Garyandfilm's Replies

Disagree. It's totally predictable and the story wears thin at a half hour. I agree with Serling, although "The Parallel" is my personal fave. The rest of the hour-long shows are out and out dogs. Again, it's highly possible that Fred purchased a CHEAP queen-sized mattress between the 1952 "Vacation" episode and the 1955 "First Stop" offering. Hardly qualifies as a blooper. Thanks, Steven, for sharing. Have to disagree with Kate, though - she looks like Desi, not Lucy, try as she may to convince us otherwise (her mom, Lucie, looks like both Lucy and Desi). Curiously, the ILL clips look like they're taken from the Blu Ray's. I would've gladly invested in an upgrade had they not have been so expensive (really, a HUNDRED dollars a season?!). Anyway, they didn't sell very well, so to date, only the first two seasons are in hi def. I'm not bothering until they convert the whole series, and until they retail at a reasonable price. And it's the only time we see Fred and Ethel's bedroom. Agree. This supposed one-time "molestation" was dismissed in '93, yet the Weinstein/Me2movement prompted twisted, demented Mia Farrow into rehashing this nonsense. Is Dylan a victim? Yes - of her sick, coaching, brainwashing mother. You shouldn't be smoking crack at 10:00 AM. At least wait until after lunch. I just think it was Ethel's attempt at sarcasm. Never thought of that, but you have a point. Incidentally, there's a fascinating still of this episode on IMDB. It shows that the set of the ledge Lucy was sitting on was placed in front of the adjoining bedroom set. This made it easy for the studio audience AND the cameras to catch Lucy's expressions while the other three converse while she's sitting "outside." Yeah, that is a bit dumb. And your comment about two year-old Little Ricky giving a hoot is also silly. This reminds me of a film I just watched called "A Rainy Day in New York." Timothee Chalamet asks his ditzy girlfriend, played by Elle Fanning, if she's ever been to New York. She replies "twice - the first time when I was two, and the second time when I was twelve." Uh, hello!! Since she wouldn't RECALL the first visit, she's really only been there ONCE! It's a funny line, but in the case of ILL, the line isn't funny and doesn't make sense. One wonders if it was scripted differently, and Ball just screwed up the line. I've never cared for Ethel's dropping by the Ricardos after some errand and catching Lucy about to mime that Ricky's bought her a mink stole. Ethel says, "I haven't got time for games, I've got to get my dinner on", then abruptly turns to leave 10 seconds after she just walked in, saying "Hi!" If she's in such a rush to get dinner started, WHY did she even bother to drop by in the first place?? Bad scripting. "Ricky's Movie Offer " Actually, both your "apartment-Only" episodes are not only better offerings than "Lucy Cries Wolf", but they're truer to the thread theme. "Wolf" has a brief scene of Mrs. De Vries - calling from HER apartment across the street. My bad. is it "The Audition with Buffo the Clown? Ta-da!!!! WALTER was your favorite guy name? When I was a kid, a friend named his DOG Walter. And it fit!! To me, favorite guy names were Steve, Chad, Craig and Michael...because they Sorry, Walter doesn't quite do it for me. But I'll say this: Walter is a hell of a lot better than Harold, Irving, Milton or Pierpont. Do you recall which ILL episode Pierpont hails from? PJ, I'm so very, very sorry about the loss of your Mom. I lost my stepmother in January in hospice care. My 90 year-old father was beside himself, but is doing better. On top of this, my brother and his wife announced two weeks later that they are divorcing after 18 years of marriage. It's been rough for a lot of people. PJ I hope you have your computer fixed (or better yet a new one). P.S: you never guessed which episode I was referring to in the "improved titles" thread. The "Walter" I was referring to is Walter Riley in "Ricky Needs an Agent." Or, as I offered as a better title, "Hey Walter, Heeeere She Comes!" Pepetooney is correct. I, too, could spend HOURS writing about the so-called "bi" guys who eventually just stepped fully out of the closet. Bisexual is and always has been the convient buzz word for men who desire to be viewed as men who ALSO screw women. They view themselves as mysterious, and open to a conventional life with a wife (while hooking up with men on the side). Recently my niece was approached by a very good-looking, charming guy. He told her was attracted to both men and women and wanted to date her. I told her to put on a new pair of sneakers and RUN in the opposite direction. She did, and later learned the guy married another man. Agree. Mia Farrow is a bitter, brain-washing has-been. As for pigs like Greta Gerwig and Susan Sarandon, I will never watch their films again. Thank God for Diane Keaton, Scarlett Johansson and Alec Baldwin, who refuse to join in the Farrow B.S. As for the talented Timothee C, sounds like the talented, but arrogant young actor has a ton of growing up to do. Clift is perhaps one of the top five greatest cinematic actors since film began. Monroe is not, so yes, artisically, they are not to be compared, which the 0P clearly did. His other points about Clift didn't add up either, as the posters who responded clearly pointed out. You stand corrected. The OP is clueless (as if Monroe should even be mentioned in the same breath as this genius). And anyway, Clift was ALREADY an alcoholic BEFORE his tragic accident).