Flybynight45's Replies

The whole concept didn't make any sense. It is clear Raimi did not closely follow the events of DS1 and Wandavision. The whole point of her two children, was that they are imaginary children fathered by her love interest, the Android vision. You mean to tell me that in some multiverse, sex with a robot can produce two normal human children? Why couldn't Wanda just have new children with a different father? why couldn't Wanda make a new imaginary universe like she did in Wandavision? While stuck inside the giant earthworm, Han gets the heebie jeebies and decides to test his location by firing a laser blast on the ground causing the "cave" to earthquake. But when flying into the worms mouth wouldn't the heat from the engine of the Millenium Falcon do the same thing? Shouldn't it have been spitting out the falcon? if heat hurts it, shouldn't the worm be kind of happy the falcon is leaving? Where do these bats come from? Wouldn't the worm digest the bats too? Than it's not a switcheroo. than you fantasized about boys too in High school. That's a Contradiction. Either they are gay and hiding it or they aren't. But you don't chase after girls and fantasize towards women and than at 19 just magically switcheroo. I call that nonsense. I wouldn't call it bullshit. Straight men will not watch a TV show with gay men, usually. No ratings equals no show. There's a big difference between "coming out" and actually being gay. Xander wasn't hiding anything. he was actually a straight male. He had a crush on Buffy, was in love with Willow as a friend and also dated Cordelia. At no time do we ever see Xander fantasize about a gay relationship. He is is straight. The same was true for Willow. She dated Oz and was in love with Xander. You don't flip sexualities at age 19. This show made no sense. I actually met SMG once. Give me 1 specific example in the Avengers movie that required some thought involved. Call me old fashioned, but I like a story. I like well developed characters. I like watching good acting on screen with a range of emotions. These movies are just simple ABC formula films where every event is predictable and the dialogue serves to simply move across the scenes to the next CGI diarrhea scene. The plot of the Avengers can really be described in a paragraph or two, as can most of the marvel movies. The intelligent thought involved from making these movies was simply carried from the original comic book creators who developed the origins and core ideas behind the characters. And as such, these movies are better than some action movies that don't even have that. But don't be confused into thinking these are good movies. Really? You give all these mediocre movies such great scores? Are you only comparing them to comic book dreck like Catwoman and Superman 4? How would you compare Avengers with movies like Casablanca or the Godfather? This was never formally mentioned in the film and I don't think the book (years since I read it) but I get the impression that the town had been visited by "rambos" in the past. Drifters and army vets who are unemployed and had caused trouble in the town before. That's why Teasle says "we don't want guys like you". Likely, Rambo had no money on him, how was he going to pay for the food? Teasle was reading between the lines. I didn't like Galt either. But Im sure Galt was way more reasonable around teasle and respected his authority. Teasle was reacting to the death of his friend. He was very close to Galt. Over time, he became to empathize more with Rambo but also felt the need to do his duty. Teasle is handled very well in the movie. I don't know of any women who protested this film back then. Most of the women I know who have seen this movie really like it. So I got to go by that. Well if it makes you feel any better..LOL People don't universally hate this movie, there's a small band of very vocal people who hate on it. Box office was the top in the franchise (After Deadpool) Critical reviews, Roger Ebert gave it a thumbs up. It's not hated by everyone. But my points about why it is overrated have never been addressed. I'm not talking about this lone thread either. I'm talking about X2's many problems that have never been referenced. And yes Avengers is very overrated but that has nothing to do with why X2 is overrated. I'm not angry. And I am not in the deep minority. I may be in the deep minority of fans of marvel that though AH was a great character. But I am not in a deep minority who feel that Disney has pushed their political agenda way way too far. We aren't right wing zealots. We simply want to see our characters portrayed closer to what they were in the comics. If the characters are changed, let it be for the good of the storyline. And you're right it's not just Disney, it's all of hollywood pushing their agendas on us. She doesnt put on a costume but she has most definitely fought super villains in her role of Franklins Nanny. Totally misused her.