Chris Rock Says He Has COVID-19, Encourages Vaccinations
Yes indeed.
Drink from my cup, it's full of holes.
What he fails to mention was that he was vaccinated prior to this. Maybe hoping people forgot...?
shareI don't think these creeps give a crap anymore. The vaccine regime does not care - the army of drones does not care.
shareNo they don't forget, you forget, that a vaccinated person can still be contagious, for a lesser period of time - like a few days; and that a vaccinated person can still get Covid-19 - albeit a much lesser chance of a very bad case of Covid-19 where one would have to go to the hospital or risk offs of death; and finally that a vaccinated person who contacts Covid-19 anyway has a negligible chance of having their Covid-19 bout turn into Long Covid.
So, maybe you should find out the real facts and distribute them instead of your Right-wing anti-vax smart remarks.
Very few "right wing" people are anti-vaxx, myself included. The ones who are are unfortunately very vocal about this.
Other than my oldest brother, everyone in my (conservative) family is vaccinated as are all our friends. What conservatives are against are mandates that science doesn't support.
Let's not forget that there is a political element involved. When Trump instituted Warp Speed to assist pharmaceutical companies in any way possible to get vaccines developed, it was the leftists who were calling vaccines "Trump's poison". Both sides have their share of partisan loons.
I hope he's okay!
Not just because he's funny and I like him, and not just because I know what COVID can do to a human body, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone who wasn't pure evil... but because if he says "I was horribly sick, and I survived BECAUSE I WAS VACCINATED", then he'll convince others to get vaccinated, too.
Because that's the truth of vaccination right now. It doesn't stop you from catching the disease, not entirely, but it does keep the disease from killing you.
But weren't we supposed to vaccinating in order to save grandma and grandpa who had medical exemption?
shareWe're supposed to be vaccinating, cleaning our hands, covering our faces, avoiding crowds, and having some common fucking sense, to save both ourselves and everyone around us.
It's a question of personal responsibility.
Stop being a tool, son.
You see anyone wear a mask here?
Same goes for the politicians. The rules are for the pawns and tools - stop being a tool.
The anti-vax anti-mask politicians are all vaccinated, just so you know. Some of them have said so, when they were exposed to the virus or tested positive. They're perfectly willing to throw away the lives of the pawns and tools who are dumb enough to believe all their anti-science lies, but not their own.
No, this really is a matter of PERSONAL RESPONSIBLITY, each and every person needs to do what they can to save everyone near them from an illness that can range from asymptomatic carrier to nasty to deadly. If you wash your hands, cover your face, avoid too-close contact, and get vaccinated, the life you save may be your own, or it may be someone you love, or someone you turn out to need.
You are clearly a troll.
No, I'm someone who understands the science of transmission and who's seen the effects of the disease.
You, on the other hand, are clearly a troll.
I can only hope you will not leave your home until this virus is completely eradicated. You can save so many lives!
shareCome visit me at my addresss, first thing I'll do is spit in your face you pathetic piece of shit.
shareI hereby crown you king of the anti-science trolls!
Otter, why do you waste time with an idiot flat earthe like that?
There is 7 billion people. If some assholes no vax get culled, why should we worry?
You believe the "science" of LIEberals?
97% of so-called scientists can be bought just as easily as politicians.
"having some common fucking sense"
well said Otter , ignore that tool , you'llk never get throught to him ,he's too far gone
I had it and it was no worse than a cold. Same story with everyone I know that's had it.
It's a wierdly random disease, nobody's ever seen anything like it. Some people have no symptoms, some have a mild-to-horrible flu, some are desperately short of breath for weeks or months, some go into multiple organ failure and die. And nobody in medical science has any idea why the symptoms vary so much, or who's going to get the short end of the COVID stick.
Don't take chances with this one, just do everything reasonable to avoid catching or spreading it. Wash your hands like you just chopped up jalapenos and need to take our your contacts, cover your face in public, avoid crowds and close proximity with strangers, and for fuck's sake, get vaccinated. REMEMBER, THERE IS NO CURE, THERE'S ONLY PREVENTION.
I'm not vaccinated nor are most of my friends. No masks either, no point. According to all the info I can find it seems the only people who get it bad are those who are already unhealthy. I agree with you on the hand washing though. I was taught when I was a kid to always wash up before eating, after handling money, after using the restroom etc. etc. It's such a simple thing that prevents so much.
shareThat may have been largely true last year, but now adults in the prime of life are dying, adults who were in reasonable health. Kids, too, but I don't have anything to do with pediatrics, but last year kids under 15 were largely spared, but now they're getting sick and a few have died.
If you're in an area with low rates you might get away with being foolish, but this disease is so weirdly random that you never know who's going to get away scot-free and who's going to die in their prime.
Funny guy. Hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.
shareThe vaccine doesn’t make you immune to covid. It prevents most people from getting deathly ill with covid disease. The vaccine helps the body fight off the virus, but it’s not a magic force field of immunity.
The whole point of covid vaccines is keep the maximum number of people out of the hospital. So then there will be enough ventilators, beds, staff, remdevisir, etc to help the rare cases where a frail person gets a breakthrough infection that is life threatening.
Also if you catch covid after vaccination, your body sheds less viral load. The vaccine is producing antibodies to attack the covid virus, so it doesn’t multiply in your respiratory tract and trigger coughs of covid-filled phlegm that shoots into the air around you.
I really don’t understand why people are not grasping this.
That's not what I heard. I read recently that there is no appreciable difference in viral loads between vaxxed and unvaxxed.
Keep in mind, Chris Rock got the J&J vaccine. It's not as effective as Phizer and Moderna!!! And no I didn't read the article you posted, don't have time sorry.
shareAlso, not getting sick with covid means less symptoms that can transmit covid to others: less sneezing, less coughing, less phlegm expulsion, less snot droplets.
shareBest wishes to him, he's a funny sob
shareFact is that if you catch covid and aren't vaccinated you have a far greater chance of needing to be hospitalized and if dying than if you are vaccinated.
Remember when the idiots were saying that covid was just the flu? If you are vaccinated, it is far less than the flu.
"Remember when you idiots were saying that covid was just the flu?"
Why are you saying this to me? I never said that. In fact, I said the opposite since the start. And I was vaccinated as soon as humanly possible.
Sorry for assuming. I misinterpreted the intent of your subject line. I edited my comment.