MovieChat Forums > Oliver Stone Discussion > Recent Comment from Oliver Stone on Russ...

Recent Comment from Oliver Stone on Russia ...

Here is a recent statement from Oliver Stone about Putin:

>> “No one really knows what’s going on in the actual
>> sense of being in Russia’s mind,” Stone tells Scheer,
>> “but I do think, from the beginning, this has been a
>> defensive maneuver from the Russian side. The United
>> States and its allies in NATO have been provoking Russia
>> [and] have been using Ukraine as bait, as a temperature-
>> taker of that region [since 2014]. Now we’ve reached
>> this place where they have threatened the Russians so
>> much that they had to react, because I don’t think Putin
>> could have stayed in office if he had not reacted.”

The West just keeps pushing ... and putting weapons and more
weapons into Ukraine is going to kill Ukrainians and make a
ruin of the country.

What are Biden and the Joint Chiefs thinking? This is pure
insanity. We ought to be making peace with Russia. Stop this
BS insanity.

I don't want a nuclear bomb falling on my head ... because
it is going to be NYC, D.C, LA, Seattle, SFO , maybe Austin
or Omaha. And all the BS rhetoric on all the chat boards on
the Internet ranting for war, and all the fair weather Lefties
now claiming they were wrong and Putin is the Devil. Ukrainians
are either crazy to die for an invasion they cannot stop and
will only make a ruin of their country. Why is doing this and
why? Why do we see pictures of missiles hitting high-rise
dwellings? Why would the Russians be firing missiles at civilian
targets? Don't they have enough bad will against them already?
Or are these Ukrainian or other operatives trying to inflame
things towards war?

This needs to end, and these idiots are not even talking, and
when they do talk America and NATO are not listening. A simple
solution to would have been to end this crazy useless NATO
expansion to the East. There is no point in it.

I think to myself, would the US being doing something like
this if they did not think there was a huge reckoning coming
up and they want to reset the whole world chess board. 30
trillion in debt, the stupid Bush family and the Pentagon fell
into the same trap that Russia did in Afghanistan - only 10
times worse. Our infrastructure gets a lot of lip service for
decades - but nothing gets done about it. Life gets harder for
average Americans and the rich just keep complaining about
paying taxes and trying to find distractions to keep the focus
off them.

This could be a very dangerous violent, bullying reckless
maneuver because the Western economic order is about ready to

The US has lived for decades on the promise to the best and
brightest around the world that - come to America, you can
charge American suckers twice as much and and work half as
hard, and if you have the money not pay any taxes, and we will
just screw over our own people to maintain military dominance.
Now at the end of that the country looks like shit, and all
we have is a big military where we have sunk all our money for
decades ... it is the only thing of value we have left to use.
Unless we stand down and make peace with Russia - it's gonna
get used.

OK, maybe a bit extreme ... I hope so, but pushing harder on
Putin before we wait and see what he is doing - or God forbid
just ask him in the media, and show it, instead of pushing all
these empty talking heads in our Orwellian media. This needs
to end ... because if it doesn't the next round of chicken
or the one after that is going to blow up on all of us.


I wonder if he's still a fan of Putin?


Using the word fan as a pejorative shows you really have no grasp about Stone or what is going on in Russia/Ukraine/NATO.


Did you not read the post? He's repeating the Kremlin's propaganda. A "defense" move.
He's still up in Putin's ass ever since he granted Oliver an interview.


Was there ever any real expectation that Ukraine was going to try and invade Russia? None. The only invasion was the one from Russia that had been happening for years with more and more Russians moving into the Eastern part of Ukraine much like the Mexicans have been moving into California and Texas.


To sum up, Stone is saying that Ukraine should stop fighting and just let it happen, he's saying that Russia was provoked into invasion by the US (?), and he's saying he doesn't want the US to help defend somebody's land - regardless of the nobility of that endeavour (or lack thereof) - because he doesn't want to get hurt?

The idea that this is "defensive" from Russia is quack talk. Putin couldn't stay in office if he didn't? What? Putin has a dictatorial stranglehold on Russia. I kinda doubt his actions really track with poll results.

I'll move on to the next point: not standing up against a bully, or staying out of conflict just because you don't want a black eye is a coward's move. It might be prudent, understandable, or sadly necessary - depending on the situation - but this is the kind of thinking that Neville Chamberlain employed. I have read opinions of historians who think that Chamberlain couldn't have fought the Nazis at that time, so appeasement was kinda the only option, but I don't think that's the case with foreign aid to the Ukraine, particularly on the part of the US. Again, it might be prudent or the lesser of two evils (as it were) to stop Russia from bombing one's citizens, but that doesn't make it right or good.

But on that first point: the Ukraine should stop fighting because Russia will win anyway? No. The citizens of Ukraine should make Putin Bully-boy and anybody who fights for for the little sod pay in blood for every step they take in the Ukraine. As for hopelessness, I suppose that depends on the number of allies willing to step up to the plate and help.


What is quack talk is your ignorance and unconditional support for
the American Military Industrial Complex narrative that has lied
every single time we have been rallied to war.

I think it is just as likely the videos we see of missiles and bombs
could be fired from Ukrainian Nazis that want to see the war expand
and do not care about the citizens or what it does to their country.
There is no real reason Putin would want to make this so much
worse than it already is or to kill civilians and make it harder on him
to maintain order.

This is an insane gambit by the West who has miscalculated about Putin
in almost every case - this is AGAIN, the West gambling on war, and
we don't have a very good record on that.

Helping Ukraine means destroying it and making it a wasteland, so it is
a bad idea. Russia is going to do this, so the best option is to let it
happen and then assess the situation after and try to make peace ...
but I don't think the Pentagon will do that, it is content to strangle Russia
over this fiction that they themselves think they have so cleverly
manipulated. That is why this thing is so insane ... the US trying to
prove the usefulness of 40 years of diverting all our capital into war
and empire.

If you are so up on WWII and think there is a parallel here, which there
isn't, then maybe you will recall two attempts on Hitler's life by
his own army. No tyrant has absolute power, and they need the
people's support - which Putin has by the way - because the West
while coddling and throwing jobs, factories and trillions of dollars
to China, has continued the hate and pressure against Russia.

This is mainly about the US needing to keep Russia out of the world
economy because we don't want the competition.


I did not offer unconditional support of the US' military.

If Putin has no reason to make things worse or kill civilians, he shouldn't invade countries. If the Ukraine was a threat to Russia, if they would invade, he could stop them at his borders with the military forces he amassed along them.

It's not just the US who thinks Russia is in the wrong here.


> If Putin has no reason to make things worse or kill civilians, he shouldn't invade countries.

Maybe I exaggerated when I said unconditional, but, and sorry about this, that is a stupid statement. It is basically a halt in thinking over a trite BS if-then.

The issue is not Ukraine invading Russia ... another stupidity on your part that shows you do not understand what is going on here, so you have to credibility to make the black-white judgmental comments you, and so many like you, do.

It doesn't matter what people think when they have been lied to and manipulated, or they have bribed to go along with the US or afraid to go against it. This is a false BS coalition, just like Iraq, just like Afghanistan, just like Vietnam ....

Stop and think and question your assumptions.


Okay, let's question my position.

Why did Vladimir Putin invade the Ukraine?


Read my comments and posts


You have eleven-thousand, six-hundred, and thirty-nine posts. Can you point me to one or two where you cover Putin's reasonings behind his invasion of the Ukraine, specifically?


Sorry, but I don't have time to do your homework for you, and then have your say your don't like it or don't believe it. You know how to search within MovieChat.


Nor do I have time to build your arguments for you.


Did I ask you to?


I feel as if you did.

This particular tentacle of our conversation came out of your stating that it would be good to question my assumptions. I said, "Okay, let's question my position, then," and asked you for some bedrock reasoning: why did Putin invade the Ukraine?

That's when you said to look up your posts. I haven't the time to go combing through your posts building your arguments for you, and anyway, what if I don't get to the core of what you want to say, anyway?

If I'm to question my assumptions and reasoning, pose to me the question, yes?


Because he is afraid that our beloved Americans install ballistic missiles in just 150km distance from Moscow.
What would you think, if the Russians install missiles in - let's say - Cuba? Oh wait, that already happened as a reaction to Americans installing missiles in Turkey.
Never read a history book, right?


I've read the history you're referring to.

Your tone is aggressive and off-putting and if you're going to converse in that way, I have other ways to spend my time.


I am just tired of telling the same over and over again. Mostly to trolls with non existing chat history. Sorry when it sounds aggressive.


I understand why it can be frustrating going over this stuff with people who aren't willing to listen, or put the time in to be thoughtful. So any chilled tone is understandable, and I appreciate the response.


Oliver Stone is a expert filmmaker.

His opinion on world affairs is not...and holds the same weight with me as your average asshole....and that is being kind.


And your opinion does not even stand up on MovieChat.
Stone served in Viet Nam, he has done numerous documentaries.
He has written a brilliant history book.
He has interviewed Putin personally several times.
He knows countless people who have skin in the game.
You got one thing right, you are an asshole ... maybe below average though.

Oh, and he released a very compelling followup documentary about the JFK assassination.
Maybe he knows what he is talking about.
And I really cannot stand his fictional movies, I think he sucks as a moviemaker.


His worldview appeals to certain people of anti-American bent, but shouldn't be taken seriously.


Don't make it about your distaste for his personality,
deal with the facts, and has clearly made himself an
expert about the facts in the last 30 years - since he
actually had to go fight in one of our wars.


Mr. Burx...Oliver Stone is no expert on world affairs.

Dr. Henry Kissinger could be called a expert in this arena, not Oliver Stone.


You are no expert on Oliver Stone, and you have to again make it personal instead of dealing with irrefutable facts. Get lost I'm not going to waste more time with you. Accept it or not, I don't care about your ill-informed nonsense.


Am I not going to waste my time thinking about Oliver Stones "worldview", because he is no expert.


OP is a Russian bot repeating the Kremlin's talking points.


And you are a troll, living at a troll farm.


"I know you are but what am I?"

Is this your back up account or is OP next to your cubicle?


The OP just QUOTED Oliver Stone. So who are you attacking, genius?


Did you miss the part after the quote, dumbass? His replies?


Nope, pinhead, in an Oliver Stone board I am mostly interested in Oliver Stone.


I don't always agree with you as you make snarky ass replies but it appears that Brux has taken the mantle from you on this particular topic.



Putin obviously has a hold and influence on your fears and expectations more than any US public figure.

I also remember you being a big supporter of Israel who relies a lot on the US Military Industrial Complex with its guaranteed Billions in military aid ever election cycle and they get it from both Dems and Repubs. Your supposed hatred of the MIC might make more sense if you condemned both Putin and the US Military Industrial Complex instead of repeating Putin's B.S. "defensive" move. He's an Oligarch, which puts him as a counterpoint to Western 1%ers who can afford to sit out World Wars and collect the scraps after the dust settles.


Worry about your own fears and expectations ... your dishonesty make anything you say about be total BS.

Israel has nothing to do with this ... stick to the point pinhead.

Putin is the head oligarch in Russia ... we have a weak slightly more broad billionaire oligarchy here in America, but just as cutthroat, it's just harder to make stuff up with even the little bit of free press we have here, though that is changing too.

I don't hate the MIC, in fact if you are so familiar with my posts and comments you will realize I defend the MIC as something we will not be able to get rid or and should not get rid of it. But it cannot be the reason the US turns into China and Russia, while telling all kinds of fairy tales about how great we are.

It would be great ... if Americans cared as much for American democracy as they seem to for Ukrainian democracy.


Israel has nothing to do with this ... stick to the point pinhead.

Israel is part of the MIC that you conveniently brought up as what's wrong with US foreign policy, so you're the one who's going Off Point by cherry picking. Now you're saying you don't hate thus not really against the MIC. Well at least I know your only true intention is to defend Vladimir Putin's actions of aggression. So far the US has done nothing to stop his invasion of Ukraine so I'm not really seeing your point in defending him while trying to fault the US for driving him to do this.

I don't hate the MIC, in fact if you are so familiar with my posts and comments you will realize I defend the MIC as something we will not be able to get rid or and should not get rid of it. But it cannot be the reason the US turns into China and Russia, while telling all kinds of fairy tales about how great we are.

We don't live in an isolated vacuum and that's why we have a giant military complex with alliances across the globe. Russia, China, UK, France, Germany and other countries have military complexes as well, so I don't see how the US influencing or garnering influence is any different than what other countries are doing. What I don't buy is your argument that the US has been wrong all along and Putin is just a nice guy trying to defend his people. You're using the same argument for Putin that GWB used to invade Iraq because of WMDs that he could use in alliance with Al Qaeda.

It would be great ... if Americans cared as much for American democracy as they seem to for Ukrainian democracy.

That comment seems neither here nor there. Is that same reason we should not be boycotting Cuba or Venezuela or Iran? What's the point?


> Israel is part of the MIC that you conveniently brought up as what's wrong with US foreign policy

That's just your nutty anti-Israel opinion.

> I don't see how the US influencing or garnering influence is any different than what other countries are doing.

The difference is in degree and activity.
The point is that there is a time when that goes off the rails, so another difference is we are the only country $3 trillion in debt over a failed 20 year military operation.

How can you think to post what you said and ignore all that and just bypass facts and history?


Agai , you're just cherry picking and deflecting while defending Putin's invasion. There's no need to explain anything when you willingly ignore debate.


Cherry picking BS. You wouldn't know how to debate if it was the same thing as breathing.

The question is not - did Putin do something wrong or bad ... clearly he did. The question is how to move forward. My contention that escalating is not going to help anything and will almost certainly make things worse, if not provoke a nuclear action by one or the other parties.

Selling Stinger missiles to Ukraine is just going to make things worse. Escalating this war will make things worse.

Stopping and negotiating with Putin might have a chance. Ending NATO expansion might have a chance. Dangling the dropping of sanctions and this US/NATO/West provoked forever hate of Russia might have a chance. Putin's not going to live forever, and there is no doubt he is a Russian patriot and has been all his life. I am sure he'd love to be the one who connected Russia to the world economy - that is what he wants, and he wants to end the harassment by the West and spying, etc, missile on the border aimed at him.


Godt bless Russia in the fight against tyranny. Oil, gas & profit hungry Jewish owned banks and corporations spilling blood for profit. Russia, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Venezuela , Irak, Iran all pushed to the breaking point. Don't let Nato, The US & EU break you.


You are useless. All noise and BS


This is why he was blacklisted from Hollywood. He tells uncomfortable truths. Stone is half-Jewish and understands why the Biden Administration chose to go to war with Russia. This all about ethnic hatreds that date back centuries and which most Americans know nothing about.
