MovieChat Forums > Befus > Replies
Befus's Replies
I maintain a local country cemetery. After years of using cheap mowers that I had to replace every few years I finally convinced myself to buy a nice one. It's pretty sweet.
I thought that was kind of dumb too, but I just figured movie logic. I suppose it could have been that she wasn't quite drowned yet, but had just given up and started to pass out. Then the sudden violence of the gravity coming back jolted her awake and she made one last attempt to save herself.
An eXmark radius ztr mower.
No such thing as "white privilege".
Betters huh? I had it and was over it in a matter of days with no vaccine or treatment of any kind. My vaccinated aunt got it and was in the hospital for a month. Similar story with practically everyone I know.
Yes. Columbus was a great man.
If you're born a woman you'll die a woman. If you're born a man you'll die a man. No matter how much you mangle your body along the way.
Surprise surprise, another Hollywood retard that thinks he's a woman.
Yep. Art is not really about art anymore.
Truth is often unpleasant.
That is some serious mental acrobatics. Murder is the unjustified killing of a human life. Someone not donating their organs to a dying man might be a cold thing to do, but it's not murder. It's the organ failure that's killing the patient, not the person who doesn't donate.
I like same old same old.
No. And that is a ridiculous comparison.
You do know not liking what someone says doesn't make them a puppet right?
Because I just watched the movie, enjoyed it, then came here to see if anyone was talking about it. I see this stupid post. I hate stupid posts. I suggest the stupid poster do us all a favor.
People tend to care about murder.
Off yourself.
Seems the vaccinated have a rougher go of it than the unvaccinated.
I'm not vaccinated nor are most of my friends. No masks either, no point. According to all the info I can find it seems the only people who get it bad are those who are already unhealthy. I agree with you on the hand washing though. I was taught when I was a kid to always wash up before eating, after handling money, after using the restroom etc. etc. It's such a simple thing that prevents so much.