MovieChat Forums > gtmufc > Replies

gtmufc's Replies

Most of the time yes but some things might not have been able to be avoided (such as a simple plane ride), or coming across someone who needed help! I think David might have been happy to be the Hulk if he could control it (like the switch of a button)... but he had no control over it! I understand why he'd rather be rid of him, when you consider he couldn't ever have a nightmare without transforming and smashing up the place! I'd be scared to ever go to sleep again! Speak for yourself man. Brit here who LOVES it... Dude, this movie was set in the 1980s, and made in the 1990s. Lots of shit went on in the 1980s that people didn't bat an eyelid to. And when stuff was found out, it got covered up. Nowadays, yes, what Robbie did wouldn't be allowed... even though I'm not saying Robbie was a bad person for doing that... he clearly was just having a joke and not actually trying to seriously flirt with a 13-year-old. It was just a different time. In a way, today's pedo-phobic society have taken the innocence out of everything that was just that, innocent. Even though it's good that predators in 2021 can't get away with things so easily, and things aren't hushed up like they used to be (and I'm not saying I would go back, no way)... it's a shame we can't ever just see things that are innocent for what they are anymore. Haha, thing is, I'm not even making fun of people. I'm just telling it like it is. Making fun of people won't do any good (as tempting as it is), it just makes them retreat into their cave further. Truth is you can't argue with Covid deniers, climate deniers, and people who think they know better than science etc. They believe those things because they WANT to believe those things. And that is because it keeps them from feeling any responsibility for things they're doing that might be contributing to a worldwide issue... it's much easier to live in a fantasy world where these things just don't exist. I mean, let's be honest, from a totally selfish point of view, Covid sucks. It sucks that we can't do all the things right now that we once loved. Having big gatherings, not having to wear these ugly masks around our friends. So instead of taking responsibility and making sacrifices like everyone else is doing, they go into a state of denial... problem solved! No amount of science is going to make them think differently unfortunately, because it isn't about that. Maybe if they have a serious case of it, or there's a death in the family... that's the only thing that could possibly change their minds. Until then, it's fingers in ears time. For those idiots who say it is no different to the yearly flu... ask yourselves... Tell me when was the last time two major world leaders (Donald Trump and Boris Johnson) were hospitalized in the SAME year due to 'a little flu?' With the latter very nearly losing his life... That says it all to me. PLUS both of them were Covid deniers... Boris changed his tune since almost dying... Trump not so much. Jay was definitely a classic example of an insecure little boy who puts on a front and is desperate to prove himself to his mates, to make himself feel better! Two scenes that really point this out is the scene in 'Will's Birthday' when Carly talks to him while he is outside the toilets waiting for Simon, and he goes all shy and awkward (completely the opposite of what he makes himself out to be)... as well as the scene in 'Xmas Party' where he finds a connection with John and starts to open up to him (before he goes and reverts back to his normal self!) As a Brit, I thought he had an Australian accent... but I know you Americans never can tell the difference! Before the basketball game as well (and I'm explaining this from memory), he said 'Showtime' in a slight Mrs. Doubtfire-type voice, which is the exact same thing he said in Mrs. Doubtfire when he hung up the phone with his wife (when he plans to create Mrs. Doubtfire). I would imagine them to be moderate Republicans, the type that would have voted for Bush/McCain but definitely NOT Trump. Those were the good old days when the Republican Party still had an ounce of decency within them... when both sides could majorly disagree but still have some respect for one another! Just so you realise, no one can HELP being homosexual... you're born that way. So whether you 'shouldn't be homosexual' is irrelevant... there's a difference though between being homosexual and actually committing homosexual acts. I'm not religious, but my mum is, and she believes it is the act that is a sin, she knows that being gay can't be helped and that it is just simply a result of "imperfection". What about those who have summer at Christmas, like Australians, South Africans etc? :P What do you expect from people who elected Trump? 55 Doc would most definitely have passed out, considering he did exactly that after seeing Marty return again so soon at the end of BTTF 2! 85 Doc probably knew this which was why he was trying to skulk away! Yep, this has been said so many times before! I just accept it as part of the fact it is a bit of fun, and the movies were not supposed to be taken seriously! However, if time travel was a real life thing, Marty, Jennifer, Doc and Einstein should have simply disappeared completely, in fact, after about a week or so (in 1985), they would have been on the news for their mysterious disappearance and remembered in history! This is just one reason why time travel would never become legal even if it was real, because people would simply vanish for years when travelling to the future, and families would grieve for them (even if they knew where they'd gone and said goodbye), as well as people going into the past and using time travel for bad deeds! Ah okay, nah they run back to back here in the UK on ITV2, and on FOX too! :) No... English, why? Brian changed a lot from the early episodes... he was meant to be all wise and sensible, and he was pretty damn likable, but turned into a super arrogant douchebag over time. American Dad is something I grit my teeth and bear when waiting for Family Guy to come on. Nah, I mean there are a few decent episodes but I find most of the characters way too OTT and annoying... especially Roger (is he supposed to be funny?) I find the humour mostly stupid rather than Family Guy which is a lot more clever, and the characters in Family Guy have more meaning, rather than just being clowns. Favourite character is probably Hayley as she's pretty normal, I could see her as a character in Family Guy. This thread is hilarious... although if we're going to talk about this seriously... I think David by that point was just determined to get to the art gallery after being excited about the phone call... so thought 'Fcuk it, hurry up and get washed... we need to GO!' :D Lol! Definitely what overwatch17 said... :D