AhmadSumadi's Replies

I’m an avid TV watcher and, before Bourdain’s death, I’d never heard of her. But why do we so often ignore the fact that many women are molestors as well? I get that. But I also watch a ton of true crime and the victim usually has the perp’s DNA under their nails from fighting for their lives. The mom knew the knife was coming and didn’t make a single attempt to defend herself. Then the son doesn’t shot the girl who stabbed his mother to death. It’s more maddening than it is scary. Even though this film has Christina Hendricks first was better. I just past that part and I’m gonna finish but I absolutely agree! I was so pissed because of this. The mom just took the stabbing from a girl half her size. There were 2 of them with a becy of objects near that they could’ve grabbed and the just ran to the bathroom. Supreme nonsense! That’s what I’m saying. They preach personal responsibility but want God to fix everything for them. The irony of it all. He’s extreme to say the least. He strikes me as one of these “personal responsibility” types who thinks they can get on their knees and beg a celestial being to fix everything for them. Seems like there’s no possible way to get Juggernaut right. Maybe have “The Mountain” from Game Of Thrones play how since he’s the only human that size lol. Lost interest in zombies a while ago. This film is quite refreshing. Can’t believe there are any people left who support this man. Many are hoping he sees jail time before he dies but I’m hoping he dies ASAP. Suspension of disbelief has to be heightened for this film but if this were the case I bet we as humans would find ways to survive. My biggest takeaway from this film is that children will always be little a-holes no matter the situation lol. I hope KFC sticks around. I’ve been on a KFC grilled chicken diet and have lost 15 lbs in 2 and a half weeks. Didn’t think it would work but it has been.