AlbaGuBrath's Replies

I like it to be fair. I think the want for the Joker to be bat sh*t crazy every time will just lead to the same recycled versions and result in some very hammy performances. I think we have a good mix so far! Romero very over the top, Nicholson sorted of a cold but flamboyant character. Ledger unnerving and mysterious and JP damaged and unhinged. Let me try this oot! I told you it was stupid haha!! Thanks for the reply, I take that won’t just pop it in at the top no? I don’t mind the shift in focus for time to time so will def give it a try thanks. Was just worried it would be a one dimensional romantic story but sounds good. Yeah I have watched a chunk of season 1 and yeah there is a lot of.....pleasant exchanges hahah Aww that’s a shame, nothing more frustrating than a good series turning bad. I will give it a go as interested in the uprising history that it starts with. If it goes off after that then I will heed your warning and maybe just stop if i am no longer enjoying it haha That’s good to hear. It’s a very interesting Period in history and the all the politics involved would be a shame if they didn’t explore that but sounds good. I will def look to watch on then. Thanks for the reply Sorry no wasn’t meant! Haha Same with the marvel stuff Wolf of Wall Street Most Tarantino movies. Sorry genuinely didn’t intend to come across that way, while she does put me off I overall still enjoy the show. I was just interested in others take on her But you are right I have stated my thinking and will move on haha I do unfortunately disagree, certainly in this. I never feel anything but hatred towards her even when you are supposed to sympathise with her. I haven’t seen breaking bad so can’t comment on that but I like old gangster Films and you could say the same, the are all ultimately horrible human beings but their is a likeable charm to some of the characters that you can’t help but like! I don’t get that from her for me she just comes across as an arrogant and unlikable even with the whole Ben thing I felt no sympathy for her what so ever. Yep don’t get it! Mob went mental when Jr went off the roof of the boat but seemed to take him getting hit bits blown off pretty well when chucked a bit of money! I get that there was some acceptance that he had done wrong in beating Ruth which prob was taken into account but they took that far too easy I would say! I wonder what they have on the police Sheriff dude? Can’t just be fear? The whole Darlene story is a tad annoying you don’t get any real sense of their “power” and so I don’t see how she gets away with what she does at all, cartel could deal with her in a heartbeat if wanted! I can sympathise somewhat with Marty I think he has a moral compass somewhere and just got too deep and trying to limit what he can. I liked Ben, and while yes his refusal to listen to these around him lead to Wendy leaving him I think she is ultimately reasonable, the second he turned up she should not have allowed him in! Or at very least when got to point where he had to go she could have made him disappear she had the money to do it! But I maybe blame her cause don’t like her haha! I think she liked having him about was cause despite his issues he was the only one who encouraged her and told he she was smarter and better than everyone else I think I am in the minority on this one but I don’t rate her at all and at times puts me off the show. I couldn’t work out if you are meant to like her or not though. I was with the OP in that I just could not take to her at first but thought maybe they were building her up in a way to take over from Helen and we see the void between Marty and her grow as she is desperate for more and more and to get deeper and Marty trying to just stay a float and only be involved in as little as possible and what he knows he can control (to an extent) however I do believe you are meant to like her and admire her as a strong independent character. Unfortunately I don’t, she always comes off to me as a smarmy, selfish, arrogant brat. Much like a stereotypical American cheerleader bully character, with her power stances and bitch stares. The way she does the turn head thing and widens her eyes when makes a point!! Can’t wait till someone pops her back in her place! Haha Ahh ok thank you. Should have read all the threads properly! Appreciated.