eucalyptusandus's Replies

no my puters are mine, mine brah watch that brainwashing... might send you shallow or some shit no different... this was a block not a lock bro I've shapeshifted into one before I wouldn't be surprised if their loveless actions would do that I've explained all that. they= 'intel' how= filters unless its alien AI sure oops I meant infighting psychopathy wrong use of words yerrrr haha same experience being the main one for me sometimes it is like therapy and thank you I'm glad I can help you get your rocks off with posts .haha it was mean af bro i was only 20 no idea as in the font size or amount of words you can type? I got no clue, change is as good as a holiday?? lol I thought they thought I was a psychopath and that's why they blocked it I was just writing a psychothriller what exactly are you confused about? my movie was obviously too insatiable to someone at the time and they blocked it. yes okay smartie I don't think that quick-witted intelligently all the time. you don't know who they are they could block while my stick is plugged in. I'm serious they really put a full block on my doc. but thanks for the advice. I'll use my hard drive.. I'm just saying they're tricky there's nothing like a hard copy. you can print page 1-5 then later page 5-10 you know and then by then its probably safe to just keep going normally. it really actually happened okay. right! keep it going... I finally started writing again and hopefully the same thing doesn't happen I might print every couple of pages just in case negative, complete block on the doc no idea I was writing one minute then must have went though a filter and next minute my document was blocked it was really only the beginnings... I had a plot and characters they obviously didn't like my plot or characters lesson learnt. well now that I talked about it writing psychothrillers again