MovieChat Forums > avortac4 > Replies
avortac4's Replies
Heck, I'd be happier if there weren't fights at all, but the story would be all about how Johnny realizes his mistakes, grows into a fully-functional adult human being that can handle things without fights, without getting angry, being centered, balanced and yet commands respect due to charisma and inner power.
Instead, he never really grows, except how 'society brainwashes us' to - a simp husband for some sloozy he knocked up. Sigh.
Daniel could also have grown up so much from being this hotheaded moron who is always tense and ready to fight. He could have, instead, become relaxed, more smily, more friendly entity that is always ready to shake someone's hand and greet them with encouraging, welcoming energy instead of 'I'll punch you so hard if you come closer' that you can see in the Japan scene, where the former enemy approaches him - that's the WRONG energy to use to welcome anyone, regardless if they were an enemy in the past or not.
Daniel could learn a lot from 'Dog Whisperer', by the way - after all, he always used the wrong energy in the movies, so you'd think he would have learned at least something in this show, but no, even in the very last episode, he's still looking for a fight as a solution, instead of using FRIENDLINESS and telling the guy(s) that he will gladly pay them if they will just drive him to the city or something.
Daniel could've grown to become closer to what Terry Silver's carefree, hippie-style character is before he devolves into his old maniac self again. He could be just everyone's friend, not taking any insults to heart, just laughing it off, understanding the other entities in front of him instead of looking at them with those hateful eyes, and just doing his best to get along. He could've at least asked Terry, why do you have to be evil? Come on, drop the old pain and let's start over. Of course Silver is gonna be crazy if Daniel feeds him bad energy and hatred as well. He doesn't give him a way out.
Being a fast typer myself, I am a bit blind to that kind of issues, since anyone that types slower than me, all seem the same to me, they're all just 'too slow', and I just wonder why they are so slow, when they could just type faster.
This is why these discussion boards are a treasure, you learn something every time.
I am happy to see character development.
I am not talking about the show, by the way..
He's not an a-hole, to be that, you'd have to WANT to hurt others and them to feel bad.
All HE wants is to be left alone, so he can wallow in the misery of his self-created depression.
However, I really like that character, because a) he is so much like myself, always nitpicking and criticizing - brilliant! b) the actor has some kind of weird, likable charisma, so no matter what he says or how he says it, it's always going to be fun for me c) he's actually making a point most of the time, that at least someone in the audience is wanting to make. He is basically defensive, because he feels weak and vulnerable, and you can't really blame him for that.
Even when he's annoying, he's great to watch, I would literally pay to have more scenes of him in them, doing his 'whiny, annoying' thing. More Demetri, please!
So if you put a relatively inexperienced 'trained for power and intuitive reaction with speed and focus' against 'point-fighter that knows the precise moves but has no power', it's POSSIBLE that the inexperienced one will win.
Now, winning in a tournament against experienced martial artists that many times, yeah.. it's kind of implausible to say the least.
However, the very LAST kick is actually, as silly as it is, explainable, when you observe it carefully.
Johnny is a bit confused, as his own ethics are at odds with Kreese's brutal, inhuman advice, he also doesn't know what the goal is anymore, now that LaRusso has already been hurt, he has no direction, his thinking is hazy, clouded, filled with uncertainty and opposing ideals. He's not focused.
If you look at him, he is hesitant, unsure, confused, completely 'not in the moment'.
Now compare to Daniel-san, who is in the moment, extremely focused, assessing the situation calmly and effectively, and strikes at the EXACT right moment.
Sometimes it's the FOCUS that wins, being in the moment being the key. Not thinking, yet not dreaming.
Johnny was thinking and dreaming and doing all the wrong things internally, which then resulted him doing the wrong things outwardly as well. Daniel-san was in the zone, he was internally stronger in that moment, so he won.
Sure, it's not all that realistic, but some of it is at least somewhat plausible, when you consider all factors and really think about it.
To add, it IS a movie, after all. Movies are known to be unrealistic in this world..
Those movies are not even close to being AS unrealistic and implausible as all the fema-fascist movies, where tiny, no-muscle, no-training girls EASILY beat up huge crowds of tall, muscular, clearly combat-trained men. EASILY. So if you want to nitpick the 'realism' about who would actually win, maybe go after THOSE movies, first..
"Makes no logical sense Daniel was able to even win a round"
Realistically and logically, you are probably right, it's hard to imagine a hot-headed amateur winning against black belts that have trained their muscles, reflexes, sparred a lot, learned from their mistakes for all that time.
However, sometimes the win is not the math. I mean, 'number of years' doesn't always 100% dictate the outcome. I once met a dog handler that claimed she had had dogs for 24 years, so she knows what she's doing, and then she was being walked by a small dog (with three 'crazy' follower dogs), that suddenly shot out like a cannon, and ran away, and she panicked and started screaming the dog's name, trying to frantically run after that dog (you never use the dog's name when the dog is in a bad state or when you are trying to control the dog).
I saw what was going on with their really imbalanced pack with a nervous dog being forced into a pack leader role without her having a clue of what was happening and what she created. But because of math, she's the expert and master..
What really wins, at least sometimes, is the focus, the inner fire, the passion, the sheer willpower. I know it's not realistic most of the time, but just SOMEtimes, it's at least plausible, that less-trained but internally more powerful fighter will win against a 'let's do this lazy exercize for years in a robotic manner without any emotion'-type 'many years' black belt.
Sometimes people give black belts too easily, there are so many 'macdojos' that teach absolutely nothing useful and yet give black belts, there are bad teachers, and then there's the whole 'Taekwondo is useless in a MMA/UFC-type fight'.
Youtubers have pointed out that Taekwondo kicks are shiny, flashy, but ultimately relatively weak, they don't hit that hard, because 'point fighting' doesn't require power, just speed and accuracy. So while the kicks may look amazing, they don't deliver a lot of power or energy.
When Kumiko-san is sayind Daniel's name, she doesn't use 'san' or any other honorific.
Some might think this is a goof, but it's actually realistic; friends, lovers, etc. don't use honorifics, because they know each other, and it's more friendly that way. In fact, it would be a bit like calling your friends 'mister' or 'miss' - it would just sound weird and be 'katai', too formal.
Then again, some of the interactions are unrealistic, and Daniel's attitude is sometimes so wrong. When the guy (I forgot his name, too tired to research it right now) approaches in the bar, Daniel is apprehensive, 'ready to fight', scared, tense, all those bad energies.
He could've been friendly, and actually, I don't know, GREETED him or something. I was almost screaming at the TV, 'GREET HIM ALREADY!', but he never did. It was so weird and unnecessarily tension-creating. I would just have had a friendly attitude and said 'konnichi wa!' or maybe 'ohayou gozaimasu', and possibly added casually, 'ohisashiburi desu ne!'
But no, Daniel just tenses up with fear in his eyes, and just stares and says nothing. THIS kind of overly-dramatic things are a bit childish in this show, so as much as I have praised Cobra Kai as a TV show, it's not perfect, it has its pitfalls and annoying parts.
On the whole, though, the Japan-trip was amazing, and made me realize many things about my own life (not by how the showmakers wanted to, though - for one example, the plant near the back wall in the bar made me remember something, and I just stared at the plant for a long time, experiencing a lot of stuff internally).
Considering what garbage world this has become, and how bad movies and TV shows are, this show is the best TV show of the modern time.
Please note, I didn't dilute it into 'one of the best', it's THE best, period. (Well, there was a comma as well)
I agree, he's not ugly, he is more 'scary' in his monsterlike looks.
He has a very weird-looking face as an old man, whereas he looked more 'human' when he was in the first movie(s).
Some people look ridiculously different from their younger selves when they age, and this show shows it. It took me a long while to be able to even see 'Kumiko' in the actor's older face, because although she still looks good for her age, doesn't seem to have any of that 'semi-exotic oriental beauty'-shine she used to, when she was younger.
In fact, I was almost sure it can't be the same actor, but checking multiple sources, I guess I have to realize she is.
Kreese has changed almost as drastically, when you put those faces side by side, it's not immediately obvious that it's the same entity, but it is. His face does look like it's more 'crumpled' or something, it's hard to describe, and it can look weird, almost 'alien', a bit monsterlike and off-putting, but I wouldn't use the word 'ugly', as it's clearly something different, something separate.
There's an almost 'handsome eloquence' to his face now.
Ugly is something that's hard to look at, something repulsive you have to turn your head away from, something you just don't want to ever see again (I once had an ugly friend, it was so difficult to ever look at that face, I always tried to minimize the amount of time I did that, but sometimes accidents happened and I almost literally vomited).
I would like to take this opportunity to express my astonishment at how pretty much everyone in the show looks remarkably good, especially considering their age. I have a soft spot for the Okinawan 'enemy' that taught Daniel-san the akupoint attacks (I can't bring myself to say 'acu', since japanese does not have a 'c'), he's absolutely great in all respects, and really elevates the Japan-trip in the show. Obviously, Kumiko-san is great, too.
There's one subtle thing I wonder if people noticed; Kumiko doesn't use a honorific..
I am glad people universally recognize his ability, charisma, talent and genius as an actor.
I don't know if anyone could've done this character even 10% as well as he's absolutely.. OK, I will use a this-world, this-era word, because William deserves this kind of sacrifice.. he's absolutely CRUSHING it.
He should get every possible accolade and all the prestige humanly possible.
It's hard to watch him on this show and not be absolutely mesmerized by his performance, wanting to reward him on so many levels. He's just absolutely brilliant, and in his interviews, he also shows he's humanity and humor also easily shines through.
In other words, profanity is like lens flare - if used only when absolutely needed, and sparingly, it can look 'cool' and add something meaningful to the scene or story. But if used constantly, it's just a crutch, an easy shortcut to making something that wasn't very good, appear as if it was.
Adding lens flares to everything doesn't make a movie better, it's just distracting and annoying, just like profanity everywhere would be.
It's like adding ketchup to gourmet food; sometimes ketchup has its place, but when the food is already exquisitely crafted, ketchup will just bring it down to fast food's level and thus ruin the culinary masterpiece and dining experience.
Profanity has its place, certainly, but just spraying it mindlessly, like you want to do, adds no value to anything, and just brings everything down to the level of crass thugs that don't care about subtlety or quality.
And let me tell you, my friend, this show is all about subtlety and quality. Well, the good parts, anyway (I am not crazy about the violent, unrealistic fights or the teen drama, but some of the shots are mindblowing, like the no-cut one-shot camera movement when everyone is fighting all over LaRusso's house - how the heck did they pull off something like that is beyond me!).
I agree with your objection, but somewhat disagree with the basis of it.
Profanity is sometimes unavoidable, when the heat of your emotions consumes you too much, but at the same time, it's either a sign of instability (not able to control yourself) or immaturity, or bad upbringing, bad neighbourhood, bad friends and so on.
The pop culture of modern times also heavily influences people to become evil thugs instead of good human beings, so that has a lot of weight as well.
It's easy to say cursewords in a feeble, pathetic effort to appear tough. It's hard to actually BE tough.
If you are not used to it, holding the swearwords in can take a lot of effort and be way more a difficult task of self-control and self-discipline than just lashing out cursewords in a childish-looking, wannabe-thug stream of utterances that makes absolutely NO ONE respect you.
Can you really respect someone that comes to a job interview with constantly repeated cursewords?
Does it look like someone is very strong and tough just because they easily say some utterances that are basically verbal feces?
It takes a stronger entity to stand up for themselves without using those words, so it's more impactful to leave them out. Any time someone resorts to 'bad language', I see a childish, pathetic entity that tries too hard to impress others by external crap instead of internal strength.
There's a reason why teens, immature as they are, use profanity way more than adults - can you imagine an enlightened Shaolin Monk meditating and when someone asks them something, they start using profanity like there's no tomorrow? It would look and sound so out of place.
Profanity is easy, wisdom is difficult. Those things are on the opposite sides of a long, sliding scale. We don't need less wisdom in a TV show, we need more.
People seem to think profanity is 'strong', but when you can show the same thing without profanity, it's actually more respectful and clever, and harder to do.
"Yours" referring to whom, exactly? I mean, he's incredible in this show, really wonderful to watch - fantastic actor and a screen charisma to enjoy. He moves truly mindblowingly amazingly for his age, and the viewer has hard time believing the numbers.
However, basically claiming that his kick is better (there's no 'kick' that 'is' something, you should've said, 'he can kick better' - refer to the old answer Bruce Lee once gave to someone, who asked how they can make their kicks faster. The answer was: 'Kick faster.') than ANYONE IN ALL EXISTENCE (remember that people living in higher dimensions and other planets and baseships can still read your post at some point in time, even if only as some archaeologist 2722 years from now that happens to dig up some old memory card that has your post saved on it for some reason and miraculously still works..)
Really? Better than everyone's in the whole existence in all dimensions and planets? Did you ever watch the video 'The Universe is larger than you think' (or whatever it was, can't remember the exact title) or the 'Villagers React' to said video'?
Ralph Macchio-san is amazing, and his martial art looks incredible (especially in season three), but better than anyone else anywhere at any dimension? You might remember that Bruce Lee himself could read your post, even though he might not he in the physical realm anymore (or has already reincarnated).. I'd say he was the best 'right-kicker' (whatever this means, do you mean 'side kick'?) on this planet anyway, and you'd have to go pretty far in history to find anyone as good or better, or possibly into the future.
I guess when you talk about trolls, you mean trollers (the term, after all, has to do with fishing, not with some mythical beast that just happens to have the same name), and by trollers, you mean yourself?
..or trying to make us care about BUSINESS.
I mean, someone losing a friend, someone losing an arm, someone losing a fight, losing control, their self-dignity and all that I can feel sympathy for.
Losing a business in a situation where the whole family could feed themselves from their bank account for the next 1000 years without problems - HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL SYMPATHY ABOUT THAT?
Not to mention one of the things that has bugged me for decades now; Americans don't know how to FLIP THE BIRD.
Even when they can freely DRAW the bird-flipping on a page of a contract, THEY STILL CAN'T DO IT CORRECTLY!
If anyone, a friggin' KARATE practicioner should be able to do it, because THEY, of all people, should know how to do a PROPER FIST, and then just keep that fist but raise the middle finger.
What did someone do to the only show that gave me hope in this crazy world... why? Did the original writers leave? Did the director change? Why would the main cast allow all this?
AAGH! Someone was definitely beaten up severely, but it wasn't the little asian treasurer kid.
It was Cobra Kai itself, the show that started so brilliantly, and now someone kicked the sh1t out of it. Ouch!
As a last note: Couldn't they made the kid at least LIMP a little? JUST A LITTLE BIT?!
I used to love this show, but now it's just shoving the feminist propaganda in our faces, making every evil guy just 100% evil, making every douche a 100% unlikable d1ck with no chance for redemption or adult ability to have a civil conversation, and of course now they're trying to make Kreese a sympathetic guy, after all he's done, after all his manipulations and such? Sorry, but it doesn't work that way.
It's like someone watched the first two seasons, thought they can handle it, and then used every hollyweird cliché and movie trope ever, and then tried to 'redeem' an ALREADY UNREDEEMABLE bad guy, making everyone else unredeemable in the process as well.
What happened? There used to be subtlety, and when a character WAS shown to be unredeemable (Kreese), it was also more subtle, and superficially a 'good guy', which made him actually SCARY.
In season 3, he's not scary, he's just a confusing 'comically evil' sh1thead looking for trouble openly and without any kind of subtlety.
WHAT HAPPENED?! I can barely stomach Season 3, whereas the previous seasons were so shiny and brilliant. The writing is NOT on par.
Not to mention how unpoignant and BORING the first episodes are - the action is more of the 'shaky cam nonsense'-nature than the amazingly coreographed (even if unrealistic) fights of the previous seasons. Robby was also shown to suddenly NOT be able to handle himself in a fight with some common thugs that have no martial arts training, whereas previously, he was able to handle a similar situation even when he had only had a small amount of training!
It's either repeating what we already saw, delving into boring teenage drama, showing women as unrealistic Mary Sues (I still can't get over how the now-surprisingly-fat woman can just threaten the much more buff, bigger and taller maintenance guy, as if she actually could do anything in a real fight, realistically speaking - are we supposed to just swallow that?),..
I mean, he doesn't even cry, but instead, cries! I mean.. he cries like a warrior in battle, not like a kid that has been beaten up.
None of it makes any sense.
Also, the whole 'Oh no, Daniel might lose the dealership and we're supposed to feel sympathy about it' makes no sense. They're clearly rich, they don't need the dealership, would Miyagi-san really worry about car dealership in such a situation? Can you REALLY see Miyagi-san being worried about BUSINESS, in a situation where he has more money than he could ever eat?
But that might be an irritation for another post.
Also, the 'rich white man' is also shown to be way more cruel than he was in the past - sure, rich, grumpy guys are probably realistically a lot like that, but he's shown to have SOME kind of compassion before, now he's just 'evil impersonified', which is just bad writing.
What happened to the previously so brilliant writing that could take a 'bad guy' and turn him into a 'grey area', they could juggle the delicate balance between sympathy and 'seemingly evil people', by giving them backstory and showing them having some kind of reasons behind their actions.
But in Season 3 (at least so far), everything has changed; suddenly the 'evil car dealership guy' is just UNNECESSARILY evil d1ck, the black guy in prison is just 100% evil, and the rich, evil guy has 0% mercy whatsoever, or humanity, or anything that would make him an interesting character.
It's like suddenly they lost the delicate dance in the 'grey area' and went directly into the movie-tropelike 'black and white' - our 'heroes' are still not completely black or white, but not only does it feel like Season 3 is repeating the first season (did they run out of ideas?), doing the same things with Johnny suddenly being in the gutter again, and then IMMEDIATELY bouncing back from it (groan, it was handled SO much better in previous seasons, even when he became 'healthy' again, it was shown to be an internal struggle in many subtle ways).
In many ways, she's not really an artist, she's not really a painter, she has learned to use watercolors (which is harder to do than learning how some illustrator software works, but that's Pam for ya), but only on the superficial, technical level.
I mean, what 'good artist' draws an OFFICE BUILDING?
Sure, maybe if you REALLY see something beautiful in its hideous, boxy ugliness - sure, if you really are inspired of the building and can come up with a way to SHOW your own, unique vision of why that building absolutely needs to be re-interpreted from dreary reality into a wild vision onto a canvas, maybe.
But the end result shows us Pam didn't have a vision about it. She did it because it was 'a safe thing to paint', and she did it in the most mundane way possible. Didn't add any 'futuristic perspective', no 'psychedelic twirls of color', no 'deep feeling', no 'different use of colors', no 'what the same building would look from a different perspective (whether that's someone from another planet or a caveman)'.
Just the office building without even one added, unique flower climbing its wall. Nothing. Safe, harmless, boring - definitely not evoking anything, definitely not expression of anyone's creativity in any way.
'Motel Art' is better than anything Pam has ever done.
The ability of something like that to AFFECT YOU is, what I think, this type of thing is all about. If it has nothing to say, if it's just 'mundane', even if it looks relatively good, I don't see the point of it. You have a camera for that.
With a painting, you are more free than camera can ever be. You can do 'impossible angles', you can draw 'mythological beings', you can do 'unrealistic color mixtures', you can have the ability to caress the soul of the viewer with exciting things that don't exist in the mundane, dreary, grey, 'realistic' world we all have to be surrounded by.
You can take the viewer into a journey through cosmic wonder and psychedelic dimensions that expand the viewer's mind or at least viewpoint to what is possible, in ways they might never have experienced before. You can truly change a human being, you can open up possibilities and chakras in them, you can offer them something WILD and EXCITING!
Pam's 'art' does none of these things. They're afraid to go on ANY kind of journey, they don't do anything unexpected, they are as safe as can be. They're like photos, but worse. They're like 'as safe realism as possible, but rendered in a childishly amateurish way'.
This is why Pam can never be a 'great artist', she quit every 'art project' she ever tried, sometimes JUST because she had to learn how a software / program works. She wasn't passionate enough about creativity to go through the VERY EASY process of learning how Photoshop or some illustrator software works.
"Oh, I have to learn how a very easy-to-use software works? No, thanks, I won't pursue my dreams, then."
Doesn't sound very passionate to me.
She has no inner fire, she has no burning desire to express something from within, she has no soul that needs to jump into the canvas as expression of something beyond the mundane.
So she paints what's mundane and safe, doesn't dare to break any moulds, doesn't dare to use colors in a bold way, doesn't dare to show what's really in her
Monet was able to create amazingly beautiful and 'detailed' things with amazingly simple methods and amazingly 'non-detailed' paintings.
He was -somehow- a master of creating detail without actually painting any. There's no detail in the painting, but you 'see' the detail in there anyway, because he IMPLIES it. This is so very difficult to do, I still don't know how - Bill Watterson was also able to do this in a more simplistic and casual way in his drawings and comics.
Monet was able to create ridiculously deep immersion with just a few, amateurish-looking paint strokes. How the heck he can create realistic water with such childish-looking, thick lines of simple color is beyond me, but holy cow do his paintings SPEAK!
This is one of those 'impossible to describe' things, as it's experience based on evocation that he was so good at, but for the first time of my life, I am truly discovering 'art', probably in the way it was always meant to be, in a deeply 'feeling-based' way, letting the paintings evoke something in me. Maybe Monet just was attuned to the same frequency or something, I don't know, but one of his paintings made me recognize the feeling of a very exciting place, and I reveled in that experience, but visually looking at the painting, there's almost nothing there, just a couple of pails of badly-painted hay. What the heck? How did he do it?
In any case, Pam's work is not bad compared to 'toiled glued to a wall', but it doesn't have any feeling, compared to what Monet was able to do (although even he fell prey to the 'bridge reflecting trap' where you should see the BOTTOM of the bridge due to the reflecting angle of the river, but he didn't paint it that way, sigh - I guess no one is perfect).
Now, in my viewpoint, a painting or a created picture (I REALLY want to avoid the word 'art') can give you something you don't ordinarily see or feel. It can give you a psychedelic mixture of colors, it can bring you to other worlds, it can evoke deeply..
Well, the word 'Art' can mean a toilet glued to a wall (literally).
Someone wanted to mock what 'art' had become, and they painstakingly glued a toilet to a wall and called it 'Art' to wake up people to realize what's going on, but instead, he got rewarded for it and now that's a legitimate piece of 'Art'.
So Pam's stuff is not half-bad considering what it could've been.
However, it's nothing to type home about - it's unimaginative, below mediocre in all possible ways, there's nothing bold about it, nothing unique, original, and even if we forget the visuals, her 'art' doesn't make the viewer feel anything.
I was recently shocked - I know it's very late, but I have never studied paintings very much - to realize just how much feeling Monet could put into a very 'crappy-looking' picture, so that the painting almost becomes alive in some ways.
A good painting can 'evoke' things, feelings, experiences, even memories of a 'distant life' you forgot completely about, but which seems very real, even if the painting doesn't actually visually resemble anything recognizable, or appear well-shaded or anything.
Proportions do not matter - we have enough of them in real world. It's like complaining that 'real women don't look like that' when looking at a comic book cover where Mary Jane is depicted (real men don't also swing on self-made spiderweb vines in goofy suits all over the city) to have big boobaloons.
I mean, the purpose and ability of a comic or painting is EXACTLY to depict things that are not realistic or real. Sure, they CAN look realistic and 'as real as possible' as well, and that takes talent, hard work, dedication and probably 8 billion other things I don't have, and deserve respect as well.
However, why stick to 'real' or things that can exist, when you can give us 'surreal' or 'things that exist in other realms/worlds/imagination'? If we want boring realism, we have our lives.
These hollyweird cr*ckwh*res are usually not very attractive. I don't know how the bulgy-eyed monsters from Black Lagoon get these superstar roles.
This swankmonster is definitely as cold as it gets. Eww. I wouldn't touch that with a specially-crafted protected germ-killing repulsor beam from 100 km away. Ewwwwww!
I'd rather put my naked hand with open wounds into a random, non-flushed toilet in some third-world country than even look at this swankhag.
The only time she's going to be hot is when she's burning in hell for taking a perfectly good role from someone that could've brought an actual delight onto the screen and thus rendered a movie actually watchable.
How can people even ask this?
Has no one seen anyone asian, ever? I mean, someone like Catherine Zeta-Jones I could understand this kind of debate about, but this particular 'what's wrong with your teeth', I really can't. Heck, Mater from Cars 2 is a more attractive thing to look at (and I still don't get why anyone would hate that movie, even with their unfair prejudices going on - all the explanations to 'why Cars 2 is a bad movie' fail, there simply doesn't seem to be an actually good reason to hate that movie).
Look, just go on a trip, look at some local people in Asian countries, have discussions with them, see the genuine smiles and normal-looking teeth (at least compared to the hilarious skank), the actually beautiful air hostesses - ah, stewardesses? I can't keep up with the euphemism treadmill..
..then watch 100 hours of Korean and Japanese idols in variety shows, music videos, photoshoot making ofs and dramas and musicals..
.. THEN come back to this post to debate whether this 'typically-hollyweird-messface' is of high temperature entity or not.