telmarine's Replies

I hate to agree but you might be right. Both Endgame and IW has a nearly identical third weekend box office $62-63 million. So assuming Endgame grosses our similar to Infinity War, then it has roughly another $110 million left to gross (this is what IW gross after its third weekend). So it has to find another $190 million worldwide in the rest of its run. It only grossed $100 worldwide this past weekend and will probably gross half of that next weekend. I didn’t know she would die. I was rather shocked. The fact that Endgame is having such huge drops and still able to maintain a #1 box office after all these weeks is incredible. Just shows how astronomical it’s opening weekend was. Yea we will see how Marvel moves forward without granddaddy Stan Lee and the Russo bros. It does seem strange that Spider-Man is considered the end of Phase 3. But we haven’t seen the movie yet, so we don’t know why this is the case. I agree. This was more sad than Tony passing away in the end. IMO the saddest moment in the film. I forgot about the Ancient One not being able to see the future after her death. That clears what I thought was originally a plot hole; I originally thought “why can’t she see the same thing?” Thanks for clearing that up for me. I also thought Ant Man played an outsized influence in comparison to my impression of him as a smaller scale hero within the MCU. not that I’m complaining. It’s great to see him rise to the challenge. It was refreshing. Captain Marvel was awesome. I wanted to see more of her also, but they were trying to cover as much of the original characters as possibly before their story arc ends, so I understand their decision to limit her appearances. Thanks for the answer. I guess maybe that makes sense then that Shang Chi will be a future Marvel film. I know diversity is important to Marvel, but an ethnic Chinese superhero can’t hurt either. I know that there is a fine line between releasing in China as a foreign release vs a co-production/domestic release. I heard that Chinese themed films can bypass the foreign quota and reap a larger percentage of profits when its release as a co-production. I can see Marvel and Disney salivating as we speak. It would pass as pandering if Marvel wasn’t set on diversifying it’s lineup anyway. Smart move. True (by population), but I don’t think India will be there anytime soon. China’s government believes in soft power through promoting its culture and values, so it’s government has been footing the cost of theater expansions in the country. They regularly release propaganda films in its theaters because of it. That’s why China will eventually eclipse the US in a few years. I see no such effort from India. Well it looks like Captain Marvel passed Wonder Woman domestically it’s still #2 at the box office so it still got some legs to it. CM definitely overperforming, at least if we look at Queens benchmark. I thought it was well done. Sorry you don’t agree. I hope you feel the same way about Thor and Ironman because they have their own moments of cockiness throughout the films.. on multiple occasions. Nothing wrong with a confident hero. I thought he was strangely sexy. No I’m not a weirdo. Your review sucks sorry. But everyone is entitled to their opinion. Sorry you didn’t like it. But the public has spoken. Most don’t agree with you. But it would be a boring place if everyone agreed I guess. I always had a fantasy that one day Michelle would get spoiled and then Danny would pull out the belt and smack her a few times lol Same here. I was actually disappointed that I didn’t feel like crying at the end. But I almost did during the Hawkeye/Black Widow scene too. Very well done there. Thanks for that detailed explanation. Haven’t played Fortnite although I always hear about it. I appreciate the context. I’m not sure that this is possible. Or it’s less than 50% likely. Yes, there are a record number of screens that this is available, but let’s not forget that the length of the film is hindering it some. There are a lesser number of showings per screen due to the length. So all of the extra showings at 1am, 2:30am etc are only serving to bring the daily number of screening per theater back up to the average. I still think they it will beat Infinity War, but I am expecting somewhere around $260-275 million opening weekend (which is still impressive). So yea I guess we agree that this may fall short. Thanks for the advice. I’ll rewatch. I have another Endgame ticket purchased for Sunday lol