MovieChat Forums > Scorpeus > Replies
Scorpeus's Replies
Ranting... in a public message forum... go figure....
Thank you for your genius!
- "Why is her brother, "psycho"?"
He got a fellow professional actor fired for posing nude in a men's magazine.... he bitched and moaned so much....
Who does that but a friggin PSYCHO who's trying to force HIS beliefs and judgements on the rest of us?! We've had enough of that from pols who, when no one is looking, try to swallow penis in airport bathrooms!
- "Who hates refugees?"
Conservatives, conservative media, folks who might also love Candace....
- "And you think the MSM which is 90% liberal doesn´t have an agenda to push fear?
TWO WRONGS DON'T MAKE A RIGHT! Isn't that a Christian value?! Yet it doesn't make the grade when "christians have an agenda"... ain't that right?!
Don't hate me.... hate your hypocrisy!
Communist or "social programs" that take taxation and put it back into the community are not communism. It's a part, but what is everyone afraid of?!
I hear talk of "slippery slopes" when it comes to guns, but what of the SLIPPERY SLOPE when we hand the gov the power to tell us when to have and not have a kid?!
There's HYPOCRISY.... and Candace is NOT that.... my rant notwithstanding....
Communist or "social programs" that take taxation and put it back into the community are not communism. It's a part, but what is everyone afraid of?!
I hear talk of "slippery slopes" when it comes to guns, but what of the SLIPPERY SLOPE when we hand the gov the power to tell us when to have and not have a kid?!
There's HYPOCRISY.... and Candace is NOT that.... my rant notwithstanding....
No, it doesn't please me to hear that... I'd rather hear Rian Johnson is being treated like a pariah, and is forced to go be a bike messenger...! I mean, NEVER let her near a film production again.
Just because people have crap taste, don't mean they should be deprived of life!
LIVE, dammit.... and witness the FAILURE of your ways... FEEL IT.
The way i understood it...
I never liked the Lynch version (84). I would always struggle to get past the 30 min mark... always figuring it was way above my head... and frankly, i thought, let it stay there!!!
Watching the DV version, I never looked at my clock. Instead, I was intrigued by all of it, and nothing "turned me off". Not the vehicles and how they differed from Star Trek ships, or Star Wars vehicles, nor how the battles in this time period are hand-to-hand as opposed to at a distance, with laser swords!
I liked the way the story was laid out. I liked every character and every actors' performance. I liked the music... it had its own unique style, just like the rest...
Duncan, in this film, is a Samurai/Server. I never got underling. I saw him as the one warrior on "team Atreides" that had the favour and love of the actual family he served. It is very old fashioned... and I appreciated its inclusion.
Even if Duncan was, as you say, an UNDERLING, his spirit made him the most valorous of Atreides warriors. And I appreciated that.
Films are great art... can effect all of us in fantastic ways...
I disagree.... but I get where you're coming from too... in me, the yearning for part 2 outweighs any instinct I might have to crap on this version in any way...
I thought everything in it was flawless... but who knows... maybe the "die hards" hate this film and love the Lynch version.... different strokes, i guess....
No need to start your Menzies over it.... relax, dildo... you got the sequels you wanted... and it will soon all be erased..... enjoy it while it lasts... your regular loser kids in the barn, moving things.... yeah...
gods damn! She fine!
I wish this site had upvotes.... you'd get mine.
- "...devoid of substance..."
There is an entirely new LEGION of fans for this story, including myself, who never would have given it any sort of "chance" based on the Lynch version.
You ever see an actor on stage who is "lost"?
That's what Lynch looked like with this version of dune... now, I understand, it has a cult following, and I don't fault those folks.... I like Superfuzz and Corvette Summer, so I know what it's like to love something most think is garbage...
I loved the new Dune. And I can't wait until part 2. I never had this for the Lynch version.... I recoil at the thought of sitting through that film....
So that's my corny two cents.
Ok, I get that... people can enjoy this schlock?!
Because their douche bag participation trophy is in there?!
Cos a whole UNIVERSE was shifted so some dudes with "issues of the brain" can feel included?!
and folks wonder about the DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION being staved off...
"Trauma"... I suppose... it's traumatic seeing the greatest country on Earth being reduced to cry baby children, who can't fend for themselves and need the world to accept them.... clown sex having and all....
Thanks for your replies. :)
LOL! Thanks...
But the last jedi sucked donkey balls.... disagree????
Oh well... maybe YOU can move things with your "skillz" too....
-Oh the "if you don't like Obama you're a racist" argument. That's original.
I called you racist??? I have law enforcement family and friends... I know what was said, and you don't have to be racist to have taken offense to Obama "covering" for Trayvon by saying he could have been his son... nor do you have to be racist to see that as a slight against law enforcement, but it wasn't. it requires faith, but you folks only have faith in the faithless!
-Obama started us down the road to socialism with Obamacare. It's a disaster.
Socialist programs like SOCIAL SECURITY don't equal "socialism". Fire protection, police protection, sanitation... those are all social programs... do they equal SOCIALISM????
I don't want socialism! But I am also not so closed-minded that I won't utilize the useful aspects of programs that benefit the COMMUNITY, not just myself. Or my "congregation"...
-Obama stirred the fires of racial strife.
The inability of the talking heads on conservative media to ACCEPT Obama is what "stirred the fires"... and inability to ACCEPT that Obama was YOUR PRESIDENT! And it did not matter that YOU DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM!
-Obama literally started this class war that Biden and the democrats perpetuate today.
The only "class war" I see is between the haves and the have nots, but there are a bunch of havenots fighting tooth and nail for the haves based on RELIGION, CULTURE, and WHAT DADDY VOTE FOR...
The wealthy don't care about you.
-The list of Obama's failures is long but I don't expect you to accept them. You're hung up on race and blinded by YOUR hatred.
I'm hung up on our stagnation and inability to move past and evolve. You know shit about nothing. And you talk out your ass. see ya.
-We put up with 8yrs of it with Obama.
You say it like there were DEATH PANELS for you health insurance - THERE WEREN'T!
You say it like we turned into a commie country - WE DIDN'T
YOU ACT AS THOUGH IT WAS MISERY, but OBAMA SAVED THE ECONOMY. And if you had any brains or willingness to EVOLVE, you'd applaud it as REPUBLICAN PRINCIPLES were utilized to great success by OBAMACARE. And although conservative people like to complain about it, what has your orange tub of pig lard delivered in health care....??? all yap about REPEAL... but NOTHING!!!
You all act like we regressed.... and all because your law and order feelings were hurt by what Obama said about Trayvon Martin...
Meanwhile, the ass hat you love shits on law and order behind closed doors! He's cheated numerous business partner, been sued left and right, and has laid his tubby fkn hands on women without their permission. All you people love about him is he's WHITE.
A pathetic and flaccid white...
And I bet Melania pisses on you turds more.... cos she lives with the bag of shit... she knows!
you keep moving the goal posts... you know the ass hole i'm talking about... white dude, breaking the CVS glass... he wasn't ANTIFA... but you gleefully act like you don't see it. Fine. Live in your fantasy world. Ensure that there is no middle ground for any of us with your garbage, and maybe you wi get the war you people so cravenly deserve.
Nice how you casually justify it... when it fits your agenda.
Sure... when she's WILLING and OF AGE and enjoying it and not on a rack like a GD rotisserie chicken, being spun around under hot lights!