MovieChat Forums > thermo
thermo (40)
Arnold looking taller and leaner than usual.
James Woods best performance?
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Is this a good movie?
The logo looks cheap
Has become somewhat lazy
Michael Biehn
Scott Adkins youtube channel is great.
Fighting looks slow?
Did Louis Mandylor try to...
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I wonder if he's still a fan of Putin?
I always marveled how he managed to do that backflip in Last Tango, he had some good core muscles there!
Did you see that neck? Propably HGH.
The only Mel Brooks film i kinda liked was Dracula, and i consider Naked Gun and Airplane! my favourite spoofs. Mel Brooks himself is funny performer but his films as a whole, not so much. Maybe just bits and pieces like the horses whinnig gag in Young Frankenstein and Jesus in HOTW.
Dark Fate flopping must have made some impact in his career choises. What happened to that western series they pitched for Amazon?
Agreed, New Line did a dirty trick trying to get Roman Polanski to direct behind Stanleys back. Maybe they sensed he was too green for such high budget production? Anyways, Frankenheimer was a seasoned pro who was hired to salvage the production for better or worse, Vals protest do not paint a very professional picture about his work ethic...
Kilmer acting like a spoilt brat during filming while Frankenheimer tries to not kick his ass in front of hairy cat people.
The song is by Peter Gabriel, who also composed The Last Temptation of Christ. One of the best film scores ever made.
The editing is all over the place in this scene. I also hate that choppy slow motion, which plagues lots of films that were made around 2000-2009.
Oliver Stone's genius writing elevated the script from being a True Romance part 2 to a social satire/fever dream of the MTV culture. Some people have hard time to sit down and take the film at face value, but it really is pure genius and is still remembered for being uncompromising and shocking.
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