MovieChat Forums > avortac4 > Replies
avortac4's Replies
How does she learn so easily to form the words and other linguistic sounds with her newly-formed mouth, lips, etc.?
I mean, it takes AWHILE for a human to learn how to use physical vocal cords again after spending time in the astral world. Babies can't talk for a reason!
How does she, not only form perfect vocal cords, lips, mouth, teeth, etc. etc. just by pure concentration? Wouldn't that kind of body be at least a little bit etheric and fluctuating? How can she make it so physical and so perfect, especially if it's so malleable she can just 'wish it to heal'?
So could she have an arm cut off and just 'wish a new arm' and she'd be perfect again? Where does she get the human blueprint to be able to pull off all this?
I was expecting it to be a 'soul enters an already-existing physical body and THEN exhibits weird and unusual behaviour', but nope.. if they can materialize bodies this way, then forget space travel, what could they materialize in their home worlds by PURE THOUGHT? I mean, spaceships, housing, etc..??
So, what travels through space, and why does she talk about dying? Is there another body sitting in some chair, completely unconscious, connected to this 'space-traveling' soul that can materialize new bodies on other planets easily?
There are just so, SO very many questions this kind of premise produces and doesn't answer in this movie.
I also find it a bit pompous, egotistical and ridiculous - so, perfectly realistic for some militaristic operation - that they go STRAIGHT to 'non-physical space travel with materialization of another body by pure thought and being able to make it not only functional, but incarnatable' and so on and so forth..
That's like a caveman thinking they might be able to create a tool to punch a rock to make a perfect Katana sword.
That's like someone that has never learned to walk, wanting to take part in a high-level Tae-Kwon Do kicking competition.
Why won't they research the basics first?
.. showing that there are similarly this project-protesting people on the homeworlds.
Another missed opportunity was to show their 'real bodies', what they might have looked like and so on.
It's just so annoying that the way this was explained was so hazy and unclear, that it raises more questions than it answers.
It's pretty weird that they think they can travel purely by concentration, but yet somehow have to construct 'incompatible bodies out of thin air', to 'become different creatures', but ONLY when they concentrate, because when not, the newly-created bodies somehow revert .. back to their own bodies? I mean, if it's physical body-free travel, which I think was the whole idea, then why.. how.. what.. ???
This makes NO sense!
Also, even if she does not FEEL her hands burning, she should realize what heat does on ANY planet... so she should still have the reflex of protecting her hands from the heat. Also also, this should STILL create some kind of chemical reaction, like smoking skin or something (almost regardless of what that skin is made of, especially if it's soft and malleable enough to pass as human skin).. you can't just have material that is 100% immune to effects of heat, or it is quite the coincidence! And why would she 'materialize' such a body?
Is that fake body 'fully functional', by the way? When did they get married, and what if she had lost 'concentration' during the wedding?
I was half expecting her to have brainwashed or hypnotized him to think they have been married for a long time, although she just met her (a bit like in the two versions of the Japanese movie, 'Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo' - 'A Girl That Leaped (I don't believe in 'lept') Through Time' (rough translation)).
How does she know english language, and so perfectly that no one suspects anything? Even the best agents have to train and practice hard to become natural, nativelike and fluent.
It's like you can barely hear the speech, if you keep the music at 'tolerable level', but then you have to lower the volume near zero when the music starts torturing your eardrums and sensibilities. What the heck is this?
I am not expecting Jon Williams or Alan Silvestri, but come on, that's like a toddler just pounding some toy against the floor! Awful stuff.
When I say this movie is small, it's because the concept is disappointingly stupid, narrow, hostile and fear-based. If they dared to introduce a little bit of color into it, instead of being black and white in the most predictably nationalistic and supermacist way, this movie could be an underrated masterpiece. It betrays its own, originally pretty intriquing ideas by just making it another 'monster amidst us' horror crap. I hate horror crap.. why do these supposed SCI-FI ideas always devolve into 'monster horror' in the end?
It's so disappointing and so flat.. there's no nuance at that point, there's no intrique, no mystery, no expansion.. just contracting to a smallest possible fearmongering primality without ever visiting the spirit's potential for greatness and expansion.
The beauty they could have shown or even told us about that exists in better worlds.. but I guess we can't have that when we have to keep people scared and paranoid, and we can't admit our world is not the best. It's like some third-world sh1thole, where people are convinced their rotten, cockroach-riddled, dirty piss-smelling land of feces is somehow the BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! (Visit any of these countries and tell me anyone living there has a truly realistic view of which countries are good and which are bad, and find even one individual who isn't completely patriotic and 'proud' of 'their' country.. good luck!)
What COULD have been... if we had followed a more unconventional path, shown more of the 'good people' instead of just 'bad people', just like there are people that don't LIKE this kind of military projects on Earth
Why do the tears from the body she created burn that very body? I mean, the tears are not from some OTHER body, they are not some separate, different mechanism, so why can't she form a body that contains liquids that, when dispersed from eyes, DON'T burn the skin?
Why couldn't she simply 'focus more' and fix her face BEFORE opening the door?
How can the protagonist be so sweaty for so long, but almost NOT AT ALL out of breath at the same time? Doesn't he think to wipe his face just a little bit? Weirdly, the sweat just STAYS on the face, instead of running down the skin, like it normally should..
The speech the protagonist gives to the secretary in the end is weirdly optimistic and almost jingoistic - 'we will win' - err, excuse me, what? These people have been sabotaging your operations for 20 years without a hitch, always successfully, and yet you think you can somehow win, especially since they are SO FAR ahead of you in this particular space race? I guess there are parallels to the USA vs. Russia space race (and all the politics and fakery and murder that came with it), but still.
The most annoying thing about this little movie is exactly that - it's a very small story, told in a very small way, happening in a very small group of tiny locations. Even some Twilight Zone episodes feel bigger and more vast in all these areas and more.
The jump from the fat guy telling they have no record of her existing to the woman walking around on the street is QUITE jarring, I thought my video skipped there or something, but nope - apparently that's how it's supposed to be. It's like watching some completely different movie all of the sudden.
The musics are IRRITATINGLY loud and chaotic, basically the equivalent of listening to some drunken neighbour pounding his family around his apartment right next to or above yours, mashing their heads against the walls and so on. Like, who thought that kind of 'pounding music' would be a good idea? Why is it SO LOUD as well?
No, I don't, and anyone with any kind of thinking power or ability to be rational, can't agree, either.
It can't be real, this movie makes THAT option completely impossible. Sorry, but watch it again and look at all the details that speak against the possibility of it being real.
It can't be a dream, either, this movie effectively and completely destroys that possibilty just as well.
The problem with this cringy B-movie is that a lesser viewer easily thinks 'it can be either way' or 'it can be both, he he'..
..but instead of allowing for that kind of viewpoint, the movie DESTROYS BOTH.
Instead of some movies that LET the viewer make up their own mind and let it be either real or fake, depending on whatever you want it to be, THIS particular movie simply destroys, eliminates, kills, murders BOTH POSSIBILITIES.
We are basically shown a lie - something that just can't happen, no matter what you think about real vs. dream - it ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT BE EITHER ONE.
It would be great if it could be one or both, or if you could make up your mind.. it would be great if the movie presented at least one plausible path or something.
But it MAKES SURE there's not even a CRUMB of a possibility remaining on either side.
It can't be a dream, it can't be real, it can't be either one of those. That is this movie's biggest mistake. They tried so hard to make both sides plausible, that they actually ended up making sure NEITHER is.
Sad, but that's how it goes. Not that the story is particularly compelling, even the original novel is better. It's always fun to watch Arnold produce his half-animal grunts and growls, of course, but trying to make any kind of sense of this movie is impossible, because the movie itself does not make any sense.
So, I must sadly inform you that you are ABSOLUTELY wrong. This movie not only does not take a stance, it destroys any possibility for anyone TO take any stance, because neither path is possible.
(I lost net connection here)
Yeah, they TRY to make it 'plausible' by showing that wow, this guy does not care about dinner, because he's SO obsessed at playing this game.
However, in real life, he would NOT have a girlfriend, he would NOT talk to people, he would NOT be able to keep up with the 1980s jean fashions and such, and he would ABSOLUTELY not play a friggin' CRT-screen based arcade game STANDING UP AND OUTSIDE!!
He would be INSIDE his room, munching on chips or whatever crumbs he can find, staring obsessively at the screen, sitting or laying down, and the room would be dark 100% of the time. The little brother would have been hung or scared enough that he does not dare disturb him, and so on and so forth.
Also, the little brother "advising" this 'MASTER OF ALL UNIVERSE' goofball doesn't make sense! It's ridiculous that he LETS him disturb him constantly, and give this INANE, BASIC-LEVEL crap non-advise.. 'shoot the one on the right', 'he is right there', etc.. like SHUT THE F up, idiot, no one that plays on THAT LEVEL needs some little kid saying you should maybe use a spell when you play a mage against a DK in some WoW arena or duel!
GET LOST, kid, what the hell? Why does this goofball ALLOW the kid to do that?
Ah, I forgot - these people have NEVER seen actual trailer park trash, they are not all these smily, friendly, sunny cartoon characters that never say bad things to anyone or think bad things about anyone, and look, cute puppy and kitten in the mailbox, ha ha..
I don't expect an early 1980s movie to show us super realistic take on what it is to climb a WoW or Overwatch ladder to be one of the best players in the world, but COME ON, you could have done so much better, and none of this movie makes ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER!
The script is SO ridiculous, it's exactly as if it was written by a little boy with NO concept of the outside world, let alone understanding of war dynamics or video games, or what it takes to be at elite level, and so on..
"5. Alexander"
Yes. Most Klingon/Worf episodes are dull, boring and full of some kind of primal tribalism-worship that I just can't understand. I have no urge to see Worf growling or telling me some platitude about 'honor' or 'good death'.
Sometimes he can be funny, though, as in 'I am NOT a merry man!', and when he assumes the captain's role because he has a stash, but most of the time, Worf and anything Worf-adjacent is just BORING.
"6. Ro Laren"
I haven't watched that many of her episodes, I suppose, but from what I have seen, I don't get it. I mean, she's not particularly enthralling or visually interesting, but she's far from being HATEable. She's not even annoying, really. She's pretty much OK in my book, nothing special, nothing bad.. just OK.
I don't get your hatred for her, though, there's nothing wrong with the character or the performances. Nothing interesting, either, but to HATE? I don't get it...
I hate The Borg way more than I could ever hate Tasha Yar or Ro Laren. A grey cube filled with gothic emos with rubber headgear and black, rubbery suits. Clumsy and pale.. so boring and cringy compared to what could have been.
I hate the prime directive violations more than I could ever hate almost anything on your list, except Pulaski and Wesley, of course.
Those episodes could not be stupider or cringier.
I hate how easily Picard is persuaded that something is alive, just because it looks like a bipedal entity. The hologram Moriarty is NOT alive. Data is NOT alive. They do not have souls, they are fully mechanical or programmed piles of code and such. There is nothing to make them alive.
Now, if a soul incarnated into Data (like one guy once did!), or into a hologram figure (I vaguely remember something similar having happened), then we'd have something, but as-is, Picard is just too easily convinced that both of these things are alive, and it ALWAYS boils down to the same nihilistic-materialistic-depressionist argument of 'machines'..sigh
"1. The first two seasons"
Surely not fully. Both seasons have something interesting, the show would not have become what it did without them. Especially season two is already much better than the first one, there's nothing wrong with some of the good ones.
So you are wrong here.
"2. Tasha Yar"
How can anyone hate her? There are SO many worse things here, Quinan is about 80 thousand times more annoying in her best days than Tasha Yar at her worst.
Granted, not a very deep or interesting character, and short hair is always cringy (women always try to make it 'look good', but these women still ALWAYS look better with long hair - too bad we never found out), but she's not completely ugly, and she does have interesting, intense eyes.
She's not particularly remarkable, but I can't fathom how anyone could actually HATE her, that's a pretty weird thing to hate compared to about 875 other things in this show.
"3. Pulaski"
Finally something ACTUALLY hateable. Why they thought this angry, masculine karen could replace the compassionate, if slightly weird-faced previous, softer-speaking, more humorous, more smily and feminine doctor, is beyond me.
Also, how ugly is she? Ewww... her voice might be ever so slightly uglier than her face, but the combination just makes me almost vomit, and I have to fast forward or skip her scenes if I possibly can.
This hag is so repulsive in every possible way a hag can be, I guess it's a miracle... I just can't understand the decision to invite THIS THING, of all possibilities, to this show.. it really shocks me and boggles the mind, I would love to know the history behind this. Blackmail or something? Nepotism? Has to be SOME damn thing.
"4. Wesley"
It's shocking, how Mike Stoklasa does NOT hate Wesley. How can anyone not?? They must be partial saints or something.. Just out of curiosity, I would like to know the method, the technique that makes it somehow possible to not hate him.
If you understand how actual space travel works (and not the NASA half-faked (or baked, take your pick) crap), you can realize seatbelts (I think it's one word) are not necessary.
Of course in a show like this, we stupidly get not only SOUNDS in space, but also G-forces in space - I don't know which is stupider.
In a real, actual spaceship, you generate your own gravity (this has to happen in Enterprise as well, though!), so any external gravity does not affect you. This means that no matter which way your ship is going, or how fast or slow acceleration it experiences, that will not affect you in the slightest.
This is also why the so-called UFO ships (I know I am confusing terminology here, but it's so stupid people can understand) can make such sharp, sudden turns and not have everyone inside the ship fly all over the place. No one feels the turns, because they have localized gravity and the energy fields around the ships isolate them from these kind of effects.
Space travel, as shown in this show, would be impossible with people flying around so much inside, when it should really be isolated so things like that would never happen, no matter how much the ship supposedly 'shakes' or whatnot.
Of course in the TV show, there's no proper energy field around the ship that would push asteroids and other things away from the ship, but I guess writers can't think of everything..
I guess seatbelts in this kind of weird form of space travel COULD be useful, but also painful.. then again, they don't have airbags, either..
In this kind of half-futuristic reality, they SHOULD be able to have some kind of 'force field airbags', but as I said, it's hard for a writer to think of everything.
You wouldn't even need any threadmill for the 'horse illusion', all you would need is visual movement around you, and something that slowly bumps you up and down a bit. Like one of those 'bull riding machines', but a bit different.
So, one 'solid energy' is creating such a machine, and then the visual hologram renderers just move the scenery around you in a believable way, as if in a computer/video game or 'virtual reality' type thing, but without the glasses. You are just sitting in place, having the illusion of movement.
Of course adding 'acceleration' and 'deceleration' and G-forces into the mix makes it a bit complicated, but we are never told whether those actually work in holodeck or not.
I don't think even Q could find a way to argue against that.
It's not just children, though, it's ANY kind of 'untrained civilians'.
The implications are STAGGERING, but just to mention one, tiny thing:
The prime directive.
It can't exist if you bring with you untrained civilians, because they would NOT understand such a directive, and would probably fight against it, if it means the 'death of the innocent'.
This means, they might REBEL at any time, they might cause a MUTINY, and then what? You can't keep thousands of people in the brig all the time.
Remember, that is just ONE of the implications.
I mean, this is not a darn CRUISE ship, it's a basically military exploration vessel (or supposed to be, but they almost never end up doing what the intro always promises us, so basically this show lies to us from the get go) with structured military hierarchy, with military terminology and labels and ranks, from captains to number ones to engineers to who knows what.
So they have this super well structured crew with, I assume, lots of rigorous training behind them, and then they bring an ENORMOUS bunch of everyday joes and families, kids and other untrained idiots that don't know what's going on, while they go on dangerous missions and encounter beings like Q... How many people were killed on the first 'The Borg' encounter again? Were those civilian families?
Even IF it could somehow be justified (and I can't even figure out a way to do that, no matter how hard I try), what is the reason or point of it?
Why would they make it so? What compels anyone to include families on this kind of missions, or ANY 'untrained civilians'?
What does ANYONE get out of it, including the families? Aren't there more family-friendly ships they could use? What the heck is this?
What's the point of exploration and adventure, when Q has alredy been there, and thus, there is nothing new to discover?
I mean, if there WAS something amazing, Q would probably have mentioned it or told people about it. Q is just someone watching someone watch a movie.. giggling in the corner, trying so very hard not to spoil the plot.
Q has already seen the movie called 'reality and cultivation', so he could warn Picard and his crew of anything and everything, he could cancel any mistake they happen to make, so he's also a kind of safety net that renders any threat harmless, he could dispose of The Borg completely, so he must have a reason for keeping it around, and so on.
When you think about it, Q REALLY spoils and ruins this whole show, that could have been amazing.. but realizing Q has alredy been everywhere and done everything.. it becomes a bit hard to get excited about any new discovery. It also makes you think ALL OF THE SHOW could be just Q's creation, Q's dream or Q's ANYTHING...
This show begins and ends with Q, and reveals the lack of understanding how much omnipotence can spoil things, and how omnipotence is supposed to work.. how is Quinan ever any kind of threat to Q? Why does Q just TALK about disposing of her instead of actually doing it?
Almost nothing makes sense when you realize the implications of Q and his supposed omnipotence.
This means, you can't really be omnipotent, unless you not only KNOW everything that happens EVERYwhere in ALL of existence ALL the time, but also, unless you ARE everywhere, and you basically FORM all existence out of yourself, because you have to be in every atom simultaneously to be able to know EVERYTHING, and to be able to DO everything.
So, even if you want to argue or debate about it or don't understand it to be true, Omnipotence requires Omniscience that requires Omnipresence. In fact, all three basically require each other. Of course you could make the case that omniscience doesn't necessarily require omnipotence, but I say it's pretty darn impossible to be omniscient without omnipotence... though I can leave this detail to the philosophers.
Suffice to say, Q, being omnipotent, should be omniscient and omnipresent, and should also be able to time travel.
So anything happening to The Enterprise, his favorite toy, OR his favorite creation.. Q should ALWAYS be aware of. He should also be aware of the future of what happens and all of the past that has happened, and be able to go to any point in time to prevent or change something, or he is not omnipotent.
This means that EVERY single episode, where there's ANY kind of 'impossible situation', COULD have either been created by Q, or should be preventable by Q or at the very least, Q should be able to help and solve the whole thing for them.
In fact, the mere existence of Q renders The Enterprise useless - what's the point of physically traveling all over the place, when Q could just upload the mysteries of the Universe into everyone's brain and computers, and everyone could just instantly know everything Q wants them to know?
This kind of thing really bothers me.. they introduce an amazing concept that gets your imagination flowing and energies maxxed out, and then they DULLIFY it by introducing a god damn cardboard box painted grey. What the F..??!
It's also weird, how in many episodes, Q could EASILY have saved them, but somehow 'isn't around'.
It also bothers me that people that write 'omnipotent beings', always neglect to make them 'omniscient'.
The thing about omnipotence that writers don't seem to quite grasp (even in old comics, this is true - anything Beyonder does makes no sense, because he SHOULD ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING).. that it's a TRI-fecta. Always.
You can't have Omnipotence without Omniscience. How can you do 'anything', if you are clueless about the ingredients of Lasagna? You can't make Lasagna unless you know exactly what ingredients are needed, how those ingredients are made, what they should taste like, what amount of each ingredient to put in and how, how gravity affects every layer of that dish, how long it has to be heated to reach the maximum deliciousness AND SO ON and so forth.
If you never even heard of Lasagna, have no idea what it is supposed to look, smell or taste like, how it's usually made and so on, how can you ever create it, even by traditional methods, let alone 'by powers'? You can't!
So you can't be omnipotent unless you know EVERYthing, or there will be things you simply can not do or achieve. If you don't know that there is a galaxy behind some black hole, how are you going to affect anything in that galaxy? You have to not only know the galaxy, but intimately know every single atom and thought that happens in that galaxy, or you are NOT omnipotent.
This brings me to omniPRESENCE.
How can you be omniscient or omnipotent (this is why each component needs the others), if you can't be present EVERYwhere all the time? If you are away from a planet, you can't affect what's going on there, right? So then you are no longer omnipotent.
I thought you were going to say something like..
- Illogical
- Chooses moronic thugs as her partners (Roy)
- Changes her mind more than her socks
- B1tches and whines like a fema-fascist
- Thinks men should be sexless, unless she wants them to be sexy
- Thinks she is a great artist, although she couldn't compete against toddlers (and no one tells her the truth because vag-pass)
- Typically responsibility-shunning, manipulating witch with no mercy
- Self-centered
- Materialistic
- Can hold two opposite opinions simultaneously without seeing anything wrong with it
- Reproduces in an overpopulated horror world
- Plays mind games and takes part in bullying the socially inept (as in Dwight)
- Gives grand speeches that are all about herself (the firewalking scene)
- Thinks women should rule men (the coke and jinx thing)
Yep, she exemplifies what a 'woman' is pretty perfectly, you are right about THAT (and only that) part.
She's not particularly attractive, definitely not cute, her tone is bland, her 'fashion' sense is dull, her voice is naggy, she absolutely has no femininity, and what's natural about that bucketful of make-up?
I would say she is closer to a nightmare hag...
I recommend you either visit Asia and travel around a bit, see the Malaysian air hostesses and Japanese idols, Philippinean ACTUALLY natural beauties, the feminine Thai women and actually fashionable Taiwanese and so on and so forth..
..then come back to look at this 'Pam' character and do some comparisons. Then see if your post holds water whatsoever.
(I can spoil it for ya; no, it doesn't)
The ONLY way anyone could seriously think anything about your post is truthful, is if they have never seen ANY other woman, or have to spend their daily life in the obese lardworld that is called USA.
Didn't you just both answer your own question AND contradict yourself at the same time?
How is an anti-Michael going to be 'qualified' to replace Michael? It's like saying satan would be the perfect, most qualified replacement for The Christ. You are making no sense.
Oscar is an annoying, self-important, humorless douchebag, a pretentious snob-wannabe that thinks he's more valuable than anyone else. His face is ugly, his speaking voice is irritating, his tone is monotone, and he is the most BORING character besides Toby.
How the F would this guy ever replace Michael? He doesn't have Michael's expertise and experience, he doesn't have enough quirkiness, he has no personality to speak of, he doesn't have a big heart the way Michael does.
This guy is all brain and contempt, no warmth or humorous quirks.
Oscar would be the worst guy to replace anyone but some egotistical jerk who doesn't quite understand just how useless and annoying he is.
The only thing more annoying than Oscar is andy bernard.
I thought you were going to say Jim Carrey, because he did appear in one episode.
Replacing Michael Scott or Steven Carell is like replacing Charlie and Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men - it can't be done.
So this movie is a similar thing happening.
Pikachu can't be just the Pikachu we know from the TV show, doing the TV show things, but it/he/whatever has to be a SPECIAL, completely re-engineered version that can talk, goes on an adventure, becomes a detective (of all things - why is this so common? Didn't they do this to the 'Friday' girl from some comedy horror franchise as well?), and so on..
It's like things are NOT allowed to be faithful to the source material, no matter what the source material is like. He talks, make him silent. She doesn't talk, make her talk. He doesn't have a mouth, well, by golly, now he does! He doesn't have lips, well, now he HAS to (even though he is a ROBOT, for crying out loud!)..
The insanity of this 'we have to CRAM and FORCIBLY CONFORM AND FIT this character into our pre-existing, idiot-pleasing formula for maximum profit'-crap never ceases to surprise and anger me, but at least I have this place to vent.
As a sidenote, I ABSOLUTELY hate and abhor this ridiculous hollyweird-mentality that if they make a BIG MOVIE about some character, let's say Garfield or Pikachu, they have to put them in some 'storyline' instead of being faithful to the source material.
I don't think there IS enough material to make a good Garfield movie regardless, but putting him into some kind of 'adventure' or 'he has to find the precious gem from the jungle'-type ridiculous storyline, defeats the purpose of even using the character. They could put just ANYONE in there, and it would be the same gosh-darned movie, same story, etc.
Garfield is a lazy housecat that tortures Nermal and Odie (of course Davis had to tone this down with the success, so investors and such would be appeased appropriately and properly), despises Jon, the hand that feeds him, destroys the furniture, curtains, etc. and eats everything in the house as much as animalistically possible.
There's no real story there, and if you remove him from this environment and this house-laziness, where 'nothing happens', and then put him to star in some adventure story and make him save an Amazonian village or stop some sudden supervillain from taking over the world, you remove what makes him Garfield, and reduce him to 'a lackluster hero of a generic story' that just happens to look like Garfield.
The only true and proper Garfield movie would be a cat being lazy and having no rules, which leads him to be a psychotic, sociopathic, abusive, toxic torturer and to abuse Jon, Lyman, Odie and Nermal to his heart's content. Any 'adventure' happening would be within that framework, as in him trying to not chase mice even though Jon wants him to, and all those spider-related incidences.
A special DID do a 'good job' with the Halloween stuff and so on, but it wasn't a 'true Garfield' scenario, because the essence of Garfield needs the inside of the house and lazy shenanigans on a daily basis, not a generic adventure outside.
..which sounds to a kid a lot like 'hmnnmmnhhm TV ksshkshkhsh technical word blarfblarf hehe, right?'
.. if instead of that, they would actually PRESENT the luxury item _AS_ luxury item, it would be more fair, less frustrating, and it would be possibly actually surprising that the kid STILL chooses the stupid, cheap giraffe.
I mean, why can't they show an 'EXCITING VIDEO' of every single luxury item, how the family would benefit from them, why it's so luxurious, how much fun it would provide, all the abilities it can do and why those abilities are either fun, exciting or ability-adding (as in being able to see more TV shows in better and sharper quality and whatnot)...
..then there would be some kind of interesting factor about this show.
As of now, it's pretty close to EXACTLY like presenting the kid with a grey blob of dirt on the ground, badly lit in the corner of a boring, dull box, then presenting the kid with a brightly-colored toy with 'exciting features' and so on.
Also, the presenters are ignorant, so, very ignorant. 'Remote control home entertainment system' which sounds like 'a boring grey paint can' to a kid... but then they say 'remote-controlled Spitfire plane' - err, WHAT?
Your TELEVISION is remote-controlled! Your GARAGE DOOR is remote-controlled!
A gosh-darned R/C plane is not REMOTE-controlled, it's .... RADIO-CONTROLLED!
The 'R' in 'R/C' does NOT mean 'REMOTE', it means 'RADIO'!
How can these presenters BE this ignorant?
Well, I guess if you think a kid is going to choose a _BADLY_ presented luxury item over a cheap junk toy, much can't be expected of your brain capacity, but come on, couldn't they have researched their terminology a LITTLE bit?!
You were wrong.
I DEFINITELY did not want to see this.
No proper capitalization, horrible grammar, every sigle 'I' that should be uppercase, typed as lowercase..
Who can even START reading something like your ATROCIOUS post? The girl that had been imprisoned for her whole life and didn't even recognize basic words when the cops asked her, would write more coherent posts before she was ever released from that nightmare.
I could probably go to a random country, ask some pre-schooler to write a post and they would most likely write something way more legible than whatever your character vomit is supposed to be.
It's actually quite a miracle to be ABLE to write something so bad that even I can't be ar5ed to even start trying to point out the flaws. It would be faster to TRY to point what is correct about your absolutely HORRENDOUS post, but there probably wouldn't be much of a point.
Congratulations to the school system, your parents, or whoever is responsible for your world's number one garbage post in history. You get 0 out of 1000.