...
-''insulting those fans.... calling them dorks.''
but now you can't understand why some people hate this version?!
YEs, cos I was a dumb kid. My point being, is that all there is in here?! Was better before.... when it was IMDB... and moderated a heck of a whole lot less!!! Still better... cos now it's like nothing but pissing contests... I'd rather talk about shit like "wtf do the Fremen EAT?!?!?!" But who can do that when there's post after post about how this version "sucks"?!
Honestly, without THIS VERSION, i'd not give two fraks!!!!
Btw, i agree with you, HATE is not a good ..
i just thought this is funny story. :)
Good! Your laughter and engagement was all I was after with my post... that and a bit of commiseration at having to wait for gods damn PART 2!!!!!